
“Liberty is meaningless
where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions
has ceased to exist.

That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants.
It is the right which they first of all strike down.
They know its power.”

Frederick Douglass

global memewar
the time to stand against censorship, suppression,
and surveillance is now

bad cattitude

the censorship and surveillance state flexes
france arrests telegram CEO for failing to help them spy on customers
bad cattitude

LADPH Prevails in First Amendment Lawsuit
Judge Has No Idea How Politics Works
‘LA County now has free rein
to censor any American who criticizes it’

California Globe

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey
LADPH: Los Angeles County Department of Health

10 Social Media Posts That Will Now
Get You Arrested In Britain
The Babylon Bee

English Grandmother Arrested
for “Light and Sweet” Tea Preference,
Accused of Bigotry

Related news links listed.

The Patriot Act on steroids
D.C. Uniparty wants to use anti-TikTok legislation as
Trojan horse for censorship and surveillance

Beltway lawmakers are setting up a smokescreen to curtail rights.

The Dossier

Beware of the Restrict Act
Patriot Act for the Internet on Steroids

Does this legislation even mention TikTok?

Tech companies
(incl.Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Verizon)
met monthly with FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies
to coordinate censorship operations

during 2020 election


“THIS is huge. It is a massive violation of our first amendment rights. Every one involved should be brought up on treasonous charges. You don’t get to blow up the Constitution and win.”

Pamela Geller


Related at Natural News
The Intercept_

Judge Dismisses Biden Admin’s Motion
to Dismiss Big Tech Collusion Case

“The Court finds that the Complaint alleges significant encouragement and coercion that converts the otherwise private conduct of censorship on social media platforms into state action, and is unpersuaded by Defendants’ arguments to the contrary.”

Judge Terry Doughty
U.S. District Court
Western District of Louisiana

The Epoch Times

Courage and integrity in the justice system. This is what defending liberty truly looks like.

Dominion v. Fox
Could case be weaponized against freedom of press?

“Times v. Sullivan does set a high bar.
When I talk to my students about it,
I always give them the famous quote
from Justice [William] Brennan’s majority decision,
about the First Amendment being
‘a profound national commitment’
to a principle of free speech.

Debate on public issues should be
uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.’”

Genelle Belmas
Professor of journalism
University of Kansas

“There’s a line in Sullivan
that I really love that basically says,
quoting from another case,
‘Whatever is added to the field of libel
is taken from the field of free debate.

I don’t think you could find anybody that would disagree that,
if we’re using electronic voting systems
and they’re compromised,
we should be able to talk about that.

We should be able to raise concerns

about foreign interference in our elections,
whether or not these machines are capable
of doing what they say they’re doing,
whether or not they’re being tampered with.”

Andrew Geronimo, Director
First Amendment Clinic in Cleveland
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

The Christian Science Monitor

Mark Moss

“They are making a grab for complete control of everything. And, they’re not gonna just let people use alternative systems without trying to do something about it. That’s really all the tools they have in their tool shed, is just to illegalize it

That’s why I think people should also look at some non-digital alternatives. It’s fine to want to use some of this technology. But, first of all, get off big tech.”

Whitney Webb
@38:50 Enslavement through smartphone addiction
@42:01 Moving off legacy social media

Whitney suggests getting a deGoogled Android or some sort of alternative that isn’t built by big tech. Do some legacy big tech companies have ties to the National Security State going way back?

Might info on the internet just disappear? Whitney suggests saving any online info that you think you will need in the future.. Save a copy offline on a hard drive or USB drive.

New World Next Week Store

The digital Library of Alexandria is on fire… but you can help preserve The Corbett Report with The Corbett Report Data Archive.

Available on USB flash drive, you can now own every interview, every podcast, every video, every article from these years of The Corbett Report.

These data archives have the audio, video and text files of every Corbett Report production from these years…

Corbett Report 2007-2008 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2009 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2010 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2011 Data Archive

The Consortium Imposing
the Growing Censorship Regime
and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program

“This regime of censorship is anything but arbitrary. Its core function is to shield propaganda that emanates from ruling class centers of power from critique, challenge and opposition.

It is designed to ensure that Western populations hear only the assertions and proclamations of state and corporate elites, while their adversaries and critics are at best marginalized (with warnings labels and other indicia of discredit) or banned outright.”

