All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
The Most Revolutionary Act
Related video
From Homeland Security To Biosecurity
Watch Along And Q&A
“Now they’re going to try to bring into law what they were pretending was the law.”
James Corbett @23:13
The Last American Vagabond
9/11 false flag? COVID false flag?
Weather warfare and fire
false flags to further their “climate change” agenda? Next up… alien false flag? If extraterrestrials were actually dangerous…wouldn’t we ALREADY be toast? So, can we mentally prepare ourselves to NOT be fooled by an ET false flag?
“It is not reasonable
that those who gamble with men’s lives
should not pay with their own.”
HG Wells
TIS Quotes
Lies –
Regime Change –
Cyber Warfare –
Weather Warfare –
War on the Environment –
COVID Scamdemic & Digital Passports –
Monetary Warfare –
War on Food –
Great Reset –
Neurowarfare –
Compliance –
False Flags –
Yemen –
China –
India –
Germany –
England –
Canada –
Russia –
Ukraine –
Kazakhstan –
Belarus –
Georgia –
Greece –
Venezuela –
Libya –
Iran –
Cuba –
Indonesia –
Vietnam –
Laos –
Israel –
Lebanon –
Syria –
Palestine –
Rwanda –
Congo –
Uganda –
Iraq –
Afghanistan –
Pakistan –
Turkey –
Argentina –
Japan –
North Korea –
Brazil –
Mexico –
War Against Us
| Music Videos
| Books
| Quotes
What Can We Do?
A Century of War Lies
“Truth is the first casualty of war, as they say. But if we desire peace, then we must confront the liars with our knowledge of these war lies. And armed with this truth, the public finally stands a chance of stopping the next war before the warmongers can conjure it into existence.”
James Corbett
The Corbett Report
Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew About Iraq 15 Years Ago and What He Told the U.N.
The evidence is irrefutable: Powell consciously deceived the world in his 2003 presentation making the case for war with Saddam Hussein.
The Intercept_
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
US Officials Admit They’re Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia
“We may now simply be at the stage of imperial narrative control where they can begin openly manufacturing the consent of the public to be lied to for their own good.”
Caitlin Johnstone
Caitlin’s Newsletter
7 FAKE NEWS stories coming out of Ukraine
Related video by The Corbett Report
The Pentagon Leaker Is a Public Service Hero
“It would be one thing if he’d publicly announced that he’d changed his mind, asked for authorization from Congress, and led a soul-searching public debate about whether the cause of doing everything possible to ensure the victory of an American ally in Ukraine was worth the considerably increased risk of a regional conflict becoming a world war between two or more nuclear-armed powers. But he didn’t do any of that. He just sent the special forces personnel and hoped that the public wouldn’t find out that he’d broken his word.”
Ben Burgis
Lifting of US Propaganda Ban
Gives New Meaning to Old Song
In the age of legal, weaponized propaganda
directed against the American people,
false narratives have become so commonplace
in the mainstream media that
they have essentially become normalized,
leading to the era of “fake news” and “alternative facts.”
Whitney Webb, MPN News
10 principles of war propaganda
“1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves
2. The other guy is the sole responsible for this war
3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil
4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest
5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes
6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons
7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big
8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause
9. Our cause is sacred
10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors.”
Anne Morelli
“War is a racket.
A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is not what it seems
to the majority of the people.
Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about.
It is conducted for the benefit of the very few,
at the expense of the very many.
Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935
The Ukraine War is a Racket
Ron Paul Institute
Meet Smedley Butler
@36:11 Ron Paul’s “What-if” speech, with really great audio/visuals compiled by Broc West.
War Is a Racket by Smedley Butler
available free online
Biden Assures America That The Buck Stops With Putin
The Babylon Bee
If You’re Suddenly Yelling About Ukraine
and Have Been Silent on Yemen
You’re Being Manipulated
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee
Truckers… it was really your courage and sacrifice along with upcoming elections that made the narrative suddenly shift. Also, credit goes to the millions of freedom protesters and the courageous judges and lawyers and even an occasional politician standing up for FREEDOM!
The NWO (New World Order) would do ANYTHING… even go to war… to keep Trucker Convoys and their supporters from being front page news.
The NWO sure doesn’t want everyone to know that Canada froze trucker bank accounts… especially just as they are trying to get their cashless society underway. The NWO just demonstrated that they would SHUT YOUR PASSPORT CASH DOWN if they don’t like what you say or do.
Agents of the NWO will undoubtedly try to pull some false flag operations on the truckers. But, if they pull a false flag then they risk getting exposed. They can only cry wolf so many times before citizens start to wise up.
That’s why they would much rather have you stay home and do a boycott instead. Boycotts are effective too. But, that runs the risk of them blaming a tank of the economy on truckers as they try to pull out their cashless society.
Meanwhile, the NWO is trying to distract us with Ukraine as they quietly set up their
infrastructure – even in red states.
Nazi Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goering
“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
Why Everything You Know About World War II
Is Wrong
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
The Unz Review
Did FDR and Churchill help to get WW II started? Were their motives self serving? Was Churchill an alcoholic? Did Churchill make drunken blunders that put at risk those serving in England’s military or their allies? Did England lose their colonial empire because of Churchill? (see embedded video)
Where were the news reporters and military whistle blowers in all of this?
The narrative is that America defended freedom in WW II. And, that we were heroes during the reconstruction after the war.
Does that narrative enable the military complex to keep waging war around the world?
What cautionary lessons can we learn from this? Was Germany thriving after
issuing their own state currency prior to WW2? Did this eliminate interest from borrowing from a
private central bank?
Did Germany go back to using private central bank currency after WW2? Mission accomplished?
American Pravda
Understanding World War II
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
American Pravda
Holocaust Denial
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
History Is Written By The Winners
The Corbett Report
Fake History 3
From Burning Correspondence To
Permanently Removing The Evidence
The Innocence of Kaiser Wilhelm II
Listen to This Article
The Neocons’ Primary War Tactic
Branding Opponents of U.S. Intervention as Traitors
Glenn Greenwald
So You Think Military Intervention is a Good Idea?
Well, if you really feel that strongly about it…
“History shows that the US Government lies all the time to trick Americans into wars. The claim that Iraq had nuclear weapons was not an isolated case, but business as usual.
The US government lies about everything, and uses every trick they can (including obedient presstitutes and whorespondants in the corporate media to prop up failed lies and ridicule those who think for themselves) to trick the nation into war after war after war.”
Michael Rivero
US Maj. General Smedley Butler
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism [corporatism].
I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.
I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.
Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
The Future of Freedom Foundation
How the Pentagon Leaned on Hollywood to Sell the War in Afghanistan
“It is high time that Americans realized that, when watching movies and TV shows about war, all too often they are not seeing neutral works of art, but carefully constructed pieces of national security propaganda.”
Alan Macleod, MPN News
What Was the Jessica Lynch Story?
News networks use retired military brass as war analysts
without disclosing their defense-industry ties
The Washington Post
video by Russell Brand
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
“…instead of destroying TikTok, perhaps the U.S. national security state has co-opted it instead.”
If You Still Don’t Know What DARPA Is
You Should Probably Read This
Cloaked in clandestine secrecy,
DARPA has been called the “Oh God Why” branch
of the Department of Defense.
The Anti-Media
Regime Change
The U.S. Overthrows Foreign Governments
& It Never Works
Bernie Sanders
The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder
Related at
CovertAction Magazine
“There is no people on earth who would not prefer their own bad government to the good government of an alien power.”
100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nicaragua to Hawaii to Cuba
Democracy Now!
We don’t hear enough about U.S. interference in foreign countries via the mainstream news. So, whose interests are the “free” press representing?
JFK vs. Allen Dulles
Obama: Front Man for Washington’s Imperialism
NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses
Flashback from 2018
The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations. And it is just as useful as ever.
But today’s tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy. And their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering “aid” to foreign nations. In today’s edition of The Corbett Report, we’ll learn about how NGOs are the deep state’s Trojan horses.
The Corbett Report
The Anti-Empire Report #146
William Blum
Masters of War (Audio)
Bob Dylan
US regime change policies in Latin America and the mainstream media’s fawning coverage of the US national security state.
‘US Media in Crisis’
Rick Sanchez
Ron Paul Liberty Report
The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Cyber Warfare
A Large-Scale False Flag Cyber Attack
Is Now Imminent
“A large portion of the web is dependent on only three CDN companies, including Fastly…
Even if the Internet was to go down for a mere two weeks, the repercussions to our markets and to our supply chain would be devastating. By extension, the benefits to the globalists would be immense. They could implement filters and firewalls on any part of the Web they don’t like (including the alternative media) and claim that this is to protect the Internet from possible sources of viral spread. They could whittle the Web down to only a handful of approved corporate and government sites all in the name of protecting the integrity of the Net.”
Brandon Smith
Cyber Warfare
War on the Environment
Weather Warfare
Greece Lightning
“I’ve been observing that the places hit with weather weapons are often rebellious ‘colonies’ particularly from the POV of the banking empire.”
Tereza Coraggio
Third Paradigm
How to Dismantle an Empire
(A 2020 Vision: the Economics of Community)
Paperback – June 6, 2021
by Tereza Coraggio (Author)
More info on
Weather Warfare and Fire
Thessalia tragedy.
Greece in NATO and Zionist crosshairs
The Thessalia plains floods are a catastrophe of biblical proportions – deliberate or ‘climate change’?
“Thessalia floods in Greece. Barely reported by legacy media. Why?
We have covered the fires in Greece that serve NATO expansion and the installation of wind farms to provide energy for the EU. Now, we have the devastating floods in Thessalia north of Athens which is one of the three main bread baskets of Greece, now reduced to a sea of pollution, livestock carcasses and dead fish:”
Vanessa Beeley
IMF vs Greece
COVID Scamdemic & Digital Passports
From Homeland Security To Biosecurity
Watch Along And Q&A
“Now they’re going to try to bring into law what they were pretending was the law.”
James Corbett @23:13
The Last American Vagabond
9/11 false flag? COVID false flag?
