
More at
Becoming Informed

Were masks
ineffective and harmful?
Were mask mandates a psyop?

Were COVID death counts
intentionally magnified?
Fatality rate


“…the introduction of specific medical measures
and/or the expansion of medical services
are generally not responsible for most
of the modern decline in mortality.”

Department of Sociology, Boston University, and Massachusetts General Hospital; Department of Mathematics, Boston University, and Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University

The Questionable Contribution of
Medical Measures to the
Decline of Mortality in the
United States in the Twentieth Century


Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death
And psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death

New Report
Medical Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death in America

Are psychiatric drugs the THIRD leading cause of death?

Does Child Protective Services sometimes remove children from families if parents don’t go along with psychiatric drug prescriptions?

Double Yikes.

What happens when government is just plain flat out wrong? Is it the responsibility of parents to be defending their children?

This is not just theoretical. The World Health Organization is in the middle of a huge power and money grab. Will the WHO transform from an advisory body to an unaccountable governing one? Will ONE PERSON — the WHO Director-General — lead the world by invoking lockdowns & travel restrictions & Digital Passes & liability-free vaccines and censorship of those exposing WHO misinformation… plus be able to dole out expensive contracts to his friends? Will this be possible without even providing proof of a pandemic?

A vote will be held at the end of May 2024 at the World Health Assembly. Will globalist predators finally have their One World Government? Stay tuned.

‘Painkiller’ Author on the 20-Year Road to a Netflix Hit
and Why He Doesn’t Expect Richard Sackler to Watch

“This epidemic is still going on, and not just in America. It’s global. Each of these parents said the same thing: If someone had told them how dangerous this was, how addictive, when their child was first prescribed OxyContin, their kids would likely still be with them.”

Eric Newman


Are doctors and medical organizations given all kinds of perks by pharma reps? Is it legal to do this? Can this influence the practice of medicine? Robert Yoho MD (ret) has an interesting perspective.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule
Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’

Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.”

the Defender

Related analysis by Mercola

Vaccine Secrets
20 minute video

Children’s Health Defense
the Defender

Excerpt from The Daily Wrap Up
2/16/21 & 2/19/21
Masks Are Making You Sick
& It Seems That Is Simply Part Of The Plan
The Last American Vagabond

Todd Callender at
Reiner Fuellmich’s Court of Public Opinion
Corona Investigative Committee
Session 97: Open Secrets

Todd says his clients came to the hospital for reasons other than COVID… and then died in the COVID ward.

“Why do I say that hospitals have been involved in murdering people? Because I have been involved in trying to get people out of them… These are hospital homicides.

Somebody will go to the hospital with a broken arm… They are mandatory given… a COVID test. If the COVID test comes back negative, they are given another COVID test with a higher cycle rate. They invariably come back positive. At that moment, they are then moved to a COVID ward where they are given an IV bag with Midazolam.

Midazolam, that’s the one they use for lethal injections. What it does is tranquilize the lungs. It lowers the oxygen absorption rates to about 70%. That is then used as the pretext to move them into the ICU ward…

They then add in the Remdesivir into that IV bag.

Invariably, they end up on a ventilator . And, the ventilators are operating and broadcasting on the 60 ghz signal… the same one that separates oxygen from nitrogen. It’s only a function of time then to when they die. When they get on a ventilator, we haven’t had anyone get off.”

Todd Callender
Lead Plaintiff’s Counsel in the ongoing
federal litigation relating to the
compulsory Covid vaccination
of members in the US Armed Services

Truth for Health Foundation

Genocide through Sterilising the World
Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg

Are the Covid 19 shots safe for pregnant women? Will these shots sterilize their female children?

Did the FDA know about side effects from Covid 19 shots before they emergency authorized them? Did side effects include myocarditis, blood clots, multi-system inflamatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)?

“On the NIH’s website, Anthony Fauci said every doctor in the country has to use Remdesivir only. We’re going to use this non-FDA approved drug because of this research study on Ebola…

So, did Anthony Fauci know about Remdesivir’s death rate? You better believe it. And now he was going to push this on the masses?

What were the New York doctors saying in the media? We’ve never seen a virus do this before. But, when we start treatment, we’re seeing a virus attack the kidneys and cause acute kidney failure…

I knew right away it was Remdesivir poisoning. And, Anthony Fauci knew it was deadly because of the actual research study he was quoting.

They mandated… the NIH and Anthony Fauci did… They mandated a never approved FDA drug to be the only treatment for COVID. It has been already FDA approved in October. They already killed 500,000 people. But, it was never approved when the pandemic started because all the studies proved it was not safe and effective…”

Dr Bryan Ardis
@8:16 @55:26


Remdesivir shouldn’t be used on hospitalized Covid-19 patients
WHO advises

Remdesivir has potential side-effects on the kidneys, according to data Gilead shared with the European Medicines Agency, which is assessing its possible toxicity.”

By Reuters and Erika Edwards

NBC News

“Kidney failure may be causing fluids to back up in your lungs or heart.”

Teresa Bergen
Medically reviewed by University of Illinois

FDA Rubber-Stamps Remdesivir for Infants Without Evidence of Safety, Efficacy

the Defender

A Good Death?
Jacqui Deevoy, Ickonic Original Film

@21:10 What is Midazolam?

Related article at NEWS PUNCH

This film discusses Midazolam used together with morphine, DNR, informed consent, withdrawing food and drink. Were family observers not welcome?

Murder By ‘Vaccine’ – The Evidence Mounts
David Icke Dot-Connector

The Killer Jab Explained In Five Minutes
Investigative Journalist
Documentary Filmmaker

Dissolving The Vaccine Illusion — Deadly Medicine
Roman Bystrianyk

How They Are Killing You
And Calling It ‘Covid’
David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

NOT Safe And NOT Effective

This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.

James Roguski

The third-leading cause of death in US
most doctors don’t want you to know about

Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

CNBC — Modern Medicine

Anthony Fauci
40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Is the gay community furious with Fauci and AZT? Doesn’t seem like it.


Tribute to John Lauritsen
Author of ‘Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story

“John was funny, coolly intelligent, detached and yet passionate, a brilliant writer and journalist who saw through the illusions spun around the ‘AIDS epidemic’ right from the start.”

Neville Hodgkinson
Sunday Times of London, former Science Editor

the Defender

Lauritsen’s book — available free online

Demolition of the HIV/AIDS theory

“Nancy Turner Banks in her book ‘AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire‘ argues convincingly that the HIV/AIDS story was deliberately written to mask the effects of allowing drugs, particularly crack cocaine, into deprived Black and Hispanic areas of the US, as well as illnesses suffered by black people in Africa who were economically forced to work in dangerously and cheaply run, dust-filled diamond mines.”

Georgie&Donnys Newsletter

House of Numbers
Knowledge Matters Productions
A Brent W. Leung film

This excellent video documentary on HIV/AIDS can be played in the above article. It features experienced doctors, journalists, researchers, and professors.

“We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected. Our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.”

Luc Montagnier MD
2008 Nobel Laureate for discovery of HIV

“I think HIV is more difficult to transmit than… probably most other sexually transmitted diseases… I think that’s pretty widely known.”

Nancy Padian, PhD, MPH
Director, International Research
AIDS Research Institute UCSF

“If you knew how HIV/AIDS numbers are cooked, or made up, you would use them with extreme caution… The vast majority of the world’s population is not at any measurable risk of HIV infection.”

James Chin MD, MPH
Chief of Global HIV Surveillance
World Health Organization 1987-92
@24:53 @41:50


Do HIV tests prove nothing?
Have medical remedies like AZT been unsafe and ineffective?
Are HIV statistics grossly manipulated?
Was the AIDS epidemic a PR phenomenon?
Is the solution to living a healthier lifestyle to be free of recreational drugs like poppers, along with good sanitation, clean environment, healthy nutrition, good working conditions, happiness, freedom, sunshine, and comfortable affluence?

“Happiness is like a butterfly – the more you chase, the more subtle, but if you stop moving and quietly wait for it to land on you.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Shift Frequency
Image at Rare HD Wallpapers

Is there something more sinister than money behind the “new HIV” scare?
Off Guardian

Are COVID injection injuries going to be explained away via a fictitious new strain of AIDS?

AIDS and the AZT Scandal
SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’

Anthony Fauci
40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Is the gay community furious with Fauci and AZT? Doesn’t seem like it.

Remarkable Parallels Between the AIDS and COVID Scares
State of the Nation

Dying ‘of’ Ignorance or Dying ‘with’ Ignorance?
James Delingpole

Related podcast conversation with Jon Rappoport. Topics include eugenics, brainwashing, predator class, Russia, the drug AZT, and does HIV cause AIDS.

Scandal of the Century

Jon Rappoport, 1988

“Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport uncovers the shocking truth about AIDS: Thousands are dying needlessly as the medical world and media pull off the biggest scandal of our time — all for the love of power and money. AIDS INC: takes you on a sizzling behind-the-scenes tour of laboratories, newsrooms and even the White House to expose the real killers behind the disease.”


Rappoport’s book — available free online

Spanish Flu

Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918
Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
Vaccine Impact

Since the Spanish Flu of 1918,
Big Pharma Has Deceived the Public
About the Safety of Vaccines.

The Role of the Rockefellers

“The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (which is the birthplace of Big Pharma) had played a major role in the global pandemic at the time because it was their vaccine that caused flu-like symptoms.

The experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine was administered between January 21st to June 4th, 1918, at Fort Riley with over 6 million American soldiers who were drafted for the war effort, many of them became human test subjects after receiving numerous doses of the experimental vaccine or the horse-infused bacteria.

At the same time, while fighting the war under harsh unsanitary conditions, American soldiers had spread the bacteria infused in their bodies even further on the battlefields of Europe.”

Timothy Alexander Guzman


This article is available in many languages.

Rockefeller Medicine (video)

Was too large a dose of aspirin being prescribed by doctors during the Spanish Flu? El Gato Malo discusses iatrogenic death & the Spanish Flu.

Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918-1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence
Oxford Academic Journal
Oxford University Press

The Infectious Myth Busted Part 1:
The Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918)

“Here is something you will never see in the mainstream news.

During the 1918 Spanish Flu, which is considered to be the most contagious ‘virus’ of all time, researchers for the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy tried to determine what caused the flu and how infectious it truly was. However, the results of their experiments proved that the flu is not infectious at all.”

Mike Stone


Typhoid Mary

Swine Flu (H1N1) 1976, 2009

When did the US government declare the first national state of medical emergency?

“Fauci was, in fact, recommending a highly dangerous vaccine for protection against AN EPIDEMIC THAT DIDN’T EXIST AT ALL.

His friends and professional colleagues at the CDC were creating the hoax.”

Jon Rappoport

The US Swine Flu Epidemic That Wasn’t
Why Did the CDC Hide the True Case Numbers?