Glenn Greenwald

Monitor reporter’s trial opens
Why India treats journalists as terrorists

“The message it sent to journalists was to self-censor. Fahad’s case, unfortunately, ensured that the message was well received. No one reports critical stories anymore.”

local journalist who wished to remain anonymous for their protection

The Christian Science Monitor

Joint statement on India’s detention of journalist Fahad Shah

The Alex Jones verdict is a
declaration of war on independent media

Related at David Icke

“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”

Dr. Ron Paul
The Societal Scope

“…lying is okay as long as it benefits the government and their beneficiaries. Accusing people of lying is not okay if it goes against their narrative, and you will be gaslit against and in their aims if you dare to speak the truth.”

Stratton J. Davis


17 reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community

13. Censorship and Fraud

“Censorship is a weapon employed by authoritarians to hold onto their power – a mafioso intellectual thuggery that remains the last refuge of charlatans cornered by the truth.

I’m putting censorship and fraud together because censorship in science is by definition fraud — the process of scientific inquiry is to debate different hypotheses and test various options; if some are censored, then the scientific inquiry is being conducted fraudulently.”


Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti


A Large-Scale False Flag Cyber Attack
Is Now Imminent

“A large portion of the web is dependent on only three CDN companies, including Fastly…

Even if the Internet was to go down for a mere two weeks, the repercussions to our markets and to our supply chain would be devastating. By extension, the benefits to the globalists would be immense. They could implement filters and firewalls on any part of the Web they don’t like (including the alternative media) and claim that this is to protect the Internet from possible sources of viral spread. They could whittle the Web down to only a handful of approved corporate and government sites all in the name of protecting the integrity of the Net.”

Brandon Smith


Biden is planning a new digital currency.
Here’s why you should be very worried.

“…the press should eagerly and comprehensively inform the public of the potential risks associated with such a proposal.

Unfortunately, that’s not happening today, and the effects of the media’s negligence could reverberate for decades to come.”

Justin Haskins, Opinion Contributor
The Hill

Americans Sleep As Global Monetary System Being Reset
Technocracy News & Trends

The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop
Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation”
is Authentic

The media outlets which spread this lie from ex-CIA officials never retracted their pre-election falsehoods, ones used by Big Tech to censor reporting on the front-runner.

“These ‘former intel officials’ did not actually say that the ‘Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo.’ Indeed, they stressed in their letter the opposite: namely, that they had no evidence to suggest the emails were falsified or that Russia had anything to do them, but, instead, they had merely intuited this ‘suspicion’ based on their experience:”

Glenn Greenwald

Were these ex-CIA officials silent when the media falsified their words? Silence in the face of media lies looks complicit.

Did Biden Steal The Election?

“On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the American people to save Biden’s lagging campaign from a massive brewing scandal.”

Ron Paul

Ron Paul Institute

Six Degrees from James Baker:
A Familiar Figure Reemerges With

the Release of the Twitter Files

Jonathan Turley

Is the Deep State getting ready to dump Biden? Too many verbal gaffes? That mafia don-like comment in Florida after the hurricane was a doozy. Was he inadvertently spilling the beans on weather warfare? Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House. So, does that leave Kamala and the new Republican Speaker of the House as prime candidates as his successor?

Nation Wishes There Were Some Way They Could Have Known About The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Before The Election
The Babylon Bee

DHS Announces They Will Suppress As Much Speech As It Takes To Preserve Democracy
The Babylon Bee

Americans’ Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record
Gallup, Inc.

The above Gallup Poll reports that “only 7% of U.S. adults say they have ‘a great deal’ of trust and confidence in newspapers, television and radio news reporting”.

Censorship of the Biden Laptop news story is a perfect example of why many don’t trust legacy media to honestly deliver news. The writer of this article goes into contortions to explain away why it was just fine for social media and legacy media to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story… even though it might have influenced an election. Maybe that should be… ESPECIALLY because it might have influenced an election.

The “news” articles in many mainstream newspapers seem to be little more than political narratives and corporate propaganda.

Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security

Media outlets which spread the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation… are these “news” outlets going to be considered “terrorists”? Or, does this “terrorist” standard only apply to deviations from Homeland Security approved narratives?

The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19
PMCID: PMC9610448 | PMID: 36324959

“By supporting and selecting only the one side of science information while suppressing alternative viewpoints, and with obvious conflicts of interest revealed by this study, governments and the media constantly disinform the public. Consequently, the unscientifically validated vaccination laws, originating from industry-controlled medical science, led to the adoption of social measures for the supposed protection of the public but which became serious threats to the health and freedoms of the population.”

Fabien Deruelle, PhD
Independent Researcher, Ronchin, France

PubMed Central

Tulsi Gabbard rips
Biden’s comments on the MAGA crowd

“When you look at the President of the United States of America calling millions of Americans… essentially terrorists… people who politically opposed him or voted against him. He’s calling them terrorists in an attempt to intimidate them into silence

It’s an assault on our democracy.