Weather warfare and fire
false flags to further their “climate change” agenda? Next up… alien false flag? If extraterrestrials were actually dangerous…wouldn’t we ALREADY be toast? So, can we mentally prepare ourselves to NOT be fooled by an ET false flag?
Monetary Warfare
Digital Currency = Digital Slavery
If the rulers don’t like what you do or say, they can
If the rulers don’t like what you do or say, they can
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee
Truckers… it was really your courage and sacrifice along with upcoming elections that made the narrative suddenly shift. Also, credit goes to the millions of freedom protesters and the courageous judges and lawyers and even an occasional politician standing up for FREEDOM!
The NWO (New World Order) would do ANYTHING… even go to war… to keep Trucker Convoys and their supporters from being front page news.
The NWO sure doesn’t want everyone to know that Canada froze trucker bank accounts… especially just as they are trying to get their cashless society underway. The NWO just demonstrated that they would SHUT YOUR PASSPORT CASH DOWN if they don’t like what you say or do.
Agents of the NWO will undoubtedly try to pull some false flag operations on the truckers. But, if they pull a false flag then they risk getting exposed. They can only cry wolf so many times before citizens start to wise up.
That’s why they would much rather have you stay home and do a boycott instead. Boycotts are effective too. But, that runs the risk of them blaming a tank of the economy on truckers as they try to pull out their cashless society.
Meanwhile, the NWO is trying to distract us with Ukraine as they quietly set up their
infrastructure – even in red states.
How Hitler defied the bankers
“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
Sheldon Emry, Author
Billions for the Bankers
Debts for the People (1984)
Wake Up From Your Slumber
Related video
Related article & quotes
Was the Reichsbank owned by bankers, not by the German government? Were these bankers responsible for hyper-inflation in Germany? Did they pump too much of their currency into the economy? Did these bankers attempt to tank Germany’s economic miracle ON PURPOSE?
WWII & The Chess Game of World Government
*This is a truncated version of the recently published eBook,
A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control by Gavin Nascimento
Did Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Ford, GM, and ITT invest in Nazi Germany? Did Chase Bank provide financing for Nazis and Nazi agents?
Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns
The Corbett Report
The Revolt of the Pawns
All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
The Most Revolutionary Act
Related video
How to Play 3D Chess
The Corbett Report
Global 3D Chess
Revelations Radio News
The above podcast gets super interesting about six minutes in. It’s a unique conversation about world events.
Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns
The Corbett Report
The Revolt of the Pawns
War on Food
Great Reset
From Homeland Security To Biosecurity
Watch Along And Q&A
“Now they’re going to try to bring into law what they were pretending was the law.”
James Corbett @23:13
The Last American Vagabond
9/11 false flag? COVID false flag?
Weather warfare and fire
false flags to further their “climate change” agenda? Next up… alien false flag? If extraterrestrials were actually dangerous…wouldn’t we ALREADY be toast? So, can we mentally prepare ourselves to NOT be fooled by an ET false flag?
The Hidden Agenda for World Government
As Revealed by Norman Dodd
G. Edward Griffin
Norman Dodd was head researcher for the Reese Committee. He talks about what some tax exempt foundations have been up to.
“Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” And they conclude that no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely… “How do we involve the United States in a war?” @25:34
Full Documentary
The WW1 Conspiracy
Corbett Report Extras
Anthem For Doomed Youth
On Remembrance Day
voices call to us from a century ago
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton, 2001
Video interview of Antony Sutton
by Antony C. Sutton, 2000
page 68: Ford quotes
page 94: FDR New Deal
Why Everything You Know About World War II
Is Wrong
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
The Unz Review
Did FDR and Churchill help to get WW II started? Were their motives self serving? Was Churchill an alcoholic? Did Churchill make drunken blunders that put at risk those serving in England’s military or their allies? Did England lose their colonial empire because of Churchill? (see embedded video)
Where were the news reporters and military whistle blowers in all of this?
The narrative is that America defended freedom in WW II. And, that we were heroes during the reconstruction after the war.
Does that narrative enable the military complex to keep waging war around the world?
What cautionary lessons can we learn from this? Was Germany thriving after
issuing their own state currency prior to WW2? Did this eliminate interest from borrowing from a
private central bank?
Did Germany go back to using private central bank currency after WW2? Mission accomplished?
American Pravda
Understanding World War II
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
American Pravda
Holocaust Denial
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
Franklin Delano
My Exploited Father-in-Law
by Curtis B. Dall
insider’s look at how the Deep State manages the powerful
*** pages 49, 55, 57, 59, 72, 78, 80, 86, 90, 92-93, 107, 112, 115, 119
Echoes of WWI
China, the US, and the Next “Great” War (2017)
The Corbett Report
WWII & The Chess Game of World Government
*This is a truncated version of the recently published eBook,
A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control by Gavin Nascimento
Did Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Ford, GM, and ITT invest in Nazi Germany? Did Chase Bank provide financing for Nazis and Nazi agents?
Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns
The Corbett Report
The Revolt of the Pawns
WWII & The Chess Game of World Government
*This is a truncated version of the recently published eBook,
A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control by Gavin Nascimento
Did Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Ford, GM, and ITT invest in Nazi Germany? Did Chase Bank provide financing for Nazis and Nazi agents?
“In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happened,
you can bet it was planned that way.”
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Globalist Agenda
David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
The Globalist Agenda
National Suicide
Military Aid to the Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton, 1973
Do elites fund both sides of every war? Did they aid Russia which supported North Vietnam while US soldiers were being killed and injured in South Vietnam? This topic is discussed in a video interview of Antony Sutton by Dr. Stanley Monteith.
This book may be borrowed via the
Internet Archive.
The U.S. Military Will Have More Robots Than Humans by 2025
Armed with a budget of over $700 billion for the coming year – which will likely continue to grow over the course of Trump’s Pentagon-controlled presidency — the Pentagon’s dystopian vision for the future of the military is quickly becoming a question not of if but when.
Whitney Webb, MPN News
“…instead of destroying TikTok, perhaps the U.S. national security state has co-opted it instead.”
The U.S. Military Will Have More Robots Than Humans by 2025
Armed with a budget of over $700 billion for the coming year – which will likely continue to grow over the course of Trump’s Pentagon-controlled presidency — the Pentagon’s dystopian vision for the future of the military is quickly becoming a question not of if but when.
Whitney Webb, MPN News
Weaponizing Reality
The Dawn of Neurowarfare
Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expanding conflicts into a new domain — the brain — while perhaps forever changing humans’ relationship with machines.
Related interview
If You Still Don’t Know What DARPA Is
You Should Probably Read This
Cloaked in clandestine secrecy,
DARPA has been called the “Oh God Why” branch
of the Department of Defense.
The Anti-Media
March 2010
The Soft-Kill Solution
New frontiers in pain compliance
Criticism Section
Harpers Magazine
Electromagnetic radiation, electrical weapons, laser weapons, chemical weapons, acoustic weapons, projectile weapons, nets, foams, and sprays… as non-lethal deterrence?
False Flags
“…False Flags,
covert operations designed to deceive by appearing as though they are being carried out by other entities…
Passive Facilitation,
where governments allow attacks on their own people to advance their agendas…”
Lies are Unbekoming
Understanding False Flags
On Deception by Design
Plus FREE Downloadable
False Flag Operation
Checklist (pdf)
How many wars have gotten started via lies and/or false flags? See the
False Flags
page of this website for more info.
From Homeland Security To Biosecurity
Watch Along And Q&A
“Now they’re going to try to bring into law what they were pretending was the law.”
James Corbett @23:13
The Last American Vagabond
9/11 false flag? COVID false flag?
Weather warfare and fire
false flags to further their “climate change” agenda? Next up… alien false flag? If extraterrestrials were actually dangerous…wouldn’t we ALREADY be toast? So, can we mentally prepare ourselves to NOT be fooled by an ET false flag?
Next up… alien false flag? If extraterrestrials were actually dangerous…wouldn’t we ALREADY be toast? So, can we mentally prepare ourselves to NOT be fooled by an ET false flag?
He’s EXPOSING the UFO Secret Space program
Interview with Dr. Michael Salla
Redacted News
Drugs transported via anti-gravity crafts in order to provide illegal black budget funding to CIA projects? Is this being revealed because those engaged with these kinds of projects want to get funding from Congress?
The US Government is
Recovering Alien Space Craft for Decades
according to a Former Military Official
If a whistle blower is not getting creamed after exposing these activities… then what is really up? Preparation for an ET false flag?
If You’re Suddenly Yelling About Ukraine
and Have Been Silent on Yemen
You’re Being Manipulated
Echoes of WWI
China, the US, and the Next “Great” War (2017)
The Corbett Report
The Myth of Tiananmen
And the price of a passive press
“As far as can be determined from the available evidence, NO ONE DIED that night in Tiananmen Square.”
Jay Mathews
former Beijing Bureau Chief of the Washington Post
Columbia Journalism Review
Columbia University
Graduate School of Journalism
The Tiananmen Square Deception (1989)
The Tiananmen Square Hoax
Massacre or Failed Color Revolution?
In two years, Falun Gong nearly gone
In 1999, China outlawed the movement. Today, few practice openly, or even speak of it.
“Only two years ago, the Falun Gong spiritual movement in China could mobilize thousands of protesters in an instant.
Followers of a former Chinese government clerk now living in New York would appear en masse, as if from thin air, on famed Tiananmen Square, on obscure street corners, or outside the homes of high officials.”
China faces suspicions about organ harvesting
The Christian Science Monitor
Did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) feel the need to shut down mass protests in Wuhan and Hong Kong in 2019?
Does that remind anyone of the J6 and current Brazil election protester lockups? And then there was the crack down in Canada by police on the Trucker Convoy followed by the freezing of protester funds by banks in Canada. There’s so many of us… and so few of them. Do they feel the need to intimidate the rest of us by making a BIG example of shutting down freedom protesters?
“The war is waged by each ruling group
against its own subjects,
and the object of the war
is not to make or prevent conquests of territory,
but to keep the structure of society intact.”
George Orwell, 1984
“The Epoch Times was founded in the United States in the year 2000 in response to communist repression and censorship in China. Our founders, Chinese-Americans who themselves had fled communism, sought to create an independent media to bring the world uncensored and truthful information.”