“In July of 2009, amid the national swine flu panic stoked by the CDC, I got two tips from insiders: the CDC had instructed hospitals and states to stop testing for swine flu! Doctors were to presume that any patients who came in with flu-like symptoms had swine flu, or H1N1, and treat them as such without testing them to confirm it.”


James Corbett on
the WHO’s Anti-Human Agenda

“Most of the people who were on the advisory board of the World Health Organization Advisory Council… that advised them to declare this public health emergency of international concern for the swine flumost of them had ties to the very pharmaceutical manufacturers who then directly benefited from that declaration by getting all of the contracts for the vaccines… I saw this was a swindle that was happening over and over.

And, I also saw the laying of the model health state emergency powers act which had been… formulated in the wake of the Anthrax attacks, and then passed in individual states all around the US. The majority of states now have passed some version of that legislation, that literally allows governors to become essentially medical martial law dictators.”

James Corbett @2:45

The Corbett Report via NewAmerican

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

This is an old segment from CBS ’60 Minutes’ on the swine flu (also known as H1N1) & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic.


  • Was an untested vaccine given instead of the tested one?

  • Was the possibility of neurological complications known?

  • Were possible adverse reactions to the swine flu vaccine communicated to consumers?

  • Was Mary Tyler Moore’s name listed in swine flu vaccine advertisements without her consent? Did she actually refuse that injection?

  • Was compensation for swine flu vaccine injury a drawn out process?

  • Was it intended that people suing for compensation would finally just give up?

Video: 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace
The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976

Smithsonian Magazine Reports about
U.S. Gov’t Swine Flu Vaccine That Injured Thousands
in 1976

Compliance is not kind.
It is cowardly.

Swine Flu vaccines were granted indemnity by Congress in 1976 because insurers would not provide coverage for harms from the injections.

When the US Government Tried to Fast-Track a Flu Vaccine

More than a quarter of the nation was inoculated in 1976 for a pandemic that never materialized.

“There has always been this undercurrent of doubt about the motivations behind these large-scale programs and whether they were really about making pharmaceutical companies money.”

George Dehner, author
Associate Professor of History
Wichita State University


Swine Flu & Vaccine

  • Did a senior government official forecast that a million Americans would die unless something was done?
  • Was this election year fear mongering? Was the government’s message designed to delight rich pharma campaign donors?
  • Was there only one swine flu fatality?

  • Did Congress approve purchase of 200 million doses of vaccines during an election year?

  • Did insurance companies refuse to cover adverse reactions?
  • Were insurance companies concerned that vaccine adverse reactions from a quickly developed and tested vaccine might be costly?
  • Did Congress then agree to pay for any injuries from swine flu vaccines?
  • Were there reports of hundreds of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) adverse reactions after vaccination? Does GBS have symptoms similar to polio? Did these adverse reactions dampen public uptake of the injections? Did insurance agency reticence to cover the vaccines also cause public concern?
  • Was this insurance indemnification legislation a forerunner to the vaccine indemnification legislation approved by Congress two years later in 1978?

The Failure of the 1976 Swine Influenza Immunization Program

The Time America Tried to Inoculate Everyone Against a Swine Flu Pandemic That Never Showed

Bulletin of the World Health Organization
2011;89:539 | doi:10.2471/BLT.11.089078
Round Table Discussion
Definition of Pandemic Influenza

“The precautionary stocking of largely useless antivirals and the irrational vaccination policies against an unusually benign H1N1 virus wasted many billions of euros and eroded the trust of the public in health officials.

The pandemic policy was never informed by evidence, but by fear of worst-case scenarios.”

Luc Bonneux & Wim Van Damme


Zika hoax

We are wasting $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus


Does Zika have symptoms that are less severe than those of the common cold?

Zika: a masterpiece of public mind control

“I began to remember how the conventional media, the CDC, and the WHO hyped up the African Ebola epidemic in a similar kind of propaganda campaign just 18 months earlier. The worldwide threat of Ebola Zaire completely died out long before a vaccine could be developed, which must have been a major disappointment to Big Pharma.”



  • Was the Zika virus patented by the Rockefeller Foundation?
  • Did the CDC study any other possible cause for microcephaly? Did the CDC examine side effects from chemicals or pesticide exposure, vaccines and medicines, GMO food and GMO mosquitoes, alcohol and drug use, unhealthy food, poverty?


Sars 2003

SARS 2003
fraud, and the credibility
of the World Health Organization

Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Bird Flu

Missouri man tests positive for bird flu
yeah, sure, uh-huh
Jon Rappoport’s Blog


We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How…
Kary Mullis & Covid-19
Spiro Skouras

The media confuses cases with tests in order to inflate the case numbers and provoke fear. Their big pharma advertisers want everyone to be forced to submit to regularly mandated adult vaccines. What was being decided was whether we would have control over your own bodies.

The Truth About Oppenheimer
Part One
Vital Dissent

Was experimentation on humans done without informed consent by the radiological weapons group?

Oppenheimer political cartoon

8 Historic Cases That Show the
FBI and CIA Were Out of Control
Long Before Russiagate

The CIA Forced Prisoners to Participate
in Mind Control Experiments in the 1950s

“MK-Ultra’s ‘mind control’ experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation, and a variety of drugs, toxins, and chemicals. These experiments relied on a range of test subjects: some who freely volunteered, some who volunteered under coercion, and some who had absolutely no idea they were involved in a sweeping defense research program.”

The History Channel

Foundation for Economic Education

Get Government OUT Of The Healthcare Industry!
Ron Paul Liberty Report

Two Weeks To Flatten The World

The magic act of Covid vanishing from media view and public perception is not due to any medical miracle or the natural trajectory of a virus losing its potency. It was performed by those who manufactured this reality and committed countless crimes, coordinated in an attempt to slip out the back door, avoid further public inquiry and escape any legal consequences…

We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists, or the medical cartel. Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.

This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two years are publicly held accountable.”



Destroying the Narrative
40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic
Never Existed

Part 1       Part 2


Why Do You Say “Scamdemic”?
Questions for Corbett
The Corbett Report

From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

More Coronavirus videos at
The Best of the Corbett Report

Johns Hopkins Study Found
Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

FDA Illegally Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for 5-11 Year Old Children

Does the FDA know they are safe? No. Can you sue for harm? No. Is there an emergency for children? No. Can you always say “no” to this product? No. Is that dystopian? Yes.

Injecting Freedom

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported
Injuries Surpass 11,000
in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines

the Defender

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
BMJ 2021;375:n2635
British Medical Journal

“It’s A Crazy Mess”
Regional Director Blows Whistle On Pfizer’s Vaccine Trial Data

“Get Vaccinated For Others” WAS A LIE!
Pfizer Vaccine Was NEVER TESTED


Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?

The FDA should demand adequate, controlled studies with long term follow up, and make data publicly available, before granting full approval to covid-19 vaccines, says Peter Doshi

Peter Doshi, senior editor, The BMJ
the bmj Opinion

bmj: British Medical Journal

Pfizer CEO’s Covid Bombshell
Two Shots “Offers Very Limited Protection, If Any”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla dropped a bombshell in a CNBC interview yesterday, admitting that his company’s Covid “vaccine” offers limited if any protection!

Ron Paul Liberty Report

“Doctors around the world have come up with
different protocals…

You also have a public health apparatus swearing
that they don’t work…

There is some other priority here…
setting a precedent for allowing your government
to stand in for your doctor

Bret Weinstein
DarkHorse Podcast
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
both PhDs in Biology


“Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar is a real knight, despite or because of having played a pivotal role in the overdosing of over 2,500 patients with hydroxychloroquine in the UK/Oxford and WHO clinical trials that he oversaw and funded.”

Meryl Nass

The Wuhan Cover-Up
Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

Brownstone Institute

The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse

Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.

And not just any New York public hospital, but the “epicenter of the epicenter” itself, the infamous Elmhurst… she has the ultimate “perspective on the pandemic”. She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least.

It’s murder.
It is setting these people up for failure based on money.”

Erin Marie Olszewski

Perspectives on the Pandemic

@29:26 Sedation combined with paralitics, ventilator, and trach… was this killing patients? Were any patients surviving the ventilators? Were nurses and doctors honestly reporting this? What financial incentives did the federal government offer for using ventilators on patients?

Were patients put in body restraints with no family observers allowed?

Amazing Polly questions the accuracy of some early Covid news stories that focused on Elmhurst Hospital.

Real World or Simulation

How similar was this mainstream “news” story to the Rolling Stones story on Ivermectin? The mainstream media picked up that story and broadcast it as fact without first checking it out.

Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?

A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

This article has great questions about the COVID psyop.
Very interesting.

CDC Data Disaster
September 2022 Update

“Here’s why the death certificates are so important. You can not have a public health emergency without dead bodies. They needed dead bodies. And, they needed the cause to be Covid.

And, that’s why they manipulated the death certificates so everything looked like it was a Covid death
people getting in car accidents — Covid death,
guy falls off a ladder — covid death,
pre-existing conditions — diabetes for 20 years — Covid was the cause.

We actually had our analysis verified by a Certified Death Recording Clerk… It was a range of anywhere from 88.6% to 94.0% hyper-inflation of Covid deaths.”

Dr. Henry Ealy

Stand for Health Freedom

Related article at National File
Did the CDC change reporting rules for Covid?

Related video at Daily Clout
Were hospitals provided with financial incentives to go along with this?

Were hospitals starved for revenue because they had to shut down all except for their COVID wing disallowing most surgeries and other general care?

Related scientific article at
Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge

CDC study
More than 99% of COVID victims had preexisting conditions

Fear and anxiety can be deadly when it comes to COVID, new study finds, showing top risk factors for dying of the coronavirus.



  • Were preexisting conditions aggravated by social isolation, masking, lock down, fear, anxiety, boredom, and depression?

  • Were there financial incentives for deciding a death for COVID rather than as a preexisting condition or the flu?

  • Are COVID variants a result of the injections?

Todd Callender at
Reiner Fuellmich’s Court of Public Opinion
Corona Investigative Committee
Session 97: Open Secrets

Todd says his clients came to the hospital for reasons other than COVID… and then died in the COVID ward.

“Why do I say that hospitals have been involved in murdering people? Because I have been involved in trying to get people out of them… These are hospital homicides.

Somebody will go to the hospital with a broken arm… They are mandatory given… a COVID test. If the COVID test comes back negative, they are given another COVID test with a higher cycle rate. They invariably come back positive. At that moment, they are then moved to a COVID ward where they are given an IV bag with Midazolam.

Midazolam, that’s the one they use for lethal injections. What it does is tranquilize the lungs. It lowers the oxygen absorption rates to about 70%. That is then used as the pretext to move them into the ICU ward…

They then add in the Remdesivir into that IV bag.