Tulsi Gabbard
Former Congresswoman


Tech companies
(incl.Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Verizon)
met monthly with FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies
to coordinate censorship operations

during 2020 election


“THIS is huge. It is a massive violation of our first amendment rights. Every one involved should be brought up on treasonous charges. You don’t get to blow up the Constitution and win.”

Pamela Geller


Related at Natural News
The Intercept_

Big Brother’s Playbook
DHS efforts to curb “dangerous” speech

“The US government and its allies, including media gatekeepers and educational institutions and global corporations, have become the judges and juries of ‘misinformation.’

And Big Tech is their executioner.”

Techno Fog

The Reactionary

“When Surgeon General says “misinformation,” he means departure from the regime-approved narrative.

Dissent mustn’t be tolerated, & he wants Big Tech to crack down on what amounts to open inquiry & free exchange of ideas.
In other words, he’s a tyrant.”

Jordan Schachtel
@ dossier.substack.com

Tucker Carlson Blasts
Biden’s Dystopian ‘Ministry of Truth’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has blasted President Biden’s new “Disinformation Governance Board” and compared it to a dystopian “Ministry of Truth”


“What you’re seeing is a full scale attack on free speech in a country that has been free for nearly 250 years. And, it’s happening at the direction of the US government through a law enforcement agency…

You are a free person… in a free country… and no law enforcement agency can ever tell you what to say or think. PERIOD.

Tucker Carlson, Fox News Host

Tucker is eloquent in defense of free speech in this must-see video. He points out that it is unconstitutional to arm our government against citizens exercising their RIGHT of free speech in America.


“CARLSON: Just to be clear, this is a nightmare unfolding in slow motion, but this is the point where we’re just going to have to draw the line.

No, Joe Biden, you can’t have a federally funded Ministry of Truth and no, Nina ‘Big Brother’ Jankowicz can’t run it. Period.”

“Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

“…the Department of Homeland Security’s recently announced Disinformation Governance Board, nicknamed the ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics whose outraged response caused the Biden administration to ‘pause’ the new agency.”

Dan Sanchez
Foundation for Economic Education


“Jankowicz’s Pulitzer Center biography touts her myriad posts pushing government propaganda”

“…she serves on the advisory board of Open Information Partnership (OIP), a British Foreign Office psychological warfare operation.”

“…leaked files make abundantly clear that OIP isn’t actually concerned with countering ‘fake news at all but is, in reality, energized by a desire to conceal facts and bothersome perspectives the British state doesn’t want in the public domain, via manipulation, distortion, and lies.”

Kit Klarenberg, MPN News

Disinformation Board Realizes
The True Disinformation Was Inside Them All Along
The Babylon Bee

How Bush “Misspoke the Truth” about War and Disinformation

Letting governments manage “the narrative” can have deadly consequences.

“The more that public discourse is centrally managed, the easier it will be for governments to manipulate the public, and especially to lie us into ‘brutal and unjustified’ wars again.”

Dan Sanchez

“I don’t trust government to figure out what the truth is. Government is largely disseminating disinformation.”

Senator Rand Paul

Foundation for Economic Education

White House Admits
‘We’re Flagging Problematic Posts for Facebook’

White House admits
US gov’t works with Facebook to censor free-speech

Judge Dismisses Biden Admin’s Motion
to Dismiss Big Tech Collusion Case

“The Court finds that the Complaint alleges significant encouragement and coercion that converts the otherwise private conduct of censorship on social media platforms into state action, and is unpersuaded by Defendants’ arguments to the contrary.”

Judge Terry Doughty
U.S. District Court
Western District of Louisiana

The Epoch Times

Courage and integrity in the justice system. This is what defending liberty truly looks like.

‘Ranking Member Plaskett
I’m Not A So-Called Journalist’
Matt Taibbi Discusses The Twitter Files

“A free internet would overwhelm all attempts to control information flow. It’s very existence, a threat to anti-democratic forms of government everywhere.

What we found in the files was a sweeping effort to reverse that promise and use machine learning and other tools to turn the internet into an instrument of censorship and social control.

Unfortunately, our own government appears to be playing a lead role

Matt Taibbi, Journalist
National Magazine Award
I.F. Stone Award for Journalistic Independence
Author of 10 books – 4 were NY Times Bestsellers
Editor of Racket News

Forbes Breaking News

“It was a bizarre collective display of a whole group of politicians not understanding some pretty basic things about how not to act around journalists.”
Matt Taibbi

Racket News

Bill Maher TRASHES Twitter Censors
The Babylon Bee’s CEO Reacts

The Babylon Bee has been suspended from Twitter, and more recently, a video making fun of Twitter employees was flagged for sensitive content. Bill Maher covered this on his show, and now Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon responds!