The Epoch Times
Monitor reporter’s trial opens
Why India treats journalists as terrorists
“The message it sent to journalists was to self-censor. Fahad’s case, unfortunately, ensured that the message was well received. No one reports critical stories anymore.”
local journalist who wished to remain anonymous for their protection
The Christian Science Monitor
Joint statement on India’s detention of journalist Fahad Shah
Nord Stream pipelines
destruction of pipelines delivering cheap Russian gas to Germany
“American colleagues at the Pentagon
told me, unequivocally, that the US and UK
never would allow European-Soviet (re: Russia)
relations to develop to such a degree that
they would challenge the US-UK’s political,
economic or military primacy and hegemony
on the European continent.
Such a development will be prevented
by all necessary means,
if necessary
by provoking a war in central Europe.”
Christof Lehmann
political analyst
The Unz Review – Mike Whitney Archive
Will Washington Launch a
Mass-Casualty “False Flag”
to Sabotage Nord Stream?
by Antony C. Sutton, 2000
page 68: Ford quotes
page 94: FDR New Deal
Why Everything You Know About World War II
Is Wrong
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
The Unz Review
Did FDR and Churchill help to get WW II started? Were their motives self serving? Was Churchill an alcoholic? Did Churchill make drunken blunders that put at risk those serving in England’s military or their allies? Did England lose their colonial empire because of Churchill? (see embedded video)
Where were the news reporters and military whistle blowers in all of this?
The narrative is that America defended freedom in WW II. And, that we were heroes during the reconstruction after the war.
Does that narrative enable the military complex to keep waging war around the world?
What cautionary lessons can we learn from this? Was Germany thriving after
issuing their own state currency prior to WW2? Did this eliminate interest from borrowing from a
private central bank?
Did Germany go back to using private central bank currency after WW2? Mission accomplished?
American Pravda
Understanding World War II
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
American Pravda
Holocaust Denial
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
History Is Written By The Winners
The Corbett Report
Fake History 3
From Burning Correspondence To
Permanently Removing The Evidence
The Innocence of Kaiser Wilhelm II
How Hitler defied the bankers
“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
Sheldon Emry, Author
Billions for the Bankers
Debts for the People (1984)
Wake Up From Your Slumber
Related video
Related article & quotes
Was the Reichsbank owned by bankers, not by the German government? Were these bankers responsible for hyper-inflation in Germany? Did they pump too much of their currency into the economy? Did these bankers attempt to tank Germany’s economic miracle ON PURPOSE?
Russia Sends Troops To Liberate Oppressed British People From Communist Rule
The Babylon Bee
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee
Truckers… it was really your courage and sacrifice along with upcoming elections that made the narrative suddenly shift. Also, credit goes to the millions of freedom protesters and the courageous judges and lawyers and even an occasional politician standing up for FREEDOM!
The NWO (New World Order) would do ANYTHING… even go to war… to keep Trucker Convoys and their supporters from being front page news.
The NWO sure doesn’t want everyone to know that Canada froze trucker bank accounts… especially just as they are trying to get their cashless society underway. The NWO just demonstrated that they would SHUT YOUR PASSPORT CASH DOWN if they don’t like what you say or do.
Agents of the NWO will undoubtedly try to pull some false flag operations on the truckers. But, if they pull a false flag then they risk getting exposed. They can only cry wolf so many times before citizens start to wise up.
That’s why they would much rather have you stay home and do a boycott instead. Boycotts are effective too. But, that runs the risk of them blaming a tank of the economy on truckers as they try to pull out their cashless society.
Meanwhile, the NWO is trying to distract us with Ukraine as they quietly set up their
infrastructure – even in red states.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton, 2001
Video interview of Antony Sutton
US Officials Admit They’re Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia
“We may now simply be at the stage of imperial narrative control where they can begin openly manufacturing the consent of the public to be lied to for their own good.”
Caitlin Johnstone
Caitlin’s Newsletter
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee
Truckers… it was really your courage and sacrifice along with upcoming elections that made the narrative suddenly shift. Also, credit goes to the millions of freedom protesters and the courageous judges and lawyers and even an occasional politician standing up for FREEDOM!
The NWO (New World Order) would do ANYTHING… even go to war… to keep Trucker Convoys and their supporters from being front page news.
The NWO sure doesn’t want everyone to know that Canada froze trucker bank accounts… especially just as they are trying to get their cashless society underway. The NWO just demonstrated that they would SHUT YOUR PASSPORT CASH DOWN if they don’t like what you say or do.
Agents of the NWO will undoubtedly try to pull some false flag operations on the truckers. But, if they pull a false flag then they risk getting exposed. They can only cry wolf so many times before citizens start to wise up.
That’s why they would much rather have you stay home and do a boycott instead. Boycotts are effective too. But, that runs the risk of them blaming a tank of the economy on truckers as they try to pull out their cashless society.
Meanwhile, the NWO is trying to distract us with Ukraine as they quietly set up their
infrastructure – even in red states.
Russians still say Nyet to the Great Reset
Edward Slavsquat
This candid conversation discusses Russian non-compliance and resistance to the Great Reset. Are Russians very unenthusiastic about the vaxxes and QR codes (cattle tags)? Are Russians just starting to set up their own convoys? Are war and financial shut downs the means of attempting to prevent freedom protesters and convoys in Russia?
Riley Waggaman Provides Updates from Russia
The Corbett Report
Is Russia conscripting their young men into the military and then forcing them to be injected? How safe is that injection? Ten years in prison for those that refuse the jab?
Sputnik V NOT included on list of mandatory vaccines for mobilized Russians.
Will potential conscripts that are refusing the jab feel reassured? There is talk of a combined Sputnik V and influenza shot in Russia. Is the flu shot required for the military?
The digital ruble
Economic sovereignty or enslavement?
“The Bank of Russia revealed on February 15 that three banks have ‘successfully completed the first digital ruble transfers between citizens.’ The transactions are part of a pilot program for Russia’s central bank digital currency (CBDC).”
Edward Slavsquat
Was the NWO (New World Order) going to roll out digital currency in Canada first because Canadians are so polite and compliant? The Freedom Convoy and their millions of supporters blew up that assumption. It looks like the courageous sacrifice of the Freedom Convoy may have saved Canada from that… for now.
Digital Currency = Digital Slavery
If the rulers don’t like what you do or say, they can
If the rulers don’t like what you do or say, they can
The gold-pegged ruble: System failure
“There is no nuance here. Even during the extremely brief period when the CBR had a fixed pice for purchases, the ruble was never ‘pegged’ or ‘linked’ to gold.”
Edward Slavsquat
Who’s Got the Gold?
. . .”although the US has long claimed that it possesses roughly 8,000 tonnes of gold in Fort Knox, there has not been an audit of Fort Knox since 1953.”
Jeff Thomas
Doug Casey’s
What Countries Have the Largest Gold Reserves?
Globalists using Russia as excuse to try to crush decentralized cryptocurrency
so Putin “doesn’t evade” banking sanctions
Natural News
No, Canada did NOT seize any crypto wallets
connected with the #FreedomConvoy
here’s why
Mark E. Jeftovic
Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!
Reader comments are illuminating.
Thirteen Days of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Why Putin Invaded Ukraine
and what’s really going on
Maajid Nawaz
Why Wouldn’t the US Negotiate With Putin?
Michael Tracey
War Plans Were Leaked On Purpose By Russia 4 Months Ago
and that is why Dems kept predicting war
Pam Ho
The Ukraine Crisis
What You Need to Know
The Corbett Report
Moscow’s Coercive Diplomacy Is Working
Scholz has assured Putin that Germany won’t allow Ukraine or Georgia into NATO?
Europe is against Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT payment mechanism?
Russia is NOT going to allow attacks on the Russian population of Dombass Ukraine by USA sponsored right-wing neo-Nazi Ukrainian nationalists?
Fake War With Russia Is Being Used To Hide War On YOU
& Ukraine’s White Supremacist Breeding Ground
The Last American Vagabond
How Ukraine’s Jewish President Made Peace With Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries
While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters.
Mintpress News
Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War
Is the bread basket of Europe getting sold off to huge corporations like Monsanto? Is Monsanto the maker of glyphosate? Does glyphosate contaminate our food?
Are the people of Ukraine getting saddled with crushing war debt?
Is Ukraine really just a giant CIA base? Clandestine has an interesting perspective at
7 FAKE NEWS stories coming out of Ukraine
Related video by The Corbett Report
Americans Who Cowered Under
Government Oppression For 2 Years
Urge Ukrainians To Die For Freedom
The Babylon Bee
The Pentagon Leaker Is a Public Service Hero
“It would be one thing if he’d publicly announced that he’d changed his mind, asked for authorization from Congress, and led a soul-searching public debate about whether the cause of doing everything possible to ensure the victory of an American ally in Ukraine was worth the considerably increased risk of a regional conflict becoming a world war between two or more nuclear-armed powers. But he didn’t do any of that. He just sent the special forces personnel and hoped that the public wouldn’t find out that he’d broken his word.”
Ben Burgis
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee
Truckers… it was really your courage and sacrifice along with upcoming elections that made the narrative suddenly shift. Also, credit goes to the millions of freedom protesters and the courageous judges and lawyers and even an occasional politician standing up for FREEDOM!
The NWO (New World Order) would do ANYTHING… even go to war… to keep Trucker Convoys and their supporters from being front page news.
The NWO sure doesn’t want everyone to know that Canada froze trucker bank accounts… especially just as they are trying to get their cashless society underway. The NWO just demonstrated that they would SHUT YOUR PASSPORT CASH DOWN if they don’t like what you say or do.
Agents of the NWO will undoubtedly try to pull some false flag operations on the truckers. But, if they pull a false flag then they risk getting exposed. They can only cry wolf so many times before citizens start to wise up.
That’s why they would much rather have you stay home and do a boycott instead. Boycotts are effective too. But, that runs the risk of them blaming a tank of the economy on truckers as they try to pull out their cashless society.
Meanwhile, the NWO is trying to distract us with Ukraine as they quietly set up their
infrastructure – even in red states.