Invariably, they end up on a ventilator . And, the ventilators are operating and broadcasting on the 60 ghz signal… the same one that separates oxygen from nitrogen. It’s only a function of time then to when they die. When they get on a ventilator, we haven’t had anyone get off.”

Todd Callender
Lead Plaintiff’s Counsel in the ongoing
federal litigation relating to the
compulsory Covid vaccination
of members in the US Armed Services

Covid Vaccine Crime Against Humanity

How much increase in deaths/injuries is the insurance industry encountering? What is the increase in all cause morbidity and mortality — heart, cancer, inflamation, blood clotting — in people that are physically fit… military people… due to destruction of their immune system?

Is this a military operation? What is the relation of COVID shots to the military and super fighter zombies?

How does 5G fit into the picture with the “vaccines”?

The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health.
Further proof with COVID-19

PMCID: PMC9610448 | PMID: 36324959
National Library of Medicine

“By supporting and selecting only the one side of science information while suppressing alternative viewpoints, and with obvious conflicts of interest revealed by this study, governments and the media constantly disinform the public. Consequently, the unscientifically validated vaccination laws, originating from industry-controlled medical science, led to the adoption of social measures for the supposed protection of the public but which became serious threats to the health and freedoms of the population.”

Fabien Deruelle, PhD
Independent Researcher, Ronchin, France

PubMed Central



The HighWire gives Dr. Yeadon the floor to break down his “list of lies” that keeps him up at night, when it comes to lockdowns, masks, PCR testing, natural immunity, and why he thinks our health leaders have abandoned science and reason.


Anthony Fauci
40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Is the gay community furious with Fauci and AZT? Doesn’t seem like it.

Hardcover – 11/16/2021

The Real Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the
Global War on Democracy and Public Health

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

the Defender


“The guidance clearly states ‘this medicinal product should not be mixed with other medical products.’ This completely jaw dropping sentence will lead many to assume that if you are on any medication at all, then you shouldn’t be given the vaccine.”

Johnny Vedmore

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.



Plandemic II



Renounces Lab Leak Theory of COVID’s Origins

The testimony of DRASTIC founder J.J. Couey provides powerful firsthand insight into the perpetuation of the lab leak theory as a controlled opposition narrative.

“In his podcast series, Couey tells of how he became convinced that the lab leak theory had to be true in early 2020 because the idea was initially censored, which he now refers to as being “Scooby-Doo’d.”

Michael P Senger

The New Normal

Conversations with Dr. Cowan and Friends
Jon Rappoport
CV19 News

Does the whole story of the Covid19 virus begin with a supposedly isolated “corona virus”? Was it never properly isolated? Was its entire genome never identified?

Did Covid-19 pandemic start
as a smokescreen for the CCP?

Libertarian Europe

Did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) feel the need to shut down mass protests in Wuhan and Hong Kong in 2019?

Were there huge political protests in Hong Kong in 2019? Were surveillance cameras used by the government to capture political opponents? And were the cameras getting taken out by the people? But, the COVID scare quieted all of that down?

“Anybody want to make one guess as to where
the first completely blanketed 5G city
in the world was?

Dr Thomas Cowan
A Joshua Coleman Special Presentation

“Halloween night 2019,
Wuhan was the first city
in the world to go 5G.

They turned on 10,000 transmitters…

Some people, according to our experts,
were literally standing on the street and
through the targeting device known as their cell phone,
they were able to rip the oxygen from the nitrogen.
People were breathing nitrogen and
not getting the oxygen they needed and
literally falling over dead

5G is like a butcher knife.
It’s a dual use item.
You can use it to communicate.
But, at the same time you can use it to kill.”

Todd Callender
Lead Plaintiff’s Counsel in the ongoing
federal litigation relating to the
compulsory Covid vaccination
of members in the US Armed Services

Reiner Fuellmich’s Court of Public Opinion
Corona Investigative Committee
Session 97: Open Secrets

Related info at The Expose’

Should Those Who Supported
Lockdowns, Masks and Vaxxes
Dispatches from a Scamdemic

PCR Test

40 Facts You NEED to Know
The REAL Story of “Covid”

“6. PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness.
7. PCR Tests have a history of being inaccurate and unreliable.
9. The World Health Organization (Twice) Admitted PCR tests produced false positives.
10. The scientific basis for all ‘Covid’ tests is questionable.”

Kit Knightly


CDC/FDA confess
they had no virus
when they concocted the test for the virus

Jon Rappoport’s Blog

WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives.
Why now?

Positive test numbers are being manipulated down by adjusting cycles down in PCR tests.

Why now? Vaccines are here! Do they want the case numbers to go down… to make it look like the vaccines are working?

Coronavirus Fact-Check #10
Why “new cases” are plummeting.

“Anyone can test positive for practically anything
with a PCR test, if you run it long enough.
With PCR if you do it well,
you can find almost anything in anybody.
It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”

Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD
creator of the PCR test

Algora Blog
Why You Should Refuse Your Employer’s
Regular PCR Nasal Swabs

Related video featuring the PCR test

The whole pandemic script
from the ‘contagion curve’
to the ‘Covid deaths’ –
rests on the PCR test,
which was authorised for the detection of SARS-CoV-2
by a study produced in record time
on commission from the WHO

As many will know by now,
the diagnostic unreliability of the PCR test
was denounced by its inventor himself,
Nobel laureate Kary Mullis…”

Fabio Vighi
Professor of Critical Theory and Italian
Cardiff University, UK
The Philosophical Salon

Someone who says she was damaged by the nose swab test reported that she told her nurse she was going to require a liability agreement before taking another test. The nurse didn’t sign. But, the nurse was really, really careful. The nurse didn’t jam that stick up her nose without a care in the world.

Are some people getting damaged by that PCR test? Can it be manipulated to a positive outcome by dialing up the cycles that the test is run at? Some are also wondering if the nose swab tests are being used to surreptitiously inject us with chemicals… or even the vaccine.

This lawyer is filing a class action suit against those initially responsible for the panic and shutdown. He seeks damages on behalf of those harmed financially by the shutdown. He talks facts about what has been going on… including that the virus test is faulty.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit For Violations Of Nuremberg Code

“Fuellmich and his team present
the incorrect PCR test and
the order for doctors to
describe any comorbidity death
as a Covid death
     – as fraud

Shift Frequency

Should We Trust The Covid Tests?
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

The PCR Deception
with video transcript
The Conscious Resistance


Tanzania – The second Covid coup?
President John Magufuli’s disappearance makes him potentially the 2nd “Covid denier” head of state to lose power.

“He famously had his office submit five unlabelled samples for testing – goat, motor oil, papaya, quail and jackfruit – and when four came back positive and one ‘inconclusive’, he banned the testing kits and called for an investigation into their origin and manufacture.”

Kit Knightly


Tanzania’s ‘Covid Skeptic’
President John Magufuli Dies Aged 61
News Punch

Covid Counts

Were COVID case counts intentionally magnified?
See the PCR Test section of this page for more info.

Were COVID death counts intentionally magnified?
See the Fatality rate page of this website for more info.

How (and why)
Israel changed what “fully vaccinated” means

Are they counting a death as unvaxxed even if a person had two injections and possibly died from the vax?

Does this fraudulently inflate the death counts of unvaxxed?

Is there other dishonesty also going on all over the world?

Are adverse reactions not counted within 2 weeks of being jabbed? Is that the time when adverse reactions are most likely to happen?

1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit For Violations Of Nuremberg Code

“Fuellmich and his team present
the incorrect PCR test and
the order for doctors to
describe any comorbidity death
as a Covid death
     – as fraud

Shift Frequency



  • Were masks ineffective and harmful?
  • Were they a visual psyop during the scamdemic?
  • Was the masking psyop designed to scare us into believing government & media propaganda?
  • Were masks intended to keep us from chatting with each other and discovering what was really going on?

Becoming Informed

“we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”
CDC website

More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on
Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

40 Facts You NEED to Know
The REAL Story of “Covid”

Xavier Becerra refuses to answer question on benefits of masking two-year-old children

“U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, refused to answer a simple question from Rep. Kevin Kiley.”


Not Safe, Not Effective
376 Ways That Face Masks Are Known To Harm The Wearer

Mask-Wearing Child Abuse

New Study Finds Pathogenic ‘Pneumonia-Causing’ Bacteria In Kid’s Masks

Cloth face masks are ‘comfort blankets’
that do little to curb Covid spread, Sage adviser warns

Dr Colin Axon warned some cloth masks
have gaps that are invisible to the naked eye,
but are 500,000 times the size of viral Covid particles

The Telegraph

5 Part Docuseries
Never Again

“The medical mask is a splash guard. They’re across the nose and mouth so that when a member of medical staff attends an ill or injured person, there won’t be a splash of bodily fluids… into their nose and mouth… That’s why they wear them folks. They do not, repeat, not, wear them so they can filter anything in their airway, or out.”

Dr. Michael Yeadon
Former VP, Pfizer

@7:20 in Part 4

the Defender

They didn’t want us easily talking to each other… and discussing the con game that was in play… the scamdemic… and so… MASKS!

Unmasking the surgeons
the evidence base behind
the use of facemasks in surgery

“However, overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination. More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks.”

Charlie Da Zhou
New College
University of Oxford

Pamela Sivathondan, Ashok Handa
Nuffield Dept. of Surgical Sciences
University of Oxford

Volume 108, Issue 6
Sage Journals
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

2030 UnMasked
Documentary connecting Covid19, Masks, “Vaccines”, The Banking System And The Great Reset.

“muzzles must be worn at all times”
Rap Music Video
Directed by Luke Alexander


Does sanitizing everything keep us safe?
Another Covid Myth Dies the Death
American Institute for Economic Research


Interview with David Stockman — analysis of Covid statistics
The lying media and the folly of lockdown
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

You’ll Never Guess
The Education Level Of The Most Vax Resistant Americans…

Research Study from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh

Hawaii: chart showing why lockdowns and mask mandates don’t work @26:30

Ron Paul Liberty Report


Military Madness
Vaccine Mandates and Fallout in the US Military

Clown World — Honk

DMED data is explosive.
Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it

The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data
Horowitz Op-Ed

Renz Whistleblowers DMED DATA
Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries
Across the Board

Self-inflicted castration of our national defence
Heartfelt whistleblower testimony
Lt Col Dr. Long

“In the FDA’s October 22, 2020 presentation regarding safety surveillance of Covid 19 vaccines, proves the FDA was aware these vaccines were dangerous and deadly.”

Dr. Theresa M. Long, MD, MPH, FS
@15:15 in video via TAP NEWS

Related testimony by Dr. Long in a hearing in the United States Senate held by Senator Ron Johnson

“These are warriors…
not lab rats.”