“The government can’t outsource censorship to a privately owned third party. You can’t have a privately owned company to do that which would be unconstitutional for the government to do itself. The Supreme Court has ruled on that before.

If the government is working through these third parties to pick out targets to censor… if they’re colluding with them on that… if they’re threatening them with penalties if they don’t censor misinformation that the government wants censored… then an argument can be made that these are state actors… they’re not just privately owned entities… and that it is a first amendment issue.”

Seth Dillon
Babylon Bee CEO

The Babylon Bee

Kudos to Maher for his rational arguments against censorship.

This should not be a political issue. You’re either FOR FREE SPEECH for everyone.. or, you only want free speech for yourself and people who agree with you.

It’s easier to win a debate if nobody gets the chance to debate you! Censorship of others is a tool used by bullies and tyrants when they think they can’t win in a fair fight.

The same thing goes for bodily autonomy “MY BODY, MY CHOICE”.

One set of voters is just fine and dandy with forcing chemicals into the bodies of those who refuse them. Is it any karmic wonder that the pro-choice abortion option for women is now coming under attack?

Again, this should not be a political issue. You’re either FOR FREE SPEECH and BODILY AUTONOMY, or you aren’t. Freedom for me but not for thee? That’s selfish and will come back to bite ya.

“If people will not speak up for other people’s rights,
there will come a day when they will lose their own.”

Tony Lawrence
The Objective Review

This also goes for requiring that PCR test. Some people are getting damaged by that useless PCR nasal swab test. And, scientific studies have proven that casual masking is not only useless, it’s harmful. These are violations of bodily autonomy.

My grandma had an abortion. It was during the 1930’s depression. Grandpa made her do it because he just didn’t see how they could afford to provide for another child. They had already lost a toddler. Grandma suffered life-long guilty feelings about this abortion. The first person grandma said hello to during transitioning was this aborted baby.

It’s NOT Left vs Right
It’s Totalitarianism vs Freedom

June 2022
Freedom of Religion and Abortion
Drawing the Line

“I am against abortion, but I don’t think making laws about it is wise. Here are my reasons.

I do not trust the state

If we give the government the right to DENY abortion, we also give them the right to REQUIRE abortion. Think about that one.

We live in an age where global health laws are being pushed. These people also believe that there are too many people in the world. Think about the possible consequences of these types of laws…

Do we really want to give anyone (besides ourselves and God) that much power over our lives?

Paula K Adams

Blue Skies and Green Pastures

Beyond Censorship
Destroying Free Thought Online
Aaron and Melissa Dykes
Truthstream Media

Do Wikipedia editors sometimes have a vested interest in presenting their own point of view? Have Wikipedia editors included intelligence agencies, governments, politicians, religious institutions like the Vatican, and major corporations? Does Wikipedia seem like a dependable factual world source of information? @26:46

Are Orwellian globalists trying to program us into thinking that questioning or dissent is disinformation? Are they trying to shut down thought completely? Are they trying to create an information bubble around us? Do we have the right to be independent thinkers?

British Medical Journal Exposes the
Facebook ‘Fact Check’ Scam
Armageddon Prose

In court filing
Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion
Watts Up With That?


Government Disinformation Board Determines
All Criticism Of Government Disinformation Board
To Be Disinformation
The Babylon Bee

Creepy Bill Gates Plans to Hire a 3,000-Person Social Media Team to Push Vaccines and Suppress Any Differing Information

Hunter Biden To Receive $50K Per Month Salary
For Seat On
Disinformation Governance Board
The Babylon Bee

“Do you seriously expect us to grovel
for approval from the same tentacle of the
national security state and financial oligarchy
that has rated CNN as a highly credible news source
and whose board of advisors is a grotesque gallery
of corporate propagandists, spooks, documented liars,
and war criminals who’ve never faced a scintilla
of accountability for their actions?”

Max Blumenthal
Editor of TheGrayZone.com

Disinformation Board Detects
High Levels Of Disinformation Coming From Mysterious White Building In Washington, D.C.
The Babylon Bee

The federal government paid hundreds of media companies
to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines
while those same outlets
provided positive coverage of the vaccines
Blaze media

Related discussion at The Right Way

“What did Chris Pandolfo find?
He discovered that nearly the entire corporate media took money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines to their audiences without disclosing it.”