“War is a racket.
A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is not what it seems
to the majority of the people.
Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about.
It is conducted for the benefit of the very few,
at the expense of the very many.
Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935
The Ukraine War is a Racket
Ron Paul Institute
Meet Smedley Butler
@36:11 Ron Paul’s “What-if” speech, with really great audio/visuals compiled by Broc West.
War Is a Racket by Smedley Butler
available free online
If You’re Suddenly Yelling About Ukraine
and Have Been Silent on Yemen
You’re Being Manipulated
Tucker Slayed the Mainstream Media Dragon
“…the massive success of the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin demonstrates once and for all that the American people are sick to death of their mainstream media propagandists and liars. They are looking not for government narratives, but for truth.”
Ron Paul
Ron Paul Institute
• The Ukraine War is a Racket
• Foreign Intervention
and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)
• The Vladimir Putin Interview
• 2014 Documentary
Ukraine on Fire
• A Brief History of Ukraine
• Biden Assures America That
The Buck Stops With Putin
• Rights Groups Demand Israel
Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine
• How Ukraine’s Jewish President
Made Peace With Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries
2D chess view
Was the 2014 color revolution in Ukraine actually a US instigated coup?
Was this a deliberate provocation of Russia? Did
Victoria Nuland
choose the leader of Ukraine in 2014?
Is Nuland still an influential US government official in 2024?
Are these types of US government officials a dangerous threat to our world?
(3/5/2024 Nuland resigns)
3D chess view
Are both
Canada’s Trudeau and Russia’s Putin
totally onboard with the Great Reset globalist 2030 agenda?
Is the war in Ukraine a deliberate distraction from what the globalist predators are up to right now?
And what are they up to? Does the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda seek to put all of us peons in digital ID/CBDC/surveillance slavery and 15-minute city prisons? Are both Putin and Trudeau on board with the WEF 2030 agenda?
Will Agenda 2030 result in food insecurity? Did the Ukraine war contribute to food insecurity in the world?
Under the Radar
Major CIA Revelations Expose
Secret Agreements and Boundaries in Ukraine
This past July, one of the most remarkable articles of the entire Ukrainian war flew under the radar
The Daily News
Is the war in Ukraine a “good cop” “bad cop” operation? No matter which side you identify as the good/bad cop, shortages of food and energy are still the result. So, the Ukraine war appears to be serving the agenda of The Great Reset.
The timing of the Ukraine war was suspicious. Mandated COVID jabs were getting a lot of negative press because of the Canadian Trucker Convoys. The shut down of trucker bank accounts by Trudeau put a spotlight on the financial slavery they are planning for us. Digital ID and Digital Cash can be surveiled and controlled by a few elites. If someone does something they don’t like, they will be able to shut down access to digital funds. With no cash available, they can effectually shut up all freedom and dissent.
Trucker convoys were also just getting going in the USA and Russia. The Ukraine war distracted the world’s attention from these popular uprisings for medical freedom and bodily autonomy.
John Varoli
Interviewing Mr Zelensky
How Reuters Protects Him
Natylie’s Place: Understanding Russia
The Ukraine Crisis
What You Need to Know
The Corbett Report
Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research,
laptop emails reveal,
raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
The White House’s game-playing denials of
bio labs in Ukraine
Glenn Greenwald
Related video by Russell Brand
US citizens would NEVER allow Russia to build bio-labs on our border, fly spy planes around at our border that just barely avoid crashing into civilian aircraft, try to place nukes on our border, etc etc etc.
Are other countries getting fed up with getting hit by economic sanctions? Will the petrodollar get ditched because of this?
China urges Pentagon to open up about
‘biolabs’ in Ukraine
Beijing said that the US defense department controls 336 laboratories around the world
“In particular, the United States, as the party which knows these laboratories best, should publish the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses are stored and which research has been carried out.”
Zhao Lijian
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman
2014 Documentary
Ukraine on Fire
Oliver Stone
Documentary reporting the Maydan coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014… neo-Nazi activities… influence of USA, Soros, CIA, Nuland, McCain, and others in the 2014 revolution… Crimea election to rejoin Russia… history of Ukraine and Russia.
Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory
The Telegraph via Yahoo!Finance
The Orchestrated Ukraine Deception
The Broken Overton Window &
Western Extremism Removes Its Mask
The Last American Vagabond
If the US or NATO Put Fighters in the Air Over Ukraine
We’d Have World War
The MORON politicians calling for a no-fly zone in Ukraine should be immediately RECALLED for childish and dangerous crazy WAR talk.
Biden Authorizes $200 Million in New Military Aid for Ukraine
The Epoch Times
Biden approved $200 million in military aid?
Congress just approved $13.6 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine?
So we want to escalate things over there in Ukraine? Isn’t that dangerous with nuclear power plants plus bio labs all over the place in Ukraine?
Did Bill Gates say something about another more deadly virus in our future? Was he perhaps referring to a future leak from a Ukraine bio-lab?
Rights Groups Demand Israel
Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces
Where Is Congress on Ukraine’s Membership in NATO?
Russia Wants to Force the US to Respect the UN Charter
Matt Orfalea Versus the Memory Hole
Ukraine War “Not About NATO”
As a NATO official admits
the alliance motivated Russia to invade Ukraine,
video creator Matt Orfalea shows how often
we were told the war was “not about NATO”
Racket News
Russia Says US Spy Planes Threaten Civil Aviation Near Its Borders
Can you imagine if the situation was reversed… and Russia was flying spy planes near the U.S.A. border and almost collided with a passenger plane? No way would we be OK with that.
Belarus and Ukraine and Russia share borders. Russia is concerned that Nato might expand closer to its borders.
“We have identified the presence of over 120 members of U.S. mercenary groups in the cities of Avdiivka and Krasny Liman to commit provocations…
Tanks filled with unidentified chemical components were delivered to the cities of Avdeevka and Krasny Liman to commit provocations”
Defense Minister Shoigu
The Moscow Times
RPI’s McAdams on Today’s
Dangerous Cat and Mouse in the Kerch Strait
Ron Paul Institute
Russia & Belarus Issue Joint “Red Line” Warning
Alleging NATO Base Expansion Into Ukraine
Putin Requests Talks With NATO Toward ‘Deal’
Halting Bloc’s Eastward Expansion
Washington Is Blinded by Its Hubris
Paul Craig Roberts
Institute for Political Economy
Why is the Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine to Attack Russia?
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Pam Ho discusses politics and foreign policy…
Tulsi Gabbard Has Not Changed — Her Critics Have
Pam Ho says Tulsi isn’t part of the WEF.
Kazakhstan and the CSTO
Putin Calmly Reads the Riot Act
The Real Cuban Missile Crisis
Everything you think you know about those 13 days is wrong.
The Atlantic
January/February 2013 Issue
Kazakhstan Under Control?
New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
The Corbett Report
US-Russia Talks May Be the Last Chance
It’s crunch time in Russia-U.S. relations. High-level talks starting Monday will determine the shape of world security for decades to come, observes Tony Kevin.
Consortium News
What War With Russia Would Look Like
Wendy Sherman thinks her aim in talks with Russian officials starting Monday is to lecture them on the cost of hubris. Instead she’s set to lead the U.S., NATO, and Europe down a path of ruin, warns Scott Ritter.
Consortium News
Economic warfare has been declared on
by governments in the
It sounds as if Lukashenko has had enough of the bullying tactics! So, now the President of Belarus is talking of partnering with
Russia… probably for protection.
Militants coming into Belarus from Ukraine
sounds like a classic CIA assisted operation… along with possible
manipulation of the Olympian athlete
. So, maybe we’ve been waging actual warfare against Belarus… in addition to economic warfare?
When a tiny country gets picked on for resisting COVID tyranny, then they may feel the need to beef up
Belarusian defense minister
NATO war moves reminiscent of eve of Nazi invasion
A journal of NATO’s threat to world peace
Short List of USAID Subversion Operations
The “protests” in Georgia follow the State Department’s subversion template.
Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics
With HIV regime-change ruse in Cuba
another black eye for USAID
NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses
Flashback from 2018
The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations. And it is just as useful as ever.
But today’s tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy. And their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering “aid” to foreign nations. In today’s edition of The Corbett Report, we’ll learn about how NGOs are the deep state’s Trojan horses.
The Corbett Report
Top Georgian opposition leader
meets with Biden’s NSA
ex-Saakashvili interior chief hails new Maidan coup
A journal of NATO’s threat to world peace
Thessalia tragedy.
Greece in NATO and Zionist crosshairs
The Thessalia plains floods are a catastrophe of biblical proportions – deliberate or ‘climate change’?
“Thessalia floods in Greece. Barely reported by legacy media. Why?
We have covered the fires in Greece that serve NATO expansion and the installation of wind farms to provide energy for the EU. Now, we have the devastating floods in Thessalia north of Athens which is one of the three main bread baskets of Greece, now reduced to a sea of pollution, livestock carcasses and dead fish:”
Vanessa Beeley
IMF vs Greece
Greece Lightning
“I’ve been observing that the places hit with weather weapons are often rebellious ‘colonies’ particularly from the POV of the banking empire.”
Tereza Coraggio
Third Paradigm<
More info on
Weather Warfare and Fire
Why do Republicans Support
U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela?
Both Democrats and Republicans mostly don’t seem to mind the outrageous trade sanctions on Venezuela. Most Americans seem to be unaware of what’s really going on there. The culprit is the news that they are consuming.
Biden hasn’t stopped the sanctions? Isn’t he supposed to be for clean energy? So, supposedly he’s not serving the interests of big oil? Is this really war over the petrodollar? Maybe the real issue is that Venezuela defies the global mafia.
Democrats Cheered For Regime Change During State Of The Union Address
Kim Iverson
The Grooming of Juan Guiado, Pawn for US Economic Interests in Venezuela
MintPress News
Plan Puma
When Argentina Ran Military Drills at the Behest of the US to Invade Venezuela
MintPress News
There is a bill in the House that would forbid the USA from going to war with Venezuela. But, how much progress is that bill actually making? Democrats have majority control of the House.