Dr. Theresa M. Long, MD, MPH, FS

Letter to Austin from Senator Ron Johnson

Lieutenant Colonel Peter Chambers
If We Don’t Stop This
Our Military Is Going To Be Decimated!

The Military’s Anthrax Vaccine
Appears to Have Been a Beta Test for COVID-19

House Passes Defense Spending Bill
And Revokes Military Vaccine Mandate

“The bill also requires the military to repeal its Covid-19 vaccine mandate, after Republicans threatened to withhold their votes if the provision was not included, but it doesn’t go as far as some in the GOP had hoped, as the reinstatement of approximately 3,400 military members who lost their jobs for refusing to be vaccinated was not part of the deal.”

Sara Dorn, Forbes Staff


Our elected officials are finally standing up for the bodily autonomy of the powerless. This is a step in the right direction.

Has everyone in the military already been injected? This legislation would protect the military from being forced to be injected with infinite COVID-19 boosters. However, could they do future chemical experiments on our soldiers by just changing the name of the shots to something besides COVID-19?

The House vote was bi-partisan. Nobody wants to be held responsible for declining numbers of people serving in the military.

Army Cuts Off Pay and Benefits for Unvaccinated
National Guard Soldiers, Reservists


“That ICAN lawsuit, S.V. on behalf of J.D. vs San Diego Unified School District, was consolidated with a lawsuit filed by Let Them Choose. …

The basis for this decision, that school boards in California do not have the authority to require a Covid-19 vaccine, would apply to all school boards across California that are seeking to mandate a Covid-19 vaccine.”

Informed Consent Action Network

1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit For Violations Of Nuremberg Code

“The ‘Experimental’ Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws:”

Shift Frequency

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks
3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by definition, experimental.

the Defender

Form for Employees
Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
the Solari Report

Family Financial Disclosure Form
for COVID-19 Injections
the Solari Report

Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities
Requiring Covid-19 Injections
the Solari Report

A list of other available forms is available in the menu.

Mass Resistance to Unconstitutional Mandate Grows as
27 States Sue-And Start to Win-Over Forced Jabs

California pauses plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations for schoolchildren

“This is a major victory for students and parents across California who made their voices heard.”

Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin)

Los Angeles Times

The above LA Times article says the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is fully approved for ages 16 and older.

Approved but not available?

Did this narrative mislead us into thinking that Covid shots given here in the USA were fully FDA approved?

This article explains why the fully approved Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID injection wasn’t made available here in the USA. Does pharma have financial liability for harms from fully approved injections?

This video interview explains why pharma is targeting kids. Does Pharma have exemption from liability as soon as the COVID shots show up on the childhood schedule?



“With a 20 to 1 return on investment on many of these new technologies, most pharmaceutical giants will surely be lobbying governments across the globe for the next ‘necessary’ vaccination program.”

Johnny Vedmore

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.


The True Purpose of CA SB276

“Now California’s bought or brain-dead lawmakers are proposing to ‘fix’ Merck’s vaccine failure problem by punishing 4,000 vulnerable children with medical exemptions. In an act of legislative savagery, Democratic politicians propose to forcibly vaccinate children whose doctors have told them that a vaccine could kill or severely injure them. SB276 will not fix the measles outbreak or solve the problem of vaccine failure, it will only reward a corrupt company for a defective product.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Children’s Health Defense
the Defender


“None of this would be so bad if the injectors just injected and went about their lives: faith should be its own reward. Instead, the injectors insist on foisting their deeply mistaken dogma on others. These New Age, physically invasive, injection proselytizers won’t be satisfied until they convert everyone. They demand that you bend the knee to the government and the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex; the line between the two is blurry.”

Mark Oshinskie

Dispatches from a Scamdemic

The Specter of Vaccine Fundamentalism
Bowing Down and Serving the “God of Vaccines”
Global Research

Mahatma Gandhi

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.

Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”


India’s Supreme Court overturns mandatory Covid-19 vaccination policy

“The Supreme Court directed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government to publish reports on adverse effects caused by vaccines on a publicly accessible system.”

Taniya Dutta

“Regarding segregation of vaccine trial data, subject to the privacy of individuals, all trials already conducted and to be subsequently conducted, all data must be made available to the public without further delay.”

India’s Supreme Court

The National

How Pfizer COVID Vaccines Failed To Meet India’s Safety Standards

The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…
Omicron just killed it.

“By any pre-2021 definition, the Covid ‘vaccines’ are not actually vaccines. From the beginning, it has been widely admitted that they don’t stop you getting the disease, and they don’t stop you spreading it“…

Experts are already warning that the Omicron variant may be resistant to the vaccines…”

Kit Knightly


DeSantis Orders Biden to Keep His Federal School Board Cops Out of Florida

“The powers not delegated to the United States
by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people.”

The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Hospital tacitly admits that their vaccination mandate was NEVER about patient safety
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle
on Crisis in Local Health Care

Independent Community News

This nurse says many of her fellow nurses want to quit over the Covid jab mandate.

Houston Faces Massive Nurse Shortage After
150 Nurses, Hospital Workers Fired for Vaccine Refusal

“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us”
In a Highwire exclusive, Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America.

UC Davis Study Proves
Vaccine Status Segregation Goes Against the Science
Freedom First Network


“If people will not speak up for other people’s rights,
there will come a day when they will lose their own.”

Tony Lawrence
The Objective Review

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

“The stupidity of adopting a policy of firing healthcare workers while at the same time claiming that there is a raging pandemic gripping the country has not been lost on Americans.”

Ron Paul Institute

lion awake
by el gato malo
bad cattitude

Jury Awards $687,000
to BlueCross BlueShield Scientist
Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
The award came after the scientist sued the company.
2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Education board in California’s Orange County
votes to
reopen schools without requiring masks

Performed by Eric Clapton
Written by Van Morrison

School Board Ends Mandate
After Heroic 8yo Girl Suspended 36 Times
for Refusing to Wear Mask

Compliance is not kind.
It is cowardly.

Fighting Vaccine Mandates
The Corbett Report

Strategies discussed include the “Make ’em make ya'” strategy.

Related article at Coffee & Covid 2022

The Rebels
Slowhand & Van
Performed by Clapton and Morrison
Written by Van Morrison

You’ll Never Guess
The Education Level Of The Most Vax Resistant Americans…

Research Study from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh ( @3:10 )

Hawaii: chart showing why lockdowns and mask mandates don’t work ( @26:30 )

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist
It’s Just a Press Release.
The Federalist

The gall of this. Meanwhile, reports that Biden’s vax was a staged event too?

Meanwhile, White House not requiring illegal immigrants to be tested OR vaxxed at the border? Why? Because this might discourage them from coming here? Are U.S. citizens falling for all of this?

OSHA Pulls Guidance Stating
Employers May Be Held Liable For ‘Adverse Reactions’
If They Mandate Vaxx


In 2019, Alex was warning us about vaccine mandates. Was this one of the reasons they wanted to silence and ban Alex? This was before governments and their captured media started attempting to force vaccines on the public worldwide in late 2020.

Monsanto’s Roundup Hoax
Tied To Staged Flu Shot Vaccine Propaganda

“Big pharma, all over the world and including the US, is trying to make vaccines compulsory, as the number of side effects and damages increases, and as the number of vaccines they’re trying to make us take increase.

Think about how dangerous this is… an industry above the law… that has liability protection and is immune… who is trying to make us take their… product. And when we complain about it, we get banned from the internet.

This is a science fiction distopia.

Alex Jones

“Doctors around the world have come up with
different protocals…

You also have a public health apparatus swearing
that they don’t work…

There is some other priority here…
setting a precedent for allowing your government
to stand in for your doctor

Bret Weinstein
DarkHorse Podcast
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
both PhDs in Biology

“We Didn’t Love Freedom Enough.”

“To learn the lessons of the cost of cooperating with this crime against humanity and all the real violations of U.S. Constitutional and civil rights, the failure must be acknowledged and addressed. Isn’t that what we always hear?

To fix a problem, it must be faced, right? How does it help to cover over with passive language conduct that ensured a disaster? A disaster not for just one or a few, but for an entire nation. That bled out into the entire world.”

SheThinksLiberty’s Newsletter

Freedom Defenders

Peggy Hall at The Healthy American has a number of documents that may be of interest to freedom defenders.

Only 74.2 Million Americans Refused The Covid Vaccines

You Are Not Alone
New CDC Report Indicates
74.2 Million Americans Refused Covid ‘Vaccines’ and
157 Million Refused Boosters

Truth11 via The Expose’

I’m part of the control group.

lion awake
by el gato malo
bad cattitude

The Ultimate Power of The Word “NO”
Ron Paul Liberty Report

Performed by Eric Clapton
Written by Van Morrison

The Rebels
Slowhand & Van
Performed by Clapton and Morrison
Written by Van Morrison

Music Video

School Board Ends Mandate
After Heroic 8yo Girl Suspended 36 Times
for Refusing to Wear Mask

“In a time of universal deceit
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”


This Has Gotta Stop
Eric Clapton
Official Music Video

Debunking MSM lies about the
Unite for Freedom protests

Bombshell leak
Countries that buy Pfizer’s vaccine undertake to
break the law

Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination.

The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.


1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit For Violations Of Nuremberg Code

“The ‘Experimental’ Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws:”

Shift Frequency

Covid Shot Mandate Suit Moving Forward
“We are striking at the very heart of pandemic insanity.”
The Point

For Lying About The Effectiveness
of C19 Vaccine

Kim Iversen

This lawyer is filing a class action suit against those initially responsible for the panic and shutdown. He seeks damages on behalf of those harmed financially by the shutdown. He talks facts about what has been going on… including that the virus test is faulty.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Congressman Introduces Bill to Force FDA to
Release Pfizer Documents Within 100 Days, Instead of 55 Years

the Defender

Form for Employees
Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
the Solari Report

Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities
Requiring Covid-19 Injections
the Solari Report

A list of other available forms is available in the menu.

Indiana University students ask Supreme Court to block vaccine mandate

The Supreme Court declined to hear the case submitted by the Indiana University students. Justices were probably put under a lot of personal pressure to go along with COVID tyranny.

The Supreme Court is there to protect freedom. This time… they didn’t.

White House Tells Businesses to Ignore the
Federal Court Order That Halted Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
Over “Grave Constitutional Issues”

The 5th Circuit’s stay on Biden’s vaccine mandate is a vital reminder of the importance of checks and balances on political power.

Foundation for Economic Education

OSHA Suspends Implemenation, Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate
The Epoch Times

“The powers not delegated to the United States
by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people.”

The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Amy Coney Barrett Asks Key COVID-19 Question
When Will The Emergency End?
The Daily Wire


“Without the PREP Act removing liability from the Covid vaccine manufacturers, the injectors, and the government planners who both designed the program, and gave away billions of taxpayer dollars in bonuses for each shot administered, such untested, unlicensed, and deadly shots would never have been administered.”