Emerald Robinson

Racist Twitter Board Declares They Would Rather Go Bankrupt Than Be Owned By An African American
The Babylon Bee

White Smoke Goes Up From Twitter HQ
Signaling Everyone Burning Documents
In Preparation For New CEO
The Babylon Bee

Meet the Censored: Chris Hedges

Interview with the award-winning investigative reporter, now at Substack, who had six years of shows removed by YouTube over the weekend

“So there was nothing on the show, ever, that was in any way flattering to the Putin regime.

But the point of the show was, of course, critiquing and looking at our own society, and that was the problem.”

Chris Hedges

TK News by Matt Taibbi

“Thank You To The Haters”
Joe Rogan Breaks Silence On Spotify Controversy
Rejects “Disinformation” Label

“The problem I have with the term disinformation, especially today, is that 8 months ago, many of the things that were considered ‘disinformation’ are now accepted as fact. For example, 8 months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID, you would be removed from social media, they would ban you from certain platforms.

“…if you said ‘I don’t think cloth masks work’ you would be banned from social media, now that’s openly and repeatedly stated on CNN. If you said ‘I think it’s possible COVID may have come from a lab’ you would be banned from many social media platforms – now it’s on the cover of Newsweek.”

Joe Rogan


It was never about health.
It’s about CONTROL.

The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan’s Removal from Spotify
Spread Far More Disinformation

Justifying their efforts to de-platform Joe Rogan, media figures claim to be deeply concerned by the “disinformation” he is spreading. Yet nobody spreads disinformation more recklessly than they do.

Video Transcript
Glenn Greenwald

Jon Stewart Goes To Bat For Rogan Again
On The Iraq War ‘I Was Promoting What They Would Call Misinformation’
The Daily Wire


Hey Facebook,
Thanks for inspiring me to make this honest and informative website! This website is a direct result of your “fact check” OPINIONS plastered all over my Facebook page.

Hey Spotify,
Thanks for letting me know via your “fact check” messages which podcasts are the most honest and helpful and informative. I always listen to those podcasts FIRST! Thank you for letting me know which ones they are.

Doctor Banned For Questioning Efficacy of Masks Wins High Court Case
Censorship was “clearly wrong and cannot stand.”

“Censorship that has suppressed for two years
information on safe and effective early treatment and
censorship on vaccine safety
has led to large numbers of deaths,
hospitalizations, and permanent disability.

There is no bigger public health crisis than
the impact of censorship in Covid19.”

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The Joe Rogan Experience


“A dictatorship means muzzles all round
and consequently stultification.

Science can flourish only in
an atmosphere of free speech.”

Albert Einstein
Activist Post

Nebraska protects healthcare providers from censorship
by state medical boards

We had a nice chat with the Attorney General’s office in Nebraska. If you practice in Nebraska, doctors and other healthcare providers are free to speak the truth. Seriously.

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

YouTube purges Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Joseph Mercola
and a wide range of experts who aren’t afraid to tell the truth about vaccines


“We are in a war of information…
People are dying.
They are killing us with censorship and propaganda.”

Dr. Pierre Kory
RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo

“We can easily forgive a child
who is afraid of the dark.

The real tragedy of life is
when men are afraid of the light.”


NY Fire Commissioners Completely
Dismantle 9/11 Official Story

The censorship of Spike Lee’s NYC Epicenters
is a tragically fitting end to the last 20 years

“Where they have burned books,
they will end in burning human beings.”

Christian Johann Heinrich Heine
German journalist and poet


“Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

The Globalist Agenda

U.N. Taking Down Private Websites
Domain Level Censorship
Ice Age Farmer

Don’t depend on DNS!
bookmark Ice Age Farmer:
server IP address:
tor .onion address: iceagefarmjhrq5i.onion

“Similar to Russia”
Sharp FPÖ criticism of the attack on freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Austria

Quietly and quietly and almost completely unnoticed by the public, the amendment to the media law will be decided today, Thursday, in the National Council. Against the voices of the libertarians. According to constitutional spokeswoman Susanne Fürst, Austria restricts freedom of expression and freedom of the press in a similar way to Russia, only with the opposite sign.


Truther web sites generally ask for visitor email addresses… in preparation for just such a possibility as a future website shutdown.

Ernest Hancock and Derrick Slopey on IPFS
The Corbett Report

Back in 2019… maybe mid-way through the year… Alex Jones announced to his viewers that adult vaccine mandates were coming in 2020. This was before the scamdemic started up. But, the klown show couldn’t stampede along if too many news sources revealed what was really happening. So, censorship was thrown down all around us… starting with Alex.