Top Democrats march lockstep behind Trump’s coup in Venezuela.
Democrats and Death Squads in Venezuela
During the Bush presidency…
- Machinery in the oil plant was sabotaged. It took a long time for Venezuela to recover from this.
- Members of a major newspaper in Venezuela overthrew the government of Venezuela.
- They were thrown out by Venezuelans that were disgusted by their behavior.
- Bush welcomed those that had perpetrated the coup to the U.S.
Over $30 billion of Venezuela’s assets stolen on ‘Trump’s orders’
Venezuela hit with another blackout, 91 percent without internet
The Hill
The Reality Behind Trump’s Coalition for Regime Change in Venezuela
The New Republic
U.S. Uses International Finance System to Strangle Venezuelan Economy
Regime Change Via Sanctions?
Democracy Now!
How Media Keep Anti-Imperialist Dissent in Check
Common Dreams
Chinese troops arrived in Venezuela… and almost no reporting in the international press? When the mainstream press fails us, free speech on social media is crucial… because we as individuals can research what is really going on… and then spread the truth via social media.
The people of Venezuela have been hit hard by the economic warfare against them. But, so far… the attempted theft of their government and their oil is not successful.
The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi
“One of the first acts of the Libyan ‘rebels’ was to create a new central
bank… to one that was owned by Rothschild, just as ours in the west are…
The Rothschild family are estimated to own over half the world’s wealth. Rothschild owned banks create money out of thin air & sell it to the people at interest. This means we never have enough money to pay back what is ‘owed’…”
@55:13 Captions in video
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or
imminent threat to the nation.”
Senator Barack Obama
What happens to our government servants when they reach the office of President? The pressure on these people must be enormous. This is why we need to pray for our public servants. It also helps to keep our leaders on the straight and narrow by shining a light on what they are actually doing via alternative news media.
While Covid Distracts,
Turkey And Egypt On Brink of War Over Libya
Remember Libya? The country “liberated” by Obama and Hillary? Nine years later the country remains destroyed.
Ron Paul Liberty Report
The killing of Gaddafi 10 years ago has resulted in
The death of the nation of Libya
and the destruction of its people
On April 1st, did Israel attack an Iranian Embassy in Syria and kill Iranian officers? Is Iran proposing a ceasefire in Gaza in return for no retaliation? Is Biden walking back talk of a ceasefire?
Do Israel and the United States WANT war with Iran? Does Iran have large oil deposits and NO Rothschild central bank? So… a tempting target for globalist predators?
Is Israel trying to destract from their war on Gaza with war on Iran and Lebanon and Syria? Could this start up WW3?
Israel is Crossing All Boundaries as
America Tires of its Endless Wars
How Big a Factor Is Iran in the War on Gaza?
Trump Says Biden Has ‘Totally Abandoned Israel’
Biden Walks Back Call for Israel to Declare a Ceasefire in Gaza
Majority of Americans Oppose Using US Troops To Defend Israel
The Biden administration has committed to defending Israel from an expected Iranian reprisal attack
Trump privately admits he killed Soleimani “under pressure” from upcoming impeachment trial.
Credibility Crisis
No One Believes Iran Attacked Saudi Arabia
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
The Real Cuban Missile Crisis
Everything you think you know about those 13 days is wrong.
The Atlantic
January/February 2013 Issue
What was President Kennedy’s foreign policy in Cuba and Vietnam?
With HIV regime-change ruse in Cuba
another black eye for USAID
The US Agency for International Development was alleged to have been using its programs as cover to undermine the Cuban government. It’s far from the first recent claim of political meddling for the US aid arm.
The Christian Science Monitor
Short List of USAID Subversion Operations
Operation Northwoods
“The plan, which was revealed in 2017 when the National Archives declassified 2,800 documents from the JFK era, was a collaborative effort that included the CIA, the State Department, the Department of Defense, and other federal agencies that sought to brainstorm strategies to topple Castro and sow unrest within Cuba. One of those plans included Operation Northwoods, submitted to the CIA by General Lyman Lemnitzer on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It summarized nine ‘pretexts’ the CIA and US government could employ to justify military intervention in Cuba.”
Jon Miltimore
Carey Wedler
Foundation for Economic Education
Operation Northwoods
explained by James Bamford
Intelligence analyst James Bamford explains Operation Northwoods and the American Government’s plan to commit terrorism on its own population and then blame on Cuba, which JFK fortunately rejected.
“They were going to take an aircraft and load it with CIA people that looked like college students… have it take off from an airport in Miami with a lot of publicity… and then it would… land at a secret CIA base.
At that same time, an identical plane would take off from that CIA base… except this plane would be empty. And, it would be remotely piloted from the ground. It was a drone plane that would be very similar to the passenger plane that had just taken off.
And once the plane was over Cuba, there was going to be a tape recorder that would have played a distress call to a microphone saying, ‘Help, we’re being shot at!’ And a few minutes later… somebody would have pressed the button on the ground, blowing up the plane. And they would have blamed Cuba for killing a plane load of American college students.”
James Bamford
Author of “A Pretext For War”
and “Body of Secrets“
The Investigative Archive of
Related at The National Security Archive
Did the Director of the CIA and his rich associates want Kennedy out of the way so they could manipulate Indonesia and its valuable raw materials?
Interview with Professor Anthony C. Sutton
Dr. Stanley Monteith
Do elites fund both sides of every war? Did they finance Russia during the Vietnam war… so that it could arm North Vietnam… while US soldiers were maimed and killed in South Vietnam?
Weren’t some of our soldiers also permanently injured by agent orange in Vietnam?
And these parasites think WE are the useless eaters?
Agent Orange
National Suicide
Military Aid to the Soviet Union
by Antony Sutton
CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Reveals
How the Agency Deceived the Country
During the Vietnam War
“The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President’s foreign policy advisers.
In that capacity, it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting ‘intelligence’ justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapon capability, to support presidential policy.
Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility. And, the American people are the primary target audience of its lies.”
Ralph Walter McGehee
25 years in American intelligence
former CIA case officer
Witness to War
CIA is Not Now Nor Has it Ever Been
an “Intelligence” Agency says McGehee
Deadly Deceits
My 25 Years in the CIA
by Ralph McGehee, 2002
The Children of Vietnam
Photographs and Text
by William F. Pepper
Ramparts Magazine, January 1967, pp. 45-68
Content Archive of Printed Periodicals and Books
The UNZ Review
Did this article inspire MLK to speak against the Vietnam war? Did anti-war speech get MLK done in by criminal factions of our government?
Truth At Last
The Assassination of Martin Luther King
“Chapman looked like he could have been programmed and I know that you are going to make of that word. That was the way he looked and that was the way he talked.”
NYPD Lt. Arthur O’Connor
The Free Thought Project
Was John Lennon about to reveal to the world that The Beatles music
experimented with mind control? Was John Lennon killed to prevent this from being exposed?
More likely he got taken out for his politics. Wasn’t he an anti-war activist?
Price of the CIA’s Secret War in Laos
Free Press
Speaking Truth to Power Since 1970
The Gaza Holocaust
The Corbett Report
Was October 7 an Inside Job?
How connected to the Mossad — Israeli Secret Intelligence — was Hamas? Was Hamas paid off with millions by Mossad? Did Israeli military stand down for 6 hours during this event? Was this a false flag used by Israeli government as an excuse for the eradication of Palestinians in Gaza?
2024 Documentary by John Hankey
Supremacism inevitably leads to crime
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan Over a Year Ago
The Good Citizen
“[The fact that the border was breached in 15 places] is completely ridiculous because normally with one breach of the fence, the whole army is triggered and things start moving immediately. Things start moving immediately and here there was nothing for hours.”
Efrat Fenigson
Independent Journalist
Podcaster, Israeli Citizen
Served in Israel’s intelligence forces
Wide Awake Media on X
More of this interview at…
DarkHorse Podcast with Bret Weinstein
Is this
Israel’s 9/11 or Pearl Harbor?
But what happened in each of those situations? In each event, was there a stand down of the military engineered by those with political power and for political reasons? Whenever a stand DOWN is happening… it may be a good time to be asking ourselves if something nefarious is UP.
Was 9/11
made to happen
by certain criminal elements of the US government? On 9/11, was the chain of command
Pearl Harbor
Were we well aware of what was going on with the Japanese… because we broke their codes?
Did Roosevelt
fail to warn local commanders in Hawaii of an imminent attack?
Was the attack on Pearl Harbor the excuse FDR wanted to get the USA into World War II? Did Roosevelt do everything he could to get Japan to attack us?
Israel was aware
that Hamas was planning something? Did
Egypt warn Israel
repeatedly that “something big” was being planned from Gaza? Was there subsequently
no military response for hours to the 15 border breaches by Hamas?
Earlier this year, were Israeli plans made to retake Gaza? Was the plan to clear out Gaza to
make way for Israeli settlers?
“In March, 2023 Israeli parliament passed a law paving the way to conquer the Gaza Strip and re-establish settlements.”
Dan Cohen
Are north Gaza residents being required to move to south Gaza? Are even hospitals in north Gaza being
required to evacuate by the Israeli military?
Are oil and natural gas resources in Palestine worth
hundreds of billions of dollars?
Hamas created and funded by the US and Israel?
Has Hamas been supported by various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu that undermined the Palestinian Authority and
propped up the Hamas terror group?
Does Israel
constantly surveil and control the residents of Palestine? Are Palestinians allowed to be self governing?
“Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison, with 2 million people being held in captivity, essentially… and utterly controlled from outside.
Then what they are doing is not deciding on some sort of government in some free and fair election for their nation state. At best, they’re getting a suggestion box for prison warden.”
James Corbett @45:59
The Last American Vagabond
Great source links are listed below this informative video interview. More show notes
9/11, Israel & the Mossad Investigated
with Christopher Bollyn
If the CIA and Mossad created Hamas
who created the CIA and Mossad?
Is Israel
bombing the civilian population of Gaza?
Are children 50% of the population?
Are people not being allowed to escape from Palestine?
Is Israel bombing areas of Southern Gaza
where it told Palestinians to flee?
Has Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza?
Are people from other nations.. including the USA… also trapped in Gaza?
