
“The way to control population is not through stealth or through forcing people to get sterilized.

It’s by empowering women, building economies.

Rich countries have zero population growth.
Countries where women have job opportunities have zero population growth.

And, that’s how to achieve population control.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Sperm counts worldwide have plunged 62%
in under 50 years, Israeli-led study finds

Finding is bad news for fertility and men’s health, says co-author Prof. Hagai Levine, adding that if the decline continues, it ‘could threaten humankind’s survival.’

‎The Times of Israel

Demographic WINTER
the decline of the human family (Full Movie)
‎Candlelight Media

Count Down
How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race

Book by Shanna Swan, PhD, with Stacey Colino, 2021

In the tradition of Silent Spring and The Sixth Extinction, an urgent, meticulously researched, and groundbreaking book about the ways in which chemicals in the modern environment are changing human sexuality and endangering fertility on a vast scale.

Related at After Skool

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
The Corbett Report

Are we actually facing a depopulation bomb? Reviewing the actual science on population can be an eye opener.

Vol.4 No.10, October 2017
HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya
Raises Concern in the Developing World
Scientific Research
An Academic Publisher

Were these anti-tetanus shots actually birth control?

The Club Of Rome’s Plan
For Mass Human Depopulation

“At the heart of Agenda 2030 are the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). These SDGs, if implemented successfully, can only result in the depopulation of humanity.

The goals include: reducing consumption, limiting and eventually ending the use of fossil fuels (the lifeblood of human civilization today), promoting LGBTI sexual orientations (these people most likely will not or cannot have children of their own, an implicit form of birth control), and establishing a world socialist state (socialism has killed more people over the last 100 years than all of the major wars in the same time span).

The United Nations and associated organizations are proceeding full steam ahead with the implementation of this agenda.”

Thomas Hicks


Bioethics and the New Eugenics
Corbett Report Extras

A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control

Did the concept of “eugenics” change to the more acceptible idea of “birth control”? Did the American Eugenics Society get replaced by the Population Council which then evolved into Planned Parenthood?

Are these eugenicists just fine with mass involuntary fertility control? But, they want to be able to have big families themselves?

Are frogs having gender and breeding problems due to the pesticide Atrazine? Could Atrazine have anything to do with the explosion of gender dysphoria and gender fluidity that is being experienced by today’s kids? Or, is a psyop being directed at our kids which benefits the medical industry? Or, is the real goal to have a population that aren’t having babies? Or, is the normalization of transgenderism a way to ultimately normalize transhumanism?

The Depopulation Bomb
A Halloween Sci-Fi Tale

U.S. Life Expectancy Drops for Third Consecutive Year
Largely Due to Alcoholism, Drugs and Suicide
National Review

This next article discusses the childlessness of big cities… and various explanations for that. They left out any discussion of the intense influx of wireless signals these days… which may be a problem. And, they omitted any discussion of the huge number of medical drugs used these days. This article focuses instead on sexless behavior in Japan.

The Future of the City Is Childless
The Atlantic

The Japanese men who prefer virtual girlfriends to sex

“A survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2010 found 36% of Japanese males aged 16 to 19 had no interest in sex – a figure that had doubled in the space of two years.

I met two otaku, who believe themselves to be in relationships with virtual girlfriends.”

Anita Rani


The propaganda released upon us to get us to wish for depopulation.
Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill
The Corbett Report

Whom Do You Trust?

“the world population, in the west most of all, is actually in decline. Far from exploding beyond the Earth’s capacity, people are barely having enough children to keep the current population stable…

A reduced population completely dependent on limited energy sources might be easier to dominate. But I have another theory – they are psychopaths looking for a socially justifiable way to kill as many people as possible. Why? because they enjoy it.”

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