Meryl Nass

The Wuhan Cover-Up
Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

Brownstone Institute

‘Let Them Breathe’
Parents Sue California Governor
Over COVID-19 Rules For Classrooms
The Daily Wire

“I prosecuted the legal case against the Governor along with my fellow legislator James Gallagher, and in a seminal decision, a California Superior Court ruled the Governor had abused his emergency powers and repeatedly violated the California Constitution.” Page 16

Page 77: Court case to stop Newsom governing by fiat.

Kevin Kiley, 2021

Legislating by Fiat
Executive Orders

“I prosecuted the legal case against the Governor along with my fellow legislator James Gallagher, and in a seminal decision, a California Superior Court ruled the Governor had abused his emergency powers and repeatedly violated the California Constitution.” Page 16

Page 77: Court case to stop Newsom governing by fiat.

Kevin Kiley, 2021

California pauses plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations for schoolchildren

“This is a major victory for students and parents across California who made their voices heard.”

Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin)

Los Angeles Times

How to Stop Your Ex from Vaccinating the Kids
A Lawyer Explains
Episode 260
Vital Dissent


US Judge To TX Hospital Workers
‘Get The Shot Or Get Fired!’
Ron Paul Liberty Report

See the Mandates section of this page for more legal.

Dr. David Martin asks if shots mandated for the military could destroy the capacity of our military to defend us in the future. Is this a strategy by opponents to incapacitate our troops?


July 2021
There is no variant… not novel… no pandemic.
Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

“The tragedy is …

We are now sitting in a world where we have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, what the medical profession, and what the FDA in its own clinical standards… would not suggest is a vaccine.

But, by using the term, we actually are now subjecting hundreds of millions of people to what was known to be by 2005, a biological weapon.

Dr. David Martin

The patents that Dr. Martin presents are extremely compelling evidence.

How a Suicide in a Clinical Trial
Turned a Bioethicist Into a Whistleblower

His advice for other potential whistleblowers:
Don’t go it alone


Nebraska protects healthcare providers from censorship by state medical boards

We had a nice chat with the Attorney General’s office in Nebraska. If you practice in Nebraska, doctors and other healthcare providers are free to speak the truth. Seriously.

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

Warp Speed Vaccines

They Lied.
We Know They Lied.
They Know We Know They Lied —
And Now It’s In Writing

European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Admits in Writing
the Concoctions Are
Only for “Immunization,”
(whatever that means),
and Not For Control of Infection
or For Preventing Them

“First of all, the EMA explicitly states that it has exclusively allowed the corona vaccines on the market for individual immunizations and absolutely not for the control of infection and absolutely not for preventing or reducing infections.

And this is devastating for governments that have gone full circle with the message that you are doing it for someone else.”
[emphasis added]

Marcel de Graff
European Parliament member

SheThinksLiberty’s Newsletter

“Get Vaccinated For Others” WAS A LIE!
Pfizer Vaccine Was NEVER TESTED


It’s all on record.
The misinformation is coming from them!

Tracking of effectiveness of a vaccine

Are these selfless humanitarians? Can pharma be extremely lucrative?

Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, says this about Fauci.

Why did mainstream media and many politicians treat Fauci like he was some kind of infallible guru during the scamdemic? Was mainstream media getting lots of money from big pharma and the government? Were politicians also getting money from big pharma for their political campaigns?

Follow the Money?

The federal government paid hundreds of media companies
to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines
while those same outlets
provided positive coverage of the vaccines

Related discussion at The Right Way

Fauci to Star in Prison Docuseries “Lockdown”

The series reboot promises to be a riveting account of Fauci’s inception as the most high-profile inmate in history.

The Farce Feed | Subversive Satire

Fauci is the single most destructive force of the 21st century
and he must be held accountable

fauci goes to congress
pejorative perjury as performance art

Teflon Tony coasts through ‘grilling’ of Congressional Committee
Democrats say “persecuted” Fauci is a “hero who saved millions of lives.” Republicans get in a few harshly-worded soundbites.

Dr. Scott Atlas
The Biden Administration continues to
appoint people who were wrong on COVID-19

Were some government officials the chief purveyors of disinformation and misinformation during the pandemic? But, California’s medical gag law doesn’t target these disinformation spreaders, does it? Does it actually target independent doctors who tell the truth… and say things that don’t conform to media narratives?


When there are no consequences for government lying or incompetence… will it just happen over and over and over again?

mistakes were made
assessing what “leaders” claim to have “learned”
and what they should have known all along

Dr. Scott Atlas
Politicians and doctors still pushing COVID-19 vaccines
are a complete disgrace

Mistakes Were NOT Made
An Anthem for Justice

This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed.

Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability
so none dare repeat such acts in the future.

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

Forget About Covid, They Say

“One way is to do what the memo from the consultants of the Democratic National Committee suggested:
declare the war won and move on.
For political reasons.


What? It’s POLITICS?

Want to know what’s inside the vaccine vials?
One of our colleagues ran a mass spectrometry analysis of 4 vials.

“The CDC never commissioned such a study to do QA on the vials.

The only reason I can think of that they didn’t do this is because they don’t want to know and they don’t want you to know.

I wonder why?”

Steve Kirsch

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

This might be good news. Maybe a lot of the vials were just blanks? We just don’t know.

Nobody Knows What is in the Vials

“The question from the uninjured seems to be – why don’t we see MORE deaths if what you say about mRNA products is true? Setting aside ethical limitations of this question, here is a possible answer why:

The mRNA shots do not conform to their label specifications. In practice both “blank” and “lethal” vials and anything in between is produced. Without full compliance, nobody, not even the manufacturers or regulators, know exactly what ends up being produced.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Due Diligence and Art

Is it illegal to do independent vial testing of these injections?

Intent to Harm

Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide

90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots

“Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots, which is documented and calculated directly from CDC’s VAERS, and means the batches do not contain the same ingredients.”

Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs

How Bad is My Batch

Former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon

Patrick Vallance [and others] must go to jail for life

Video presentation of Pfizer’s own 6 month report.
More Harm Than Good       video       pdf
Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Absolute vs Relative Risk Reduction discussed.
So, was the vaccine 95% effective or 1% effective?

And, tested for what? For catching Covid? For spreading Covid?

Tested who? Women, old people, pregnant women, healthy, naturally immune, sickly?

5 questions to ask your friends
who plan to get the Covid vaccine

Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking
Big Questions About Covid Vaccines

2030 UnMasked
Documentary connecting Covid19, Masks, “Vaccines”, The Banking System And The Great Reset.

Are The Kids OK?
3 minute video

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

Is there any doctor who is willing to assure the public that the vaccines are safe and effective and masks work?

Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter

Liza Dunn and Steve Kirsch Debate Covid Vax

Steve Kirsch has a list of 139 questions that the “science” should be able to answer if the promises of “safe and effective” are truthful. Dr. Liza Dunn talked with Steve Kirsch about excess deaths reported to VAERS. Is it fraud, overreporting, or a killer vaccine?

We’re Not in a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
Peter Doshi Explains During COVID Panel

Peter Doshi, a senior editor at The BMJ, and Retsef Levi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told a panel of experts the COVID vaccines’ trial data doesn’t support the narrative that the vaccines are safe and effective.

the Defender

More details of the meeting

Johns Hopkins Study Found
Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

DMED data is explosive.
Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.

The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun. General Austin should order all military docs to speak the truth. But he isn’t. Why not?

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data
Horowitz Op-Ed
Blaze media

“To believe these brand-new DOD numbers, you have to believe that the DOD under-reported all cases on this military database by around 20 million per year, for 5 years. They, the DOD, are now claiming that they have been underreporting cases by 1000% for 5 years.

Yes, my friends, this is what a cover-up looks like.”

Attorney Tom Renz
Renz Law

‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines

“However, there is less political difference in the number who suspect someone they know might have died from vaccine side effects – 33% of Democrats and 26% of both Republicans and the unaffiliated.”


84% increase in excess mortality reported among millennials

“Cause Unknown”:
The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022

by Ed Dowd, 2022

FDA Doubles Down
Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The fed gov’t gives Pfizer billions in taxpayer money + makes Americans take its product + won’t let Americans sue for harm + shields disclosure of its licensure documents = 1984

Injecting Freedom

Congressman Introduces Bill to Force FDA to
Release Pfizer Documents Within 100 Days, Instead of 55 Years

the Defender

The Unjustified, Dishonest & Dangerous
FDA Approval Of Pfizer’s Injection
Clearing Up Confusion

FDA Illegally Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for 5-11 Year Old Children

Does the FDA know they are safe? No. Can you sue for harm? No. Is there an emergency for children? No. Can you always say “no” to this product? No. Is that dystopian? Yes.

Injecting Freedom

Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

Doctors and Other Health Professionals Speak Out
on the COVID Vaccines

‘Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids’
Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents on COVID-19 Shots

“A viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells”… “forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins.”

“These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots, their reproductive system, and this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.”

Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents
Close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times


“Top German pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt’s autopsy research shows clear evidence that all gene-based vaccines, independent of manufacturers, produced the same result in the vaccines. In the organs of these people, in 90% he found autoimmune self attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues. The main ones being the heart, the lung, then other tissues such as liver, etc. Dr. Bhakdi confirms these vaccines are killing the young and the old.”

Corey Lynn

Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies
Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide
Corey’s Digs

“It seems to me early on
there was an intentional, very comprehensive,
suppression of early treatment
in order to promote fear, suffering,
isolation, hospitalization, and death.

And, it seemed to be completely organized and intentional
in order to create the acceptance for
and promotion of mass vaccination.”

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The Joe Rogan Experience

Want to Get to 70% Vaccine Coverage Mr. President?
Here’s How You Do It

“…Many people are still unaware that there are a number of excellent alternatives to vaccines in preventing Covid-19 infection. The CDC has known about them for over 9 months but has refused to revise their guidelines for prevention and treatment to include them. Why would the Center for Disease Control and Prevention not acknowledge them?

Is it because if they did, not a single vaccine could have been authorized for emergency use (the absence of an alternative is a requirement for Emergency Use Authorization)?”

Madhava Setty, MD

THE Pulse


“The mainstream media has been creating a flood of misleading stories, but it appears as though they have been given carte blanche to continue to do so, probably because they are sticking so tightly to the official narrative.

It’s a narrative that is thick with irony, for it is the ‘trusted sources’ who are being caught systematically misleading the general population again and again while also declaring a propaganda war against ‘fake news’.”

Johnny Vedmore

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.


5 ways they’re trying to trick you
into taking the Covid “vaccine”

Biden’s top-down booster plan
sparks anger at FDA

Discussion with Sam Dube and Lara Logan
(after 15 min) on
DoD Vax Ownership
and FDA Theatrics

“I think very few people realize that the National Security Council is in charge of COVID policy, and not the Health and Human Services.