How to Get Around the Digital Iron Curtain
The Corbett Report

Defender Days Sticker Gallery

the Defender

Stickers slapped on things around the neighborhood may get through to neighbors even when online messages don’t make it to their ears.

Make Your Own Newspaper
The Corbett Report

Stickers are one way to spread a message inexpensively.

Or, you can create your own newspaper and print it on your own desktop laser printer. Or, get your newspaper printed at a copy store.

Another way to spread a message is to create your own website online… like this website. .. which was inexpensively created in WordPress. Just buy a domain name ($15/year), get a web hosting service ($20/month), and learn WordPress and HTML (free online).

All of these are potential ways to get around online censorship on social media.

After Cheerleading Censorship for Years
WaPo Now On Receiving End of It
And They’re Pissed

DuckDuckGo ‘down-ranks’ Russian disinformation.
The search engine’s users are not happy.

Search Engine

In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search.

The Corbett Report

YouTube hammered for ‘pervasive and institutionalized’ censorship
after booting anti-vaxxers off platform

“Ultimately the only real solution … is to stop using platforms and start using protocols, things like Ghost and Odysee and places like that.

There is no CEO that you can sufficiently pressure into deplatforming somebody. It just technologically can’t be done because of how decentralized blockchain is.”

Glenn Greenwald
Naomi Brockwell

whatever happened to ‘Don’t be evil’?

“Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Lord Acton
Online Library of Liberty

Maxwell Case
Surveilled And Silenced
Twitter censors trial coverage as FBI connections broached
OffGuardian via Moneycircus

OffGuardian reader comments sizzle.

Twitter Hires Will Smith To Slap Comedians Who Tell Jokes They Don’t Like
The Babylon Bee

Twitter just suspended The Babylon Bee for calling Rachel Levine a man
and the Bee is refusing to delete the tweet because,
ya know, it’s true
Not the Bee

The Deep State wants us fighting each other… politics, race, gender… whatever… so they can do their dirty little deeds while we’re distracted.

They don’t want us thinking about Freedom Truckers and how Canada just shut down bank accounts of those protesting for Medical Freedom.

Right now, passport infrastructure is being rolled out… even in red states. This will allow them to track us and try to force digital currency on us.

Once the passports and digital ID and currency are here, our freedom is DEAD. We will end up like the Chinese with social credit scores, omnipresent tracking and control, and digital currency that can be shut down in a heartbeat for those who speak out or disobey.

Right now, they’re trying to set up the WHO as the final arbiter on all things medical. This is similar to the TPP which got so many voters fired up. The TPP “free” trade agreement was all about global control vs local governance.

Fast track approval for TPP was set up under Obama and Hillary was promising to deliver. Trump made campaign promises to cancel TPP and he made good on those promises.

The TPP would have elevated corporate profits above local laws and regulations. Multi-national corporations would have been able to sue if their profits were diminished by local laws. It was written in secret by some of the biggest corporations in the world. Yeah.

Globalists are doing their best to distract us with war, and race baiting, and anything they can think of… as they install infrastructure to STEAL OUR FREEDOM.

60 countries sign declaration that commits to bolstering “resilience to disinformation and misinformation”
Pro-censorship governments unite.
Reclaim The Net

New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
The Corbett Report

Kill Switch

China Can Shut Down The Internet, Why Can’t We?
Prison Planet

Reader comments at the end of this report are enlightening. There are discussions about how the internet actually works and why it’s tough to actually shut it down for techie users.

New World Next Week Store

The digital Library of Alexandria is on fire… but you can help preserve The Corbett Report with The Corbett Report Data Archive.

Available on USB flash drive, you can now own every interview, every podcast, every video, every article from these years of The Corbett Report.

These data archives have the audio, video and text files of every Corbett Report production from these years…

Corbett Report 2007-2008 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2009 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2010 Data Archive
Corbett Report 2011 Data Archive

2022: The Year Ahead

“If you saw New World Next Year 2022, you’ll know that I think a cyber 9/11 (and the ensuing passage of an iPatriot Act) is a distinct possibility for the coming year. But that is not the only ace card in the would-be world controllers’ hands.”

James Corbett

The Corbett Report

“I am… ecstatic to say… that was an off-prediction… I was hoping I would be able to come back in 12 months and say I was wrong.

I do think that is a card that they can play in the future, and presumably will play at the point at which it is most beneficial to them. I don’t think it means… the internet is down forever.

I think a significant disruption of some sort that causes a fundamental change in the way that people get online… ID for the internet. That’s in the cards. That’s coming.”