Do these people need electricity, clean water, food, fuel? Is this not being allowed in?
50+ Israeli Soldier’s Expose the Truth
Killed In Gaza By Israeli Bombing
140 Kids, 11 UN Staff, 30 UN School Pupils
& 4 Israeli Hostages
“the concert… there’s all sorts of weird discrepancies about what happened there… Two or three first people who were shown all turned out to be lies.
- The woman on the bike is an IDF member.
- The woman who they claim is killed turns out she’s in the hospital according to her mother…
- The story about the babies… that turned out to be a false story.
So, it’s pretty clear that we have a reason to go… Wait a minute.
Maybe there’s something else going on here.”
Ryan Cristián @1:35:36
The Last American Vagabond
Jackson Hinkle on X
Media, Israel Walk Back Claims that Hamas Beheaded Babies
Flashback: Babies on Bayonets
The Israel-Hamas War is ALREADY Pushing the Great Reset Agenda
The Great Reset agenda includes censorship, surveillance, no bodily autonomy, digital ID, carbon credits, programmable digital currency, centralized control, high energy prices, easily controlled & surveilled 15-minute city prisons, and unnatural food.
Were most governments in on the COVID scam? They were united. Citizens were divided and distracted. Is divide-and-distract their way of sneaking in the Great Reset?
While you were watching Israel…
Just like Ukraine,
the latest war is perfect camouflage for the Great Reset
Israel-Hamas “war”
another excuse to shut down free speech
October 7 testimonies reveal
Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens
with tanks, missiles
Is Israel’s Hannibal Directive a military plan to prevent kidnappings by killing both captors and captives? Were some particularly jarring photos actually photos of Hamas and their captives… killed by Israeli hellfire missiles?
Israhell and the Hannibal Directive
Evidence Shows Israel Killed Own Citizens On The 7th
53 UN Staff, Journalists Deliberately Killed
On April 1st, did Israel attack an Iranian Embassy in Syria and kill Iranian officers? Is Iran proposing a ceasefire in Gaza in return for no retaliation? Is Biden walking back talk of a ceasefire?
Do Israel and the United States WANT war with Iran? Does Iran have large oil deposits and NO Rothschild central bank? So… a tempting target for globalist predators?
Is Israel trying to destract from their war on Gaza with war on Iran and Lebanon and Syria? Could this start up WW3?
Israel is Crossing All Boundaries as
America Tires of its Endless Wars
How Big a Factor Is Iran in the War on Gaza?
Trump Says Biden Has ‘Totally Abandoned Israel’
Biden Walks Back Call for Israel to Declare a Ceasefire in Gaza
Majority of Americans Oppose Using US Troops To Defend Israel
The Biden administration has committed to defending Israel from an expected Iranian reprisal attack
South Africa’s Case Against Israeli Genocide In Gaza
Is Historic And Humanitarian
The Last American Vagabond
The Flour Massacre Setup
False Flag Attempt Exposed
The Last American Vagabond
The Flour Massacre and the Gaza Holocaust
New World Next Week
Were starving Palestinians shot at by Israeli military as they arrived to receive food aid?
Is our government making feeble protests that they don’t support genocide in Gaza… after sending
financial support
to Israel?
Is Israel Facing trial for Genocide? @7:59
Will anything actually happen at that
World Court Trial in South Africa?
Is South Africa fired up about genocide because they were a hotbed of apartheid not so long ago? Was research even done on
genetic poisons? (eugenics)
Hamas created and funded by the US and Israel?
Did Netanyahu claim Hamas headquarters were located under a hospital in Gaza?
Was this a lie used to justify Israel’s
bombing of hospitals in Gaza?
Was a doctor being
severely tortured by Israeli military to try to force him to say that Hamas is using a hospital as a military site?
Has Hamas been supported by various governments led by Netanyahu that undermined the Palestinian Authority and
propped up the Hamas terror group?
Is Netanyahu an unconvicted war criminal?
Is our mainstream “news” reporting the Flour Massacre? Is it in the headlines? Who do you suppose
runs mainstream media? Is it members of the Council on Foreign Relations and their buddies? Did the
Fabian Society influence many of these people? Are Fabians long time eugenicists and Marxists?
The 7th Annual Fake News Awards
Verified CIA Document Reveals
Zionists Willing To “Sacrifice The Jews”
In Arab Nations For Agenda
The Last American Vagabond
Is Judaism not the same as Zionism? Judaism is a religion while Zionism is political?
Israeli tanks kill Israeli hostages
as part of a Hannibal directive ordered by Israeli military brass?
Zionist Agents Drove Mass Jewish Exodus From Arab Countries,
According To Israeli Historian
“In a recently published memoir, written by Israeli-British historian, Avi Shlaim, new evidence was published on a series of false-flag attacks that were carried out by Zionists who were working on behalf of the Mossad in 1950-51. The information presented adds to the evidence that counters one of Tel Aviv’s top propaganda points, which it uses to justify the murder and mass expulsion of Palestinian civilians in 1948.”
Robert Inlakesh
The Last American Vagabond
Daily Wrap Up @1:45:45
A Century of Zionist Violence
with Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson
“We will expel the Arabs and take their place.
In each attack, a decisive blow should be struck
resulting in the destruction of homes
and the expulsion of the population.”
David Ben-Gurion
Zionist and first Prime Minister of Israel
A World Where Genocide of Civilians
Is Not Only Accepted
But Cheered
Drafter of Leahy law says it was never applied to Israel
‘If a government doesn’t want to comply with the law,
they shouldn’t receive U.S. assistance’
Responsible Statecraft
9/11, Israel & the Mossad Investigated
with Christopher Bollyn
“You have to look at who is the brain behind the empire…
This is not an American empire. This is an American empire with a foreign brain…
with a foreign agenda at the top.”
Christopher Bollyn @22:25
Related books:
Solving 9-11
The Deception That Changed the World
The Original Articles
Was evidence of big crimes from the 1990’s systematically destroyed during 9/11?
Did the white smoke mean that thermite was involved, not burning keroscene? So, explosives rather than fuel from a plane?
RFK Jr. & Understanding Zionist/Statist Domination
of “Government”, Media and Banking
Ryan Cristian of TLAV & Etienne Break Down RFK Jr.’s promise to be a “Champion of Israel”
Art of Liberty
Rights Groups Demand Israel
Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad:
The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.
MintPress News
Apple Alerts Biden Admin Officials
Their Phones Hacked By Israeli Spyware
How America Was Lied Into Both World Wars
Don’t Tread On Anyone
Is a false flag being planned to get us into
war with Iran?
How many wars have gotten started via false flags?
Or attempted to be started via a false flag?
The USS Liberty
Was Israel’s attack on
the USS Liberty
an effort to enrage the USA at Arabs and bring the USA into Israel’s Six Day War in 1967?
Did LBJ want the USS Liberty to sink
as a way to get campaign $ from Israel?
The USS Cole
Did Israel attack the
the USS Cole in Yemen? Was this attack
an effort to get public opinion worked up against Arabs (Al Qaeda) in 2000?
Operation Susannah
Was a marketplace
bomb in Egypt exploded by a member of an Israeli sleeper cell in 1954? Was this bomb intended to get the USA to estrange from its ally Egypt?
Honeypot Operations
Did the Israeli Mossad intelligence service have any connection to
Epstein “honeypot” operations? Honeypots aren’t a false flag. But, are they an attempt to secretly influence US government institutions?
You Need Only Read One Article About
The Liberty
James Perloff’s
It Solves The Entire “Mystery,”
And It Reveals A Blueprint For How and Why
Nothing “Makes Sense”
When It Comes To US-Israeli Relations
The Truth Barrier
Remember the Liberty
Mostly Controlling The Words
The Truth of Why
LBJ Wanted the USS Liberty to Sink
Getting Israel to Help Ensure His Reelection
A Thumbnail Version
will this be the first dew war in history?
the secular heretic
The US gives Israel $1.2B for giant laser beam weapon
Does ANYONE want to get microwaved to death?
It’s one thing if lasers are used as defensive weapons. It’s something entirely different if lasers are used on populations. Shall we ask
the people of Lahaina who they think the terrorists really are? By the way, after the destruction of Lahaina, was the local press NOT allowed into the destroyed areas? Hmmmm…
Was the destruction of Lahaina related to the intense interest in building a 15-minute city there? Nobody was just gonna give their home up to that, right? The locals were saying no. And, then… voila! Property and people cleared?
Erase Gaza, build shining modern city
the plan all along?
Trials at Karish gas field commence as
negotiations with Lebanon collapse
Israel presented France with a map of hundreds of potential targets across Lebanon, which it intends to attack if the negotiations fail
the Cradle…
Israel’s Strikes On Syria
Signal It Is Preparing For
Possible War With Lebanon
“Over the past months, tensions have risen over Israel’s exploration of natural gas in a disputed zone between Tel Aviv and Beirut. Israel intends to begin drilling from the Karish gas field in October, after initially claiming that they would do so in mid-September. Lebanon claims that resource rich Karish field is in a disputed area, whereas Israel claims it to be within its own Exclusive Economic Zone.”
Robert Inlakesh, The Last American Vagabond
Israel’s Strikes On Syria
Signal It Is Preparing For
Possible War With Lebanon
“Over the past months, tensions have risen over Israel’s exploration of natural gas in a disputed zone between Tel Aviv and Beirut. Israel intends to begin drilling from the Karish gas field in October, after initially claiming that they would do so in mid-September. Lebanon claims that resource rich Karish field is in a disputed area, whereas Israel claims it to be within its own Exclusive Economic Zone.”
Robert Inlakesh, The Last American Vagabond
A Company Family
The Untold History of Obama and the CIA
CovertAction Magazine
President Trump –
Don’t Cave In To Warmongers On Syria Withdrawal!
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
US Attacks Syrian Army Outpost As
US Firm Moves To Steal Syrian Oil
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
To be fair… Trump did try to get us out of Syria.. But, the press and politicians howled about it. Trump gave up on that.
Biden Administration Has
No Plans to Pull Troops Out of Syria
UN Officials Faked Syria Gas ‘Attack’ Report!