So, that was a very strange response to what was presented as a public health event.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Due Diligence and Art

Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence
of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder
by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel
Via the COVID Injections
in New In-Depth Presentation

“…the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)-and not pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna-has ultimately been responsible for the COVID ‘vaccines’ manufacturing and distribution… It’s been enabled through changes in federal law over the past several decades.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Sense Receptor

Are COVID-19 injections actually bioweapons from the Department of Defense? Has FDA not supervised the safety of these vaccines?


  • Do the vaccines confer immunity?

  • Do they prevent transmission?

  • Are the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine currently known?

  • How long does the beneficial effect last?

  • Do they protect against new variants or mutations?

  • May there be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known?

  • Package inserts are required to disclose ingredients and adverse reactions to consumers. Are the package inserts blank?

  • Do any of the COVID “vaccines” being administered in the USA have full FDA approval?

  • Have any been fully tested?

  • The FDA gave approval to Comirnaty. Is Comirnity unavailable in the USA?

  • EUAs (emergency authorized approvals) provide more immunity to liability for pharma than full FDA approval? So, is that the reason Comirnaty is not available here in the USA?

  • Are VAERS death counts and counts of adverse reactions to COVID injections more than all other vaccines combined for the past 30 years?

  • Why is the government trying to MANDATE experimental (not fully approved) shots that were followed by large numbers of reported death and injury?

  • Are mandates illegal based on the Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Accord, and the Belmont Report?

  • Do our government decision makers frequently have financial ties to the medical industry that they regulate?

  • Do they sometimes benefit financially from mandates?

  • Did legacy news partipate in HOAX reporting of COVID cases and deaths?

  • Did legacy news get paid by the USA government to promote COVID jabs? Did they hide this fact from the public?

  • Did the creator of the PCR test say that the PCR test “doesn’t tell you that you’re sick”.

  • Were the number of deaths in 2020 about the same percentage of the population as previous years… with a slight increase because of masks, lock down, media fear-mongering, isolation, stress, economic distress, suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol?

  • Were death rates in the several years prior to 2020 already increasing due to suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol? Was the slight increase in 2020 right in line with those escalating increases?

  • Did deaths start going up after COVID vaccination started? Was this reported by the insurance industry? Was this ignored by legacy news media?

  • Do different batches of the COVID vaccines have different death and injury rates?

  • Are the makers of the COVID injections allowed to experiment with the ingredients because they are still EUA?

  • Are we test subjects of a medical experiment? Are mandates an attempt to get rid of the control group who haven’t taken the COVID shots?

  • Is injecting members of the control group a Fauci technique for getting drugs approved by getting rid of the control group… like with the AIDS drug AZT?

  • Why do some citizens feel that it is perfectly OK to force these substances into the bodies of others?

  • Do some abortion rights supporters deny the freedom of “My Body My Choice” to those that reject experimental injections?



Nobody Knows What is in the Vials

“The question from the uninjured seems to be – why don’t we see MORE deaths if what you say about mRNA products is true? Setting aside ethical limitations of this question, here is a possible answer why:

The mRNA shots do not conform to their label specifications. In practice both “blank” and “lethal” vials and anything in between is produced. Without full compliance, nobody, not even the manufacturers or regulators, know exactly what ends up being produced.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Due Diligence and Art

Is it illegal to do independent vial testing of these injections?

Intent to Harm

This is just basic due diligence.
Before injection, take a look at the ingredients… and the package insert which reveals known side effects.

  • What are the ingredients and adverse reactions listed on the package insert?
  • What is VAERS current reported damage from the shot?
  • What are scientists and researchers saying about it? Is the information source funded by pharma?
  • Has this been FDA approved? Or is it just emergency authorized?
  • Is final testing complete? Or is this an experimental shot?
  • What testing has been done so far? Long term testing complete?
  • Testing was done on who? Pregnant mothers, children, babies, old people?
  • If you are taking other drugs, was it tested in combination with those drugs?
  • Who owns the patent?
  • What is the financial liability for the medical intervention?
  • Who is going to be helping you if you are injured? The “vaccine” maker, the government, your insurance, worker’s comp, your employer? Who is going to help you through it and how long to get the payment?
For scientific input into what is going on… there are a lot of past videos on this subject at The Last American Vagabond.

Ryan has links to source material below his videos. So, it’s possible to just skip Ryan’s videos and go directly to what the scientists have to say. But, it’s easier to just watch Ryan break it down for us… and then take a look at the source material.

Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide

90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots

“Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots, which is documented and calculated directly from CDC’s VAERS, and means the batches do not contain the same ingredients.”

Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs

How Bad is My Batch

Former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon

Patrick Vallance [and others] must go to jail for life

Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence
of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder
by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel
Via the COVID Injections
in New In-Depth Presentation

“…the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)-and not pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna-has ultimately been responsible for the COVID ‘vaccines’ manufacturing and distribution… It’s been enabled through changes in federal law over the past several decades.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Sense Receptor

Are COVID-19 injections actually bioweapons from the Department of Defense? Has FDA not supervised the safety of these vaccines?


  • Do the vaccines confer immunity?

  • Do they prevent transmission?

  • Are the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine currently known?

  • How long does the beneficial effect last?

  • Do they protect against new variants or mutations?

  • May there be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known?

  • Package inserts are required to disclose ingredients and adverse reactions to consumers. Are the package inserts blank?

  • Do any of the COVID “vaccines” being administered in the USA have full FDA approval?

  • Have any been fully tested?

  • The FDA gave approval to Comirnaty. Is Comirnity unavailable in the USA?

  • EUAs (emergency authorized approvals) provide more immunity to liability for pharma than full FDA approval? So, is that the reason Comirnaty is not available here in the USA?

  • Are VAERS death counts and counts of adverse reactions to COVID injections more than all other vaccines combined for the past 30 years?

  • Why is the government trying to MANDATE experimental (not fully approved) shots that were followed by large numbers of reported death and injury?

  • Are mandates illegal based on the Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Accord, and the Belmont Report?

  • Do our government decision makers frequently have financial ties to the medical industry that they regulate?

  • Do they sometimes benefit financially from mandates?

  • Did legacy news partipate in HOAX reporting of COVID cases and deaths?

  • Did legacy news get paid by the USA government to promote COVID jabs? Did they hide this fact from the public?

  • Did the creator of the PCR test say that the PCR test “doesn’t tell you that you’re sick”.

  • Were the number of deaths in 2020 about the same percentage of the population as previous years… with a slight increase because of masks, lock down, media fear-mongering, isolation, stress, economic distress, suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol?

  • Were death rates in the several years prior to 2020 already increasing due to suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol? Was the slight increase in 2020 right in line with those escalating increases?

  • Did deaths start going up after COVID vaccination started? Was this reported by the insurance industry? Was this ignored by legacy news media?

  • Do different batches of the COVID vaccines have different death and injury rates?

  • Are the makers of the COVID injections allowed to experiment with the ingredients because they are still EUA?

  • Are we test subjects of a medical experiment? Are mandates an attempt to get rid of the control group who haven’t taken the COVID shots?

  • Is injecting members of the control group a Fauci technique for getting drugs approved by getting rid of the control group… like with the AIDS drug AZT?

  • Why do some citizens feel that it is perfectly OK to force these substances into the bodies of others?

  • Do some abortion rights supporters deny the freedom of “My Body My Choice” to those that reject experimental injections?

Judge Orders Pfizer To Turn Over Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients Within 24 Hours

“Pfizer must turn over all the information they have on the COVID-19 vaccine’s biochemical composition within 24 hours according to a ruling by a Uruguayan judge, including any evidence of ‘graphene oxide’ or ‘nanotechnological elements.‘ “

Baxter Dmitry, NEWS PUNCH

Source article in Spanish at France 24

Uruguay Judge’s 18 Questions to Pfizer to Prove Safety of CV-19 injection for Children

Vaccination in children under 13 years of age is suspended in Uruguay

Source in Spanish El Observador


Video presentation of Pfizer’s own 6 month report.
More Harm Than Good       video       pdf
Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

This nonprofit, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.

FDA Doubles Down
Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The fed gov’t gives Pfizer billions in taxpayer money + makes Americans take its product + won’t let Americans sue for harm + shields disclosure of its licensure documents = 1984

Injecting Freedom

Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?

The FDA should demand adequate, controlled studies with long term follow up, and make data publicly available, before granting full approval to covid-19 vaccines, says Peter Doshi

Peter Doshi, senior editor, The BMJ
the bmj Opinion

bmj: British Medical Journal

The Arc of a Fraud
Ex BlackRock Manager Edward Dowd says Wall Street now paying attention to ‘Trust the Science’ Fraud

Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks again with Edward Dowd, former Blackrock Portfolio Manager about the rising potential of
Pfizer and FDA data fraud.

“Now we have evidence of clinical trial data fraud from the get go. And, now they knew the product didn’t work and was hurting people and yet they continued. So, this is the arc of the fraud. The excuse that they didn’t know. That’s gone. They knew early on.”

Edward Dowd

Daily Clout

Related discussion at Clown World — Honk

Is Big Pharma desperately trying to get EVERYONE ‘vaccinated’ to REMOVE the ‘control’ group? If there is no CONTROL GROUP of unvaccinated, it will be impossible to track the overall mortality of ‘vaccinated’ versus ‘unvaccinated’.

Big Pharma won’t distribute these ‘vaccines’ unless the government COMPLETELY excuses them from ANY responsibility. So, how confident could Big Pharma be of the safety of these injections?

I’m part of the control group.


“While officials and carefully chosen ‘trusted sources’ are telling you that ‘no corners have been cut’ in the race to approve these vaccines, it is also true that no full length studies have been completed either. These two facts are juxtaposed and obviously contradict the official narrative that is being thrust upon the general public by all of those involved.”

Johnny Vedmore

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.



Antibody-dependent Enhancement

Who is Bill Gates?

Part 2
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World

@34:05 (ADE) Antibody-dependent Enhancement

@38:15 MRNA

The Corbett Report

The above free online video is also available as a DVD.


Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks
3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by definition, experimental.

the Defender

Apparently, some parents are really eager to get their kids injected with experimental products. Curious.

How informed are these parents? Do they do any research?

Stop Big Pharma’s DNA “Vaccine” Experiment
Dr. Ariyana Love

What You Need to Know About Comirnaty
Joseph Mercola

Was Comirnity the only COVID “vaccine” FULLY approved? Is that injection actually NOT available in the USA?

EUAs (emergency authorized approvals) provide more immunity to liability for pharma than full FDA approval? So, is that the reason Comirnaty is not available here in the USA?

Related video interview of Alix Mayer by Steve Kirsch
Alix explains why they are targeting kids. She says they are trying to gain financial immunity status for their COVID shot.