James Corbett

Revelations Radio News

Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security

“Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Van Morrison Blacklisted
For His Latest Act Of ‘WrongThink’

The media assault on Ellen is cancel culture raining down on Ellen. Is that the bullying deep state warning Ellen to fall in line with their agenda? Ellen did capitulate to these bullies and host Bill Gates on her show. Still, it’s hard for a single person to stand up to these bullies when they’ve got you in their cross hairs.

So, can we just give Ellen a break? Surely Ellen isn’t actually down with force vaccinating the planet. The deep state must know that. Hence the intimidating tactics to try and silence her… and try to ruin her reputation and influence.

Everyone Who’s Ever Worked Anywhere Ever
Comes Forward To Allege
Their Boss Created A Toxic Work Environment
The Babylon Bee

Marianne Williamson has declared her candidacy for President of the USA. It looks like they’re going to try to use the same playbook with Williamson that they used on Ellen.

Some will wonder if anonymous slander might be a little bit true. And then there are political animals who will say anything to gain favor with the powers that shouldn’t be.

It could be that they plan to eventually replace Biden with Newsom as the Democratic candidate. If in the meantime Williamson gains traction, that could interfere with their plans for Newsom.

Tabloids used to come up with trash stories about Oprah. And Martha Stewart was sent to jail… probably as a warning to Oprah not to try running for President. We can get anyone… was the message.

Martha went to jail NOT for actual insider trading… but what they said was lying. Really? Lying sends you to jail?

How about all of the professional lying and collusion that went on to scare up the scamdemic…
and crush small business…
and push struggling families into homelessness…
and force individuals to get injected with experimental chemicals?


Then they make a big deal out of Williamson’s disdain for using drugs for psychological treatment. Ya really wanna go there? Do you know what they have done to patients with physical treatment for psychiatric problems? Yeah, let’s discuss that history.

The Powers That Shouldn’t Be (TPTSB)
don’t want honest politicians. They want politicians in power that can easily be controlled via blackmail. That’s NOT Williamson or Oprah, is it?

On a related note… did they use weather warfare on Florida to get DeSantis to fall into line? DeSantis hasn’t declared for the presidency, has he? Now California is miraculously and unexpectedly on its way to recovery from the drought. What are the chances that there would be such good news for Newsom right now?

Epstein and honey pot spy operations
Weather Warfare
The Myth of Low-Serotonin & Antidepressants
How We Have Been Misled About Antidepressants
Are We Medicating Millions of ADHD Children without Scientific Justification?
The Drugging Of Our Children

“Apparently, authorities at the highest levels
have long known
that the chemical imbalance theory
was a disproven hypothesis,
but they have viewed it as
a useful ‘noble lie’
to encourage medication use.”

Bruce E. Levine
Clinical Psychologist

A Profession Without Reason

Available at Amazon

video interview of Bruce Levine

Dissent Into Madness
The Weaponization of Psychology

…”there is a long and worrying history of psychiatry being used as a weapon to silence those declared to be enemies of the state. And, more worrying still, recent events have demonstrated that—far from being a relic of the past—the pathologization of political dissent is becoming even more widespread than ever before.”

James Corbett

The Corbett Report

International Human Rights and
Comparative Mental Disability Law:
The Role of Institutional Psychiatry in the Suppression of Political Dissent

Psychiatric abuse in revolutionary Cuba

Dissent Into Madness
Projections of the Psychopaths

“In Part 2 of this series, “Crazy Conspiracy Theorists,” I detailed how conspiracy theorizing is being pathologized as a mental disorder and how this false diagnosis is being used to justify the forced psychiatric detention and medication of 9/11 truthers and COVID dissenters.

This week, I will examine the great irony of the situation we find ourselves in: that those who are wielding the psychological weapon against any would-be dissenters are themselves driven by a psychopathological disorder.”

James Corbett

The Corbett Report

Psychiatric Genocide
Nazi Attempts to Eradicate Schizophrenia

Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative?

“…most experts have one primary suggestion for dealing with a psychopath, and that is, ‘Don’t.’ Since we’re talking about media here, that’s a fairly simple action item. Just turn them off, and find alternative news sources that aren’t tainted by blood money and an overt attempt for global slavery.”

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola.com
via LewRockwell.com

Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!
The Corbett Report

Conspiracy Theory Rock
A Banned Segment from Saturday Night Live

A video at The Health Wyze Report discusses political persecution and jailing and re-education of those imagined to be expressing political wrong think.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

“Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever.
The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mirror Review

The Bizarre Reaction To Facebook’s Decision
To Get Out Of The News Business In Australia
tech dirt

The proposed Australian law is an assault on free speech.