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
March 2012
The Gaza Holocaust
The Corbett Report
Was October 7 an Inside Job?
How connected to the Mossad — Israeli Secret Intelligence — was Hamas? Was Hamas paid off with millions by Mossad? Did Israeli military stand down for 6 hours during this event? Was this a false flag used by Israeli government as an excuse for the eradication of Palestinians in Gaza?
2024 Documentary by John Hankey
Dear Joe Biden
A message on Rafah from US military families
Responsible Statecraft
Mark Milley throws US military under the bus for Israel
On April 1st, did Israel attack an Iranian Embassy in Syria and kill Iranian officers? Is Iran proposing a ceasefire in Gaza in return for no retaliation? Is Biden walking back talk of a ceasefire?
Do Israel and the United States WANT war with Iran? Does Iran have large oil deposits and NO Rothschild central bank? So… a tempting target for globalist predators?
Is Israel trying to destract from their war on Gaza with war on Iran and Lebanon and Syria? Could this start up WW3?
Israel is Crossing All Boundaries as
America Tires of its Endless Wars
How Big a Factor Is Iran in the War on Gaza?
Trump Says Biden Has ‘Totally Abandoned Israel’
Biden Walks Back Call for Israel to Declare a Ceasefire in Gaza
Majority of Americans Oppose Using US Troops To Defend Israel
The Biden administration has committed to defending Israel from an expected Iranian reprisal attack
CHP isn’t supposed to aim less-lethal munitions at protesters’ heads and fire into crowds.
It did at UCLA
These CHP individuals MUST be held responsible for this bullying and potentially damaging behavior.
Our college kids got STEAMROLLED during the scamdemic. You would THINK that decision makers would be smart enough to know that chemicals that have been tested only for a short time can hardly be promised by ANYONE to be “safe and effective”. That’s just basic common sense. And yet, college kids in California were FORCED to get these experimental injections if they wanted to go to college.
Now these college kids are FINALLY showing a little spunk. They’re exercising their right to protest and free speech. And… they’re getting steamrolled again? By which police? By some CHP idiots that probably get their “news” from lamestream media? These CHP individuals NEED to be held accountable for their actions.
UC San Diego Workers Join
Rolling Strikes Over Campus Protest Response
Three things you must understand about the pro-Palestine protestors
What does it take to recall/withdraw
a vaccine/injectable product?
People rising in solidarity
New World Next Week
Israel/OPT: Israeli authorities are using facial recognition technology to entrench apartheid
“The reality is streets full of surveillance cameras, which are mounted on the sides of buildings, lampposts, surveillance towers and rooftops…
as one resident, Neda, explained: ‘I’m being watched the whole time… it gives me a really bad feeling everywhere in the street. Every time I see a camera, I feel anxious. Like you are always being treated as if you are a target.’ “
Amnesty International
50+ Israeli Soldier’s Expose the Truth
Chris Hedges
Israel is Shutting Down its Human Laboratory in Gaza
The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie
Keith Harmon Snow
Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide
The Corbett Report
Did the narrative offered up in the Hollywood movie “Hotel Rwanda” lie to us about who did the killing and who the victims were? Did the Hollywood narrative promote interventionism?
False Narrative
Whitewashing Rwanda Genocide
by Keith Harmon Snow
“…the target of both operations is securing the vast territory that is rich in commodities that the United States, Britain and Israel—all allies of Uganda and Rwanda—want badly. Those commodities are gold, diamonds, columbium-tantalite (coltan), platinum and natural gas.”
Wayne Madsen
“Kagame was the commander of the Rwandan Patriotic Front/Army (RPF/A) and a leading agent—with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and their U.S., U.K., Belgian and Israeli backers—behind the massive bloodshed and ongoing terrorism in Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Congo, Sudan and Somalia.”
Keith Harmon Snow
Is Rwanda a country with massive oil reserves that rich predators might be interested in looting?
Secret US plans for Iraq’s oil
Video interview of Greg Palast by
This article
at 911Truth.org discusses the very suspicious details of 9/11. It also explores the psychology of appetite for war. Super interesting.
Biden Is Doubling Down on Iraq War Lies
Stephen Zunes, Truthout
Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew About Iraq 15 Years Ago and What He Told the U.N.
The evidence is irrefutable: Powell consciously deceived the world in his 2003 presentation making the case for war with Saddam Hussein.
The Intercept_
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
So You Think Military Intervention is a Good Idea?
Well, if you really feel that strongly about it…
“History shows that the US Government lies all the time to trick Americans into wars. The claim that Iraq had nuclear weapons was not an isolated case, but business as usual.
The US government lies about everything, and uses every trick they can (including obedient presstitutes and whorespondants in the corporate media to prop up failed lies and ridicule those who think for themselves) to trick the nation into war after war after war.”
Michael Rivero
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan
So, what’s REALLY going on?
Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?
How the Pentagon Leaned on Hollywood to Sell the War in Afghanistan
“It is high time that Americans realized that, when watching movies and TV shows about war, all too often they are not seeing neutral works of art, but carefully constructed pieces of national security propaganda.”
Alan Macleod, MPN News
What Was the Jessica Lynch Story?
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan
So, what’s REALLY going on?
Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?
This Year’s Kabul Pride Parade Canceled Due To Low Turnout
The Babylon Bee
Guess Who’s The Taliban’s Biggest Weapons Supplier?
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Taliban’s Massively Successful Opium Eradication
Raises Questions
About What US Was Doing All Along
Mintpress News
CIA Gave Afghan Warlords Viagra
The Taliban’s rise to power was driven in part by their opposition to Afghan tribal leaders’ systematic rape of young boys.
We Failed Afghanistan
Not the Other Way Around
TK News by Matt Taibbi
The CIA’s Afghan Death Squads
The Intercept_
“Where the people fear the government
you have tyranny.
Where the government fears the people
you have liberty.”
John Basil Barnhill
Publisher and Writer
Music Video
Who are the Nazis now?
music by Clan Dyken
“To announce that there must be
no criticism of the president,
or that we are to stand by the president
right or wrong,
is not only unpatriotic and servile,
but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Theodore Roosevelt
AZ Quotes
“Some things were never meant to be recycled.”
bumper sticker with a picture of George Bush
John Kenneth Galbraith
Casino Capitalism
Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan granted bail, leaves court
New York Post
by Reuters
New World Next Week
Globalist Pakistani Deep State
Switched Off Social Media & Mobile Internet Access
After Arresting Ousted Former PM Imran Khan
Pakistani Government Threatens to Block Digital IDs to Shut Down Access to Bank Accounts
Imran Khan wounded in ‘assassination attempt’ in Pakistan
Pakistan Floods
A Warning
or Pre-Emptive Geoengineering?
“If anybody thinks that the recent extreme Pakistani monsoon floods… and the US-instigated ousting of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, are sheer coincidence, might be dead-wrong.
There are no coincidences. Within the timeframe of UN Agenda 2030, or the Great Reset, all is connected.”
Peter Koenig, Global Research
Were street protests interrupted by a monsoon flood which forced a million Pakistani citizens out of their homes? Did the monsoon interfere with them following through and getting their politician back?
Did the new
Pakistani PM approve an IMF agreement?
“…record rainfall fell over Pakistan in several bursts from mid-June to late August with large swathes of the country receiving a completely unprecedented 500%-700% of their usual August rain.”
Ben Clarke, Friederike Otto and Luke Harrington
The Conversation
Almost 1,000 Dead, 33 Million Affected in
Worst Floods in a Decade
“According to UNOCHA, more than 793,900 livestock – a critical source of sustenance and livelihoods for many families – have died… Around 2 million acres (810,000 hectares) of crops and orchards have also been impacted…”
Richard Davies, FloodList
Were the Turkish Earthquakes Man-Made?
“24 hours before the earthquake, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey. 5 days before its occurrence, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning for Romanian citizens in Turkey, although there was no danger, as did other countries…
The maps shown on all the television channels show that there was no epicentre, but a line with thousands of earthquakes.”
Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă .
In a statement to Romania’s upper house
James Delingpole
Related video:
Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?
Was this a warning to Erdoğan, Turkey’s leader? Was he neutral in the Ukrainian war? Did he try to block Sweden’s attempt to join NATO? Did his speech at Davos disturb TPTSB (the powers that shouldn’t be)? Is this also a message to leaders of other nations?
The Devastating Effects Of The Earthquake In Turkey
From Argentina To A Street Near You
The banker network
“This crisis has it all: international bankers influencing elections; the IMF billions finding their way into private bank accounts; foreign exchange trading screens lighting up as the cash flees the country; and the ordinary people stuck with the bill.
The IMF has followed the same shtick for decades: lend more money in return for
austerity and the sale of public assets (to globalists close to the IMF) and pinning the debt on the public. It is a form of wealth distribution to the richest.“
World Bank Secret Documents
Consume Argentina
Greg Palast Investigative Journalism
Plan Puma
When Argentina Ran Military Drills at the Behest of the US to Invade Venezuela
MintPress News
From Argentina To A Street Near You
“…the foremost economist on central banks, Richard Werner, is more damning than Graeber. He chronicles in The Princes Of The Yen (2003) how the IMF and World Bank manipulated compliant Japanese officials to “open up” the country, encouraging it to borrow money from abroad. That led to the boom of the 1980s. When the U.S. hiked interest rates boom turned to bust — pump and dump — and the IMF enforcers moved in for the kill, demanding Japan and other Asian countries sell their financial institutions to Western bankers as the price of assistance.”
North Korea
Did HAARP Destroy North Korea’s Nuclear Program?
“…Ionospheric heaters probing for underground structures, looking for nuclear tunnels, and suddenly magically without warning, North Korea’s nuclear tunnel collapses, killing at least 200 people. And, if they were 200 people in those tunnels, they were nuclear scientists. So, if an accident caused it, then that’s one of the luckiest accidents in history. But, I’m thinking this was not an accident.”
James Franklin Lee Jr.
ClimateViewer News
North Korea nuclear tunnel COLLAPSES
‘killing at least 200 people’
amid fears of a massive radioactive leak
The collapse happened at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in the country’s north-east on October 10, according to reports
NKorea launches 2 missiles toward sea
after US-SKorea drills
The Associated Press
Does North Korea still have nukes? Even without nukes, they probably could inflict some damage regionally.
