Exit the UN


The UN’s
[Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future

“This is the 88 millionth time that the globalists have told you who they are and what they are aiming at. They want… to build up these systems of control… Obviously, this is a globalist plan for centralized authority.

The UN is the dream of complete and total control of the entire planet, its resources and its people, including you, in the hands of an unaccountable body

Yes, the UN Sustainable Development Goals sound so beautiful when you read about these goals and ending poverty and hunger and lifting people up and all of these. Yes, let’s protect the environment.

Yes, they all sound beautiful
until you read the fine print.

James Corbett
[emphasis mine]

The Corbett Report

The UN’s “Pact for the Future”
Translated From the Globalese

” ‘Complex global shocks’ is an allusion to the globalists’ new favourite neologism: polycrisis… In other words, the problem is complex, but the answer is simple: global government!

The globalists are using English words, but they are speaking Globalese.

When you learn to speak their language, you begin to recognize that all their feelgood rhetoric about ending poverty and achieving world peace is not actually about ‘ending poverty’ or ‘achieving world peace,’ but about creating a global government to steward over a neofeudal system of complete economic and societal control.”
[emphasis mine]

James Corbett

The Corbett Report

The UN Doesn’t Love You
The Corbett Report

What was the United Nations up to before 2009?

  • Has there been raping of children by UN peacekeepers?
  • How about gun running and gold smuggling?
  • A UN program to discourage breastfeeding?
  • UN participation in forced sterilization of rural women?
  • A UNICEF program that included polio vaccines contaminated with sterilizing agents?

UN Officials Faked Syria Gas ‘Attack’ Report!
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

World Health Organization
is part of the United Nations.

For more information on the WHO,
see the WHO section on the Health? page and
Exit the WHO page of this website.