Where is the debate which one would expect from a free press? There seems to be a unanimous verdict by the mainstream press to condemn Facebook rather than the Australian government.

The TechDirt article (above) is transparent with us about what is really happening.

YouTube has deep pockets to pay for links. But, what about the rest of us? Charging for links… rather than paying for referral links… as has been the business model of the internet… would chill free speech.

Yesterday in the news was Australian attempts to keep people from posting news stories on Facebook pages..

There have been comments on some stories from Australians who seem to be fine with relinquishing their freedom to share important news stories.

What is extremely heartening, however, is how roused up for liberty the Europeans are. Yesterday’s “Ron Paul Liberty Report” YT video shows some of the demonstrations – which did not appear to be in *any* news reporting here in the USA today (censored news).

Too bad we aren’t more like that here in the good old USA. Too many here just believe whatever they hear in mainly corporate-funded news stories.

If we want honest news, we are going to have to start paying for subscriptions to our news publications.

Debunking MSM lies about the
Unite for Freedom protests

Freedom of speech
Topics can be shared online via social media that the mainstream media doesn’t discuss.

The TPP trade deal would have superceded our local and national laws in the United States. Powerful financial interests are very interested in silencing political free speech in social media, where topics like this get better coverage than in the mainstream press.

Today’s headline about stolen Facebook data sounds like an attempt to get the public to abandon social media.

This was apparently publicly posted data on Facebook getting taken by bots and put into a list. Anybody who knows anything about online practices knows this kind of thing happens all over the internet… literally constantly.

It is never a good idea to give anything truly private to a social media or other similar company. That’s just good personal security practice. Unfortunately, not everyone is as savvy as that. But, if you’re publicly posting things on Facebook. it isn’t rational to be expecting this data to be private.

This headline sounds like an attack on social media by those who oppose freedom of speech..

OF 2019-2020

Twitter censors Trump

interesting reader comments

The Brave New World of Social Media Censorship
How “terms of service” abridge free speech
Harvard Law Review Forum

“Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.

If you are offended it is your problem, and frankly lots of things offend lots of people.

I can walk into a bookshop and point out a number of books that I find very unattractive in what they say. But it doesn’t occur to me to burn the bookshop down. If you don’t like a book, read another book. If you start reading a book and you decide you don’t like it, nobody is telling you to finish it.”

Salman Rushdie

“Political correctness is fascism
pretending to be manners.”

George Carlin
The Rutherford Institute

The Age of Intolerance
Cancel Culture’s War on Free Speech

“For two straight years the world has only heard
your side of the debate.
Now it is time for you to hear ours.”

Julius Ruechel
Our Side of the Story: My Autonomy is Not Negotiable, My Country Is Not An ‘Opportunity for a Reset’, and Why I’m Going to Stand With The Trucker Convoy in Ottawa

Chinese troops arrived in Venezuela… and almost no reporting in the international press?  When the mainstream press fails us, free speech on social media is crucial… because we as individuals can research what is really going on… and then spread the truth via social media.

Brave Goggles

Brave’s new tool
lets you create and share your own search rankings
Goggles lets you override any perceived bias.



Brave Search Goggles
boost your favorite sites
downrank or remove others


Search without limits…
Select from the list of Goggles people have published, or create your own.

(1) Set Brave as the search engine in your browser.
(2) Choose a Goggle filter here.
(3) Enter your search words in the search box
(4) Press enter to start the search.

If you want to make your own Goggles, here’s what a Goggles text file looks like.

Brave also makes a browser. The Brave browser includes the Brave search engine.

My newly created BecomingInformed Goggle only returns search results from websites listed on the Truther News page of this website.

A text file with this info was provided to Brave to create the BecomingInformed Goggle.

(1) A GitHub account needed to be created at GitHub.com
(2) This text file was dragged from my PC onto a repository in the new GitHub account.
(3) Open the text file in GitHub to get the GitHub URL that Brave will need.

Tricky, yeah. But, GitHub was free and it worked with a little determination. Not sure yet how to get Goggles to process Bitchute, Odyssey, or Spotify channels.

With a common word as a search term in the BecomingInformed Goggle… like “the” “a” “an” “he”… you get search results from these websites… probably in order by number of views… not by date. So, somewhat close to an RSS feed.

Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship from editorial staff.
Fox News

“When any government, or church for that matter,
undertakes to say to it’s subjects,
this you may not read,
this you must not see,
this you are forbidden to know
the end result is tyranny and oppression,
no matter how holy the motive.”

Robert A. Heinlein