
“And the media
—through its censorship—
and Big Tech,
is blocking your ability to even learn what
those risks are so you can make an informed
decision for your children yourself.

That is a huge crime in my mind.”

Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents
Close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times


17 reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community

“Censorship is a weapon employed by authoritarians to hold onto their power – a mafioso intellectual thuggery that remains the last refuge of charlatans cornered by the truth…

censorship in science is by definition fraud —
the process of scientific inquiry is to debate different hypotheses and test various options;
if some are censored, then the scientific inquiry is being conducted fraudulently.”

Slide Show Presentation

Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti

“Thank You To The Haters”
Joe Rogan Breaks Silence On Spotify Controversy
Rejects “Disinformation” Label

“The problem I have with the term disinformation, especially today, is that 8 months ago, many of the things that were considered ‘disinformation’ are now accepted as fact. For example, 8 months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID, you would be removed from social media, they would ban you from certain platforms.

“…if you said ‘I don’t think cloth masks work’ you would be banned from social media, now that’s openly and repeatedly stated on CNN. If you said ‘I think it’s possible COVID may have come from a lab’ you would be banned from many social media platforms – now it’s on the cover of Newsweek.”

Joe Rogan


Will passage of AB 2098 result in a California doctor losing his license for talking honestly? Does that serve the interests of those who want to hide and cover up information that is in the best interests of patients to know?



Ayes in California Assembly
Wicks, Low, Akilah Weber, Aguiar-Curry

Alvarez, Arambula, Bauer-Kahan, Bennett, Berman, Bloom, Boerner Horvath, Mia Bonta, Bryan, Calderon, Carrillo, Cervantes, Cooper, Daly, Mike Fong, Friedman, Gabriel, Cristina Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gipson, Gray, Haney, Holden, Jones-Sawyer, Kalra, Lee, Levine, Maienschein, McCarty, McKinnor, Medina, Mullin, Muratsuchi, Nazarian, Petrie-Norris, Quirk, Quirk-Silva, Ramos, Reyes, Luz Rivas, Robert Rivas, Rodriguez, Blanca Rubio, Salas, Santiago, Stone, Ting, Villapudua, Ward, Wilson, Wood, Rendon

Ayes in California Senate
Pan, Wiener, Newman

Allen, Archuleta, Atkins, Becker, Bradford, Caballero, Cortese, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Hertzberg, Hueso, Hurtado, Kamlager, Laird, Leyva, Limón, McGuire, Min, Ochoa Bogh, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Skinner, Stern, Umberg, Wieckowski

Approved by Governor Newsom 9/30/2022

California Legislative Information

Related: vaccine working group

Were some government officials the chief purveyors of disinformation and misinformation during the pandemic? But, California’s medical gag law doesn’t target these disinformation spreaders, does it? Does it actually target independent doctors who tell the truth… and say things that don’t conform to media narratives?


When there are no consequences for government lying or incompetence… will it just happen over and over and over again?

Federal Judge Blocks California Law Punishing Doctors for ‘COVID Misinformation’

A federal judge in California on Wednesday granted Children’s Health Defense-California Chapter’s request for a preliminary injunction to block a California law that would have allowed the state’s medical boards to punish doctors for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation.”

“CHD and the California chapter are excited and proud to be a part of this groundbreaking litigation, especially since there are other states also trying to censor physicians for speaking out against the mainstream medical’s position of the safety and efficacy while downplaying if not ignoring the harm caused to many who have taken the COVID shots and every booster.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Litigation Counsel
Children’s Health Defense

the Defender
Children’s Health Defense
News & Views

CHD Litigation Action
Defending medical and personal freedom!

“We don’t need #AB2098
because there is no misinformation crisis.
There’s a crisis of institutional credibility.

The public has lost faith in the medical establishment,
and censorship will not rebuild that trust.
In fact, it’s the surest way to further erode that trust.”

Attorney Laura Powell
Californians for Good Governance

The Case Against the Physician Gag Order

It’s all on record.
The misinformation is coming from them!

The above quick video shows leading health officials… in their own words… speaking misinformation to us.

Now the medical industry wants the force of law in #AB2098 to keep honest doctors from speaking out when there are questions about “the science”?

The Consortium Imposing
the Growing Censorship Regime
and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program

“This regime of censorship is anything but arbitrary. Its core function is to shield propaganda that emanates from ruling class centers of power from critique, challenge and opposition.

It is designed to ensure that Western populations hear only the assertions and proclamations of state and corporate elites, while their adversaries and critics are at best marginalized (with warnings labels and other indicia of discredit) or banned outright.”

Glenn Greenwald


The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health.
Further proof with COVID-19

PMCID: PMC9610448 | PMID: 36324959
National Library of Medicine

“By supporting and selecting only the one side of science information while suppressing alternative viewpoints, and with obvious conflicts of interest revealed by this study, governments and the media constantly disinform the public. Consequently, the unscientifically validated vaccination laws, originating from industry-controlled medical science, led to the adoption of social measures for the supposed protection of the public but which became serious threats to the health and freedoms of the population.”

Fabien Deruelle, PhD
Independent Researcher, Ronchin, France

PubMed Central