Does Pharma have exemption from liability as soon as the COVID shots show up on the childhood schedule?

Is everything the government tells us true?

Follow the money!
Who benefits?

Want to Get to 70% Vaccine Coverage Mr. President?
Here’s How You Do It

“…Many people are still unaware that there are a number of excellent alternatives to vaccines in preventing Covid-19 infection. The CDC has known about them for over 9 months but has refused to revise their guidelines for prevention and treatment to include them. Why would the Center for Disease Control and Prevention not acknowledge them?

Is it because if they did, not a single vaccine could have been authorized for emergency use (the absence of an alternative is a requirement for Emergency Use Authorization)?”

Madhava Setty, MD

THE Pulse


“Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar is a real knight, despite or because of having played a pivotal role in the overdosing of over 2,500 patients with hydroxychloroquine in the UK/Oxford and WHO clinical trials that he oversaw and funded.”

Meryl Nass

The Wuhan Cover-Up
Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

Brownstone Institute

Portrait of a Corrupt Pandemic
Panel Lambasts U.S. Failures of Covid Care

Sen. Ron Johnson’s “Roundtable on Covid-19:
A Second Opinion” reports massive corruption to suppress doctors and early treatments and sell leaky vaccines, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.

“United States health agency structures and policies created over the last 50 years have tightly intertwined the pharmaceutical industry with public health institutions… relentless and repeated policies by those agencies… led to the repeated placing of pharmaceutical industry interests ahead of the welfare of U.S citizens.”

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
Founder and President

Trauma and Life Support Center in Madison, Wisconsin
former Director and Chief of Critical Care Service

RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo


Pfizer CEO’s Covid Bombshell
Two Shots “Offers Very Limited Protection, If Any”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla dropped a bombshell in a CNBC interview yesterday, admitting that his company’s Covid “vaccine” offers limited if any protection!

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Tracking of effectiveness of a vaccine

US Navy Warship Pauses Deployment After
COVID-19 Outbreak Among ‘100 Percent Immunized’ Crew

CDC says roughly 4,100 people have been hospitalized or died
with Covid breakthrough infections after vaccination

CDC Scaled Back Hunt for Breakthrough Cases
Just as the Delta Variant Grew
Bloomberg identified more than 100,000 vaccine breakthroughs

“The more data you have, the better decisions you can make. So why would they knowingly turn away data which historically has been really important to have? For an administration that said they’ll be driven by the science, it makes no scientific sense.”

Michael Kinch, Director
Center for Research Innovation in Business
Washington University in St. Louis

We’re Not in a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
Peter Doshi Explains During COVID Panel

Peter Doshi, a senior editor at The BMJ, and Retsef Levi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told a panel of experts the COVID vaccines’ trial data doesn’t support the narrative that the vaccines are safe and effective.

the Defender

More details of the meeting

“Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better.”

Wafaa El-Sadr
Chair of Global Health
Columbia University

AP News

On COVID vaccines:
why they cannot work, and
irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
Doctors for COVID Ethics

“Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs. That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections, is self-evident.

Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.”

Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD

The Lancet Admits It’s A
Pandemic Of The Vaccinated
& All Evidence Shows Omicron Not More Dangerous

“…the introduction of specific medical measures
and/or the expansion of medical services
are generally not responsible for most
of the modern decline in mortality.”

Department of Sociology, Boston University, and Massachusetts General Hospital; Department of Mathematics, Boston University, and Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University

The Questionable Contribution of
Medical Measures to the
Decline of Mortality in the
United States in the Twentieth Century


Shedding is a by-product of vaccine usage.
Live Flu Vaccine Associated With Increased Viral Shedding in Exhaled Breath
What is vaccine shedding?

The Highwire with Del Bigtree

Side Effects

WHO global database of reported potential side effects of medicinal products

To see WHO counts of COVID vaccine injuries by injury type…

Click: “Search database” button
Search: COVID-19 vaccine

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 3/11/2022
VAERS Analysis
Weekly analysis of the VAERS data

VAERS Admits Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events are Reported

“So we’re looking at about 39,000 total adverse events per year [on average for all vaccines], as opposed to 675,942 [adverse events post COVID jab] in the domestic dataset alone And this does not include the underreporting factor …”

Jessica Rose, Ph.D.
Research fellow
Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel

Joseph Mercola,

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines
Reported to CDC, as
FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.

the Defender

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported
Injuries Surpass 11,000
in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines

the Defender

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.

“It isn’t only the participants of the trials who are risking their health for the sake of big pharmaceutical companies’ hyperinflated profit margin, but it is also the medical professionals who could be risking their futures…

Johnny Vedmore


Indiana life insurance CEO says
deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
The Center Square

The 40% increase is compared to pre-pandemic levels… and is reportedly deaths from other causes besides COVID… with COVID deaths way down from last year.

How many of these deaths happened after receiving COVID “vaccines”?

The Arc of a Fraud
Ex BlackRock Manager Edward Dowd says Wall Street now paying attention to ‘Trust the Science’ Fraud

Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks again with Edward Dowd, former Blackrock Portfolio Manager about the rising potential of
Pfizer and FDA data fraud.

“Now we have evidence of clinical trial data fraud from the get go. And, now they knew the product didn’t work and was hurting people and yet they continued. So, this is the arc of the fraud. The excuse that they didn’t know. That’s gone. They knew early on.”

Edward Dowd

Daily Clout

Related discussion at Clown World — Honk

COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs

the Defender

More Evidence that the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact

“Are all public health officials bought off by bribes from Big Pharma, or is the suspicion that a reduction in world population is underway a fact instead of a conspiracy theory?”

Paul Craig Roberts

Is everything the government tells us true?

Follow the money!
Who benefits?

New study from Germany confirms
higher vax coverage –> higher excess mortality

The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes.

This new study from Germany shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed.
Not a surprise to me.

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

How (and why)
Israel changed what “fully vaccinated” means

Are they counting a death as unvaxxed even if a person had two injections and possibly died from the vax?

Does this fraudulently inflate the death counts of unvaxxed?

Is there other dishonesty also going on all over the world?

Are adverse reactions not counted within 2 weeks of being jabbed? Is that the time when adverse reactions are most likely to happen?

No jab, lower hospitalisations
finds international survey
Alliance for Natural Health International

Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide

90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots

“Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots, which is documented and calculated directly from CDC’s VAERS, and means the batches do not contain the same ingredients.”

Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs

“You should expect pharmaceutical mass manufacturers to be at least good at one thing…
the consistent high quality purity manufacture
batch to batch to batch.
They’re very good at this
because that’s what their business is.
They manufacture tablets, capsules, sprays, injections in the billions of doses.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon
The Fog is Lifting
@40:05 in Dr. Mike Yeadon video — halfway down page

Video presentation of Pfizer’s own 6 month report.
More Harm Than Good       video       pdf
Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon
Patrick Vallance [and others] must go to jail for life

What was the primary motivation behind the plandemic?

Was it the intent of globalist tyrants to force everyone to get a Vaxx ID Passport? Is that passport really digital ID and a social credit system?

Will programmable money be linked up to each digital ID? Would digital cash enable globalists to completely control us? Are financial predators trying to force this system on us? Does this system include global surveillance and personal data harvesting?

Would digital ID passports allow them to install a tyrannical digital grid? Are globalist criminals looking for any excuse to force this on us?

Truth is Treason…

“Well, add video games, along with marijuana, the sun, etc. to the growing list of ‘newly discovered causes’ of heart attacks. What this ever growing list actually is is a bunch of scapegoats for the real reason behind the sudden increase in heart attacks: the CoronaVirus vaccines.

Of course, this is not being talked about seriously in the mainstream media, other than when they are making up excuses and or playing cover for the vaccines. But studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between people who have received these vaccines and people who suddenly experience heart problems.”

Stratton J. Davis

The Societal Scope

How to tell if someone famous died from the vaccine
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Opening Statements at
Grand Jury Trial
Covid Vaccine Crime Against Humanity

Todd Callender at
Reiner Fuellmich’s Court of Public Opinion
Corona Investigative Committee
Session 97: Open Secrets

Todd details what happened to his clients that came to the hospital for reasons other than COVID… and ended up dying in the COVID ward.

What is happening inside people who took the COVID “vaccines”? Are they getting vax induced AIDS? Is a genocide in progress?

How much increase in deaths/injuries is the insurance industry encountering? What is the increase in all cause morbidity and mortality — heart, cancer, inflamation, blood clotting — in people that are physically fit… military people… due to destruction of their immune system?

Is this a military operation? What is the relation of COVID shots to the military and super fighter zombies?

Are Agenda 21 action items partly completed?

Who owns you after you get these shots?

How does 5G fit into the picture with the “vaccines”?

Luc Montagnier, French virologist, Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of HIV, was expected to be one of the witnesses for the upcoming trial at the International Criminal Court… see the above opening statement of Dr. Fuellmich to the Grand Jury. However, Luc Montagnier, reportedly died this week.

Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals

A survey of 300,000 people who didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine revealed the unvaccinated didn’t place a disproportionate burden on health systems – in fact, they experienced very low rates of hospitalization and severe COVID-19.

Alliance for Natural Health International

the Defender

“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us”
In a Highwire exclusive, Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America.

March 2022
Music Video

Americans who were previously healthy and
have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines.

On COVID vaccines:
why they cannot work, and
irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
Doctors for COVID Ethics

“Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs. That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections, is self-evident.

Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.”

Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD

Neil Young’s “The Needle and the Damage Done”
performed by Five Times August



Is Monkeypox actually a side effect of the COVID injections… shingles?

U.S. Gov. Data proves
Covid-19 Vaccines increase risk of suffering Shingles by at least 4925%

“The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June…

But data made available by the U.S. Government strongly suggests the alleged “monkeypox” outbreak may not be what it appears to be. The disease is nigh on impossible to distinguish from chickenpox/shingles…”

The Expose’

Pandemic 2
Monkeypox Madness

Reader comments include discussion about what was in the mRNA jab… and mRNA jab side effects… including shingles. Is this really an mRNA jab side effect labelled as monkeypox?

Is this a scare to ban “dirty” cash? They’re tricky. But, many of us have wised up to their fear porn over the past couple of years… or we are just really, really tired of it.


Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide

90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots

“Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots, which is documented and calculated directly from CDC’s VAERS, and means the batches do not contain the same ingredients.”

Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs

“You should expect pharmaceutical mass manufacturers to be at least good at one thing…
the consistent high quality purity manufacture
batch to batch to batch.
They’re very good at this
because that’s what their business is.
They manufacture tablets, capsules, sprays, injections in the billions of doses.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon
The Fog is Lifting
@40:05 in Dr. Mike Yeadon video — halfway down page

Video presentation of Pfizer’s own 6 month report.
More Harm Than Good       video       pdf
Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon
Patrick Vallance [and others] must go to jail for life

No Liability

Andrew Napolitano:
Liability Shield
for Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Companies is
‘Morally Wrong’ and ‘Corporatism’

Ron Paul Institute


“Without the PREP Act removing liability from the Covid vaccine manufacturers, the injectors, and the government planners who both designed the program, and gave away billions of taxpayer dollars in bonuses for each shot administered, such untested, unlicensed, and deadly shots would never have been administered.”