Bolsonaro Raided,
Aide Arrested Amid Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Records Scandal
Mexico Resists U.S. GMOs, Fights for Food Sovereignty
The Conscious Resistance Network
The Maryland Defend the Guard Act
Maryland Action Alert
Support Bill to End Unconstitutional National Guard Deployments
“The powers not delegated to the United States
by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people.”
The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
If You Like War, You’re Going To Love The Biden Administration
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Report says…
U.S. Spent Six Trillion Dollars on Wars
Half a Million People Killed Since 9/11
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”
General Dwight D Eisenhower
Farewell address 1961
Catastrophe! $6.4 Trillion Wasted On 20 Years Of War!
New report by Brown University’s Costs of War Project
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
For US veterans, what does it mean to heal a moral injury?
The Christian Science Monitor
The Hidden Agenda for World Government
As Revealed by Norman Dodd
G. Edward Griffin
Norman Dodd was head researcher for the Reese Committee. He talks about what some tax exempt foundations have been up to.
“Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” And they conclude that no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely… “How do we involve the United States in a war?” @25:34
Full Documentary
The WW1 Conspiracy
Corbett Report Extras
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton, 2001
Video interview of Antony Sutton
by Antony C. Sutton, 2000
page 68: Ford quotes
page 94: FDR New Deal
Why Everything You Know About World War II
Is Wrong
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
The Unz Review
Did FDR and Churchill help to get WW II started? Were their motives self serving? Was Churchill an alcoholic? Did Churchill make drunken blunders that put at risk those serving in England’s military or their allies? Did England lose their colonial empire because of Churchill? (see embedded video)
Where were the news reporters and military whistle blowers in all of this?
The narrative is that America defended freedom in WW II. And, that we were heroes during the reconstruction after the war.
Does that narrative enable the military complex to keep waging war around the world?
What cautionary lessons can we learn from this? Was Germany thriving after
issuing their own state currency prior to WW2? Did this eliminate interest from borrowing from a
private central bank?
Did Germany go back to using private central bank currency after WW2? Mission accomplished?
American Pravda
Understanding World War II
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
American Pravda
Holocaust Denial
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
My Hitler Journey
Franklin Delano
My Exploited Father-in-Law
by Curtis B. Dall
insider’s look at how the Deep State manages the powerful
*** pages 49, 55, 57, 59, 72, 78, 80, 86, 90, 92-93, 107, 112, 115, 119
“In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happened,
you can bet it was planned that way.”
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Globalist Agenda
WWII & The Chess Game of World Government
*This is a truncated version of the recently published eBook,
A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control by Gavin Nascimento
Did Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Ford, GM, and ITT invest in Nazi Germany? Did Chase Bank provide financing for Nazis and Nazi agents?
How Hitler defied the bankers
“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
Sheldon Emry, Author
Billions for the Bankers
Debts for the People (1984)
Wake Up From Your Slumber
Related video
Related article & quotes
Was the Reichsbank owned by bankers, not by the German government? Were these bankers responsible for hyper-inflation in Germany? Did they pump too much of their currency into the economy? Did these bankers attempt to tank Germany’s economic miracle ON PURPOSE?
Echoes of WWI
China, the US, and the Next “Great” War (2017)
The Corbett Report
The American Empire Self-Destructs
But Nobody Thought That It Would Happen This Fast
David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
The Globalist Agenda
Listen to This Article
The Neocons’ Primary War Tactic
Branding Opponents of U.S. Intervention as Traitors
Glenn Greenwald
How the Pentagon Leaned on Hollywood to Sell the War in Afghanistan
“It is high time that Americans realized that, when watching movies and TV shows about war, all too often they are not seeing neutral works of art, but carefully constructed pieces of national security propaganda.”
Alan Macleod, MPN News
What Was the Jessica Lynch Story?
News networks use retired military brass as war analysts
without disclosing their defense-industry ties
The Washington Post
video by Russell Brand
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
“Psyops personnel, soldiers and officers have been working in CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta through our program ‘training with industry’… They helped in the production of news.”
Major Thomas Collins
U.S. Army Information Service
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
@10:02 per Dutch journalist”
“…instead of destroying TikTok, perhaps the U.S. national security state has co-opted it instead.”
So You Think Military Intervention is a Good Idea?
Well, if you really feel that strongly about it…
“History shows that the US Government lies all the time to trick Americans into wars. The claim that Iraq had nuclear weapons was not an isolated case, but business as usual.
The US government lies about everything, and uses every trick they can (including obedient presstitutes and whorespondants in the corporate media to prop up failed lies and ridicule those who think for themselves) to trick the nation into war after war after war.”
Michael Rivero
US Maj. General Smedley Butler
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism [corporatism].
I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.
I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.
Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
The Future of Freedom Foundation
The U.S. Military Will Have More Robots Than Humans by 2025
Armed with a budget of over $700 billion for the coming year – which will likely continue to grow over the course of Trump’s Pentagon-controlled presidency — the Pentagon’s dystopian vision for the future of the military is quickly becoming a question not of if but when.
Whitney Webb, MPN News
Americans Who Cowered Under
Government Oppression For 2 Years
Urge Ukrainians To Die For Freedom
The Babylon Bee
The Whitewashed Tyranny of Abraham Lincoln
LewRockwell.com via The Health Wyze Report
Billions of GMO Mosquitoes
Set to Be Released in California, Florida
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved the world’s largest release of genetically engineered mosquitoes, despite warnings by public health experts.
the Defender
Related video by The Corbett Report
They’re going to bomb California and Florida with these GMO mosquitoes? What about the stuff they’re doing that they’re not proudly announcing? Are insects a means of delivering injections to the unwilling? How do we get these idiot Frankensteins on a leash?
Meet Smedley Butler
“The committee looked into it, found that it was absolutely true, brought none of the accused before the committee to answer for this activity, with the sole exception of the man that General Butler had direct contact with, Gerald C. MacGuire, who denied all knowledge of the plot.”
James Corbett
The Corbett Report
Looks like freedom in America dodged a bullet due to the courageous truth-teller – General Butler.
No accountability for the wealthy who tried to overthrow FDR?
Class warfare
Predatory elites waging war on the freedom of everyone else
War Against Us
“The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.”
George Orwell, 1984
Music Video
Russia Sends Troops To Liberate Oppressed British People From Communist Rule
The Babylon Bee
Flashback: Torture is Bad (2008)
“The entire ‘war on terror’ apparatus that has been building up over the last several years is being turned towards the citizenry of the countries who are building this torture-condoning police state.
We are the real targets in all of this…
If you realize that there are terrorists in the world, but whenever a major act of terror happens, it’s almost always linked back to the intelligence agency puppeteers, who are making things happen behind the scenes. You will realize the only way to expose and stop this police state, is to press 9/11 truth.
The war on terror is a lie.
Extraordinary rendition is kidnapping.
Torture is bad.”
James Corbett
The Corbett Report
Related video:
Torturing the Truth
Did the CIA advise South American dictatorships on how to terrorize and control their local citizens?
Were Nazis used by the CIA in
Operation Condor in South America?
Apartheid State
Australia to impose lockdown on ‘unvaccinated’ citizens
On October 11, an apartheid state will be born.
The Dossier
Video of terrorism being waged by the police-state on courageous unarmed Australians. Their police may be infiltrated by foreigners. Neighbors would have a hard time participating in this kind of atrocious behavior towards fellow citizens.
Communist Coercive Methods
For Eliciting Individual Compliance
The Biderman Report of 1956 and Covid-19
Winter Watch
UC Davis Study Proves
Vaccine Status Segregation Goes Against the Science
Freedom First Network
March 2010
The Soft-Kill Solution
New frontiers in pain compliance
Criticism Section
Harpers Magazine
Electromagnetic radiation, electrical weapons, laser weapons, chemical weapons, acoustic weapons, projectile weapons, nets, foams, and sprays… as non-lethal deterrence?
Democrats Block TESTING Illegal Aliens
Before Release to Our Communities
Even as Border Patrol Forced to Get Vaxxed
Freedom First Network
It was never about health.
It’s about CONTROL.
It’s about CONTROL.
Covid, 9/11 & Forever War
From the war on terror to the “pandemic”, the elite are constructing fake threats to start wars that never have to end.
From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
The Corbett Report
Edward Curtin
There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 & Covid-19
Geopolitics & Empire
The censorship of Spike Lee’s NYC Epicenters
is a tragically fitting end to the last 20 years
Key 9/11 Commission Report Testimony
Based on Torture
The Psychology of False Confessions
The Impious Digest
Is Torture a deliberate means of extracting False Confessions?
Kill List Exposed
Leaked Obama Memo Shows
Assassination of U.S. Citizens
“Has No Geographic Limit”
Democracy Now!
San Francisco Police Department wants to use robots to kill criminal suspects
“…in earlier times
it was easier to control a million people —
literally, it was easier to control a million people
than, physically, to kill a million people.
Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people
than to control a million people.
It is easier to kill than to control.”
Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Corbett Report
For a laugh…
Remix Matrix
The Road to Totalitarianism
August 2021
What giant corporations are hopping aboard the masking train?
Walmart, Sam’s Club, Publix
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
White House admits
US gov’t works with Facebook to censor free-speech
The Covidian Cult
The Covidian Cult (Part II)
Six Conditions of Mind Control
Consent Factory, Inc.
September 11th Declared
“National Inside Job Remembrance Day”
Congress insists it has nothing to do
with the terrorist attacks of 2001
and the day was chosen arbitrarily.
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
More 9/11 videos at
The Best of the Corbett Report
Russia Sends Troops To Liberate Oppressed British People From Communist Rule
The Babylon Bee
Music Videos
Music Video
Music Video
Who are the Nazis now?
music by Clan Dyken
What Can We Do?
It’s time to stop studying the terrorists and what they do.
It’s time to act!
Let Freedom Ring!
Electric Light Orchestra
Flash mob dancing – people all over the world dancing together in joy and freedom. There’s so many of us. We are powerful when we work together for freedom and