Meryl Nass

The Wuhan Cover-Up
Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

Brownstone Institute

18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
No liability. No trust.
TRUE Whole Human

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity
Are you willing to take the risk?

California pauses plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations for schoolchildren

“This is a major victory for students and parents across California who made their voices heard.”

Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin)

Los Angeles Times

The above LA Times article says the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is fully approved for ages 16 and older.

Approved but not available?

Did this narrative mislead us into thinking that Covid shots given here in the USA were fully FDA approved?

This article explains why the fully approved Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID injection wasn’t made available here in the USA. Does pharma have financial liability for harms from fully approved injections?

This video interview explains why pharma is targeting kids. Does Pharma have exemption from liability as soon as the COVID shots show up on the childhood schedule?


“It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men’s lives should not pay with their own.”

HG Wells
TIS Quotes

Dr. Scott Atlas
The Biden Administration continues to
appoint people who were wrong on COVID-19

Were some government officials the chief purveyors of disinformation and misinformation during the pandemic? But, California’s medical gag law doesn’t target these disinformation spreaders, does it? Does it actually target independent doctors who tell the truth… and say things that don’t conform to media narratives?


When there are no consequences for government lying or incompetence… will it just happen over and over and over again?

mistakes were made
assessing what “leaders” claim to have “learned”
and what they should have known all along

NOT Safe And NOT Effective

This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.

James Roguski

Forget About Covid, They Say

“One way is to do what the memo from the consultants of the Democratic National Committee suggested:
declare the war won and move on.
For political reasons.


What? It’s POLITICS?

The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time

“No one should be satisfied with a politically motivated change in the messaging. We need fundamental regime change to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again.


Mistakes Were NOT Made
An Anthem for Justice

This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed.

Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability
so none dare repeat such acts in the future.

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

Remember All Those Government COVID Policies?
Turns Out They Were Useless

Is this article a perfect example of media whitewashing that attempts to rebrand COVID tyranny as “mistakes”? Are we getting wise to media and political tricks yet?

The Jabbers’ Apartheid Will Come Back to Bite Them
The Best of Becky Akers

Should Those Who Supported
Lockdowns, Masks and Vaxxes
Dispatches from a Scamdemic

Best COVID Amnesty Memes (Waiting…)

Let’s not forgive or forget
(as nobody has been punished),
time for those responsible
to be arrested suddenly,
the coverup near & far,
and more COVID amnesty memes
as we wait for Disease X!


Best COVID Amnesty Memes (Trojan Horse!)

Meet the Amnesty 3,000 model,
the “I was following orders” excuse,
COVID amnesty logic summed up,
let the finger pointing begin,
always someone else’s fault
and more COVID amnesty memes!


Two Weeks To Flatten The World

The magic act of Covid vanishing from media view and public perception is not due to any medical miracle or the natural trajectory of a virus losing its potency. It was performed by those who manufactured this reality and committed countless crimes, coordinated in an attempt to slip out the back door, avoid further public inquiry and escape any legal consequences…

We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists, or the medical cartel. Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.

This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two years are publicly held accountable.”


“We Didn’t Love Freedom Enough.”

“To learn the lessons of the cost of cooperating with this crime against humanity and all the real violations of U.S. Constitutional and civil rights, the failure must be acknowledged and addressed. Isn’t that what we always hear? To fix a problem, it must be faced, right?”

SheThinksLiberty’s Newsletter

Pfizer/FDA Corruption
Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide

90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots

“Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the batch lots, which is documented and calculated directly from CDC’s VAERS, and means the batches do not contain the same ingredients.”

Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs

“You should expect pharmaceutical mass manufacturers to be at least good at one thing…
the consistent high quality purity manufacture
batch to batch to batch.
They’re very good at this
because that’s what their business is.
They manufacture tablets, capsules, sprays, injections in the billions of doses.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon
The Fog is Lifting
@40:05 in Dr. Mike Yeadon video — halfway down page

Video presentation of Pfizer’s own 6 month report.
More Harm Than Good       video       pdf
Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Former Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon
Patrick Vallance [and others] must go to jail for life


We are being censored and massively deceived.
Details in this video.
Biden Advisor Urges “Genomic Surveillance“.
The Last American Vagabond

Vaxx ID Passports

What was the primary motivation behind the plandemic?

Was it the intent of globalist tyrants to force everyone to get a Vaxx ID Passport? Is that passport really digital ID and a social credit system?

Will programmable money be linked up to each digital ID? Would digital cash enable globalists to completely control us? Are financial predators trying to force this system on us? Does this system include global surveillance and personal data harvesting?

Would digital ID passports allow them to install a tyrannical digital grid? Are globalist criminals looking for any excuse to force this on us?

Pfizer/FDA Corruption

22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022
and Why We Must!

“Perhaps Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist of Pfizer says it best in this 21-minute video, whereby he explains the Covid-19 virus, alleged variants that aren’t true variants, and impact the vaccines ID passports will have on all of us.”

Corey Lynn

the Solari Report

Vaccine Passports? Texas Says No

Lone Star State becomes the seventh to legally prohibit requiring proof of vaccination.


War On Us

From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

More Coronavirus videos at
The Best of the Corbett Report

FEMA camps

Do Chinese ghost cities have a medical purpose?

“You don’t move a few hundred thousand people to a new designated area by calling them political dissidents. Which they are. But that’s more than just a little tricky.”

Jon Rappoport

Marburg will be activated in the Vaxxed via 5G
Quarantine camps & shots for the Unvaxxed

Todd Callender joins the The Prather Point to discuss the next PLANdemic (the Marburg pathogen), which will be the excuse used to force the unvaxxed into quarantine camps (FEMA) where kill-shots will be administered.

He also says that those who received the Covid shots already have the dormant Marburg virus encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, which can be activated via 5G frequencies. Those who have Marburg will then become zombie-like, because it affects frontal cortex brain function.


Todd Callender is Lead Plaintiff’s Counsel in the ongoing federal litigation relating to the compulsory Covid vaccination of members in the US Armed Services

Related at Shift Frequency
Martial Law in the Homeland Security Society
Seventy-two percent of Americans, in a Gallop poll say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor… a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question.”

This 2014 article includes a map of 800 FEMA prison camps in the USA.


Medical Countermeasures Consortium and #COVID

“Was this a military-pharmaceutical operation or a civilian health operation? …It was never about health. It was about control of people and world transfer using deceit.”

Senator Malcolm Roberts
Queensland, Australia

The Last American Vagabond 8/10/2023

Was the pandemic response a military operation? Senator Roberts is pretty interesting @1:01:30.

Why isn’t mainstream media discussing this? Are we reliant on independent news these days for this kind of news? @34:42 Ryan discusses the imminent blacking out of independent news on Canadian social media via link taxes.

Especially interesting is Ryan Cristián’s discussion of bioweapons research @1:16:28. He questions the possibility “of a natural or an enemy happening with the thing you managed to create in your lab. i think that’s one in a billion, if not one in a trillion… That’s ridiculous.”

The talking is kind of fast in this video. It helps to set the playback speed to .75 via the setup icon in Rumble or YouTube.

RFK Jr.:
CIA-led ‘Military Response’ to Pandemic
Was Meant to Drive Democracy From the World
and Usher in Global Totalitarianism


It was never about health.
It’s about CONTROL.

Discussion with Sam Dube and Lara Logan
(after 15 min) on
DoD Vax Ownership
and FDA Theatrics

“I think very few people realize that the National Security Council is in charge of COVID policy, and not the Health and Human Services.

So, that was a very strange response to what was presented as a public health event.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Due Diligence and Art

Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence
of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder
by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel
Via the COVID Injections
in New In-Depth Presentation

“…the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)-and not pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna-has ultimately been responsible for the COVID ‘vaccines’ manufacturing and distribution…

It’s been enabled through changes in federal law over the past several decades.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

Sense Receptor

Are COVID-19 injections actually bioweapons from the Department of Defense? Has FDA not supervised the safety of these vaccines?

Evidence of the Conspiracy to commit MASS MURDER
by the US DOD, HHS, PHARMA cartel

This presentation covers the pseudo-legal structure, organizational structure and money flow of this criminal enterprise.

“The Department of Defense is largely in charge of it. They are making these products. They are designing these products. They are running the clinical trials. They are paying everyone for it…

They own it until it gets into the person… This explains why this hasn’t been stopped, hasn’t been recalled, hasn’t been investigated. FDA is doing nothing about it, just pretending to regulate it and lying to the public about it.”

Sasha Latypova
25+ years in the pharmaceutical industry
working with over 60 pharma companies all over the world, including Pfizer

@1:00:31 @1:03:35 @1:16:01

Team Enigma

Related at Due Diligence and Art

Does government get easy money to do what they want without any regulation by oversight agencies?

Is our pharmaceutical industry controlled by the government?
BARDA: Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority

In the future, will we have no private pharma industry due to this unfair government competition with private enterprise? At this point, is pretty much everything controlled by the DOD?

Is it illegal to do independent vial testing of these injections? Remind me again how that helps “We, The People”.


Forget About Covid, They Say

“One way is to do what the memo from the consultants of the Democratic National Committee suggested: declare the war won and move on. For political reasons.
Jeffrey A. Tucker


What? It’s POLITICS?

The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time

“No one should be satisfied with a politically motivated change in the messaging. We need fundamental regime change to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again.



Plandemic II


Mistakes Were NOT Made
An Anthem for Justice

This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed.

Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability
so none dare repeat such acts in the future.

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

Remember All Those Government COVID Policies?
Turns Out They Were Useless

Is this article a perfect example of media whitewashing that attempts to rebrand COVID tyranny as “mistakes”? Are we getting wise to media and political tricks yet?

Dr. Scott Atlas
The Biden Administration continues to
appoint people who were wrong on COVID-19

Were some government officials the chief purveyors of disinformation and misinformation during the pandemic? But, California’s medical gag law doesn’t target these disinformation spreaders, does it? Does it actually target independent doctors who tell the truth… and say things that don’t conform to media narratives?


When there are no consequences for government lying or incompetence… will it just happen over and over and over again?

mistakes were made
assessing what “leaders” claim to have “learned”
and what they should have known all along


“The mainstream media has been creating a flood of misleading stories, but it appears as though they have been given carte blanche to continue to do so, probably because they are sticking so tightly to the official narrative.

It’s a narrative that is thick with irony, for it is the ‘trusted sources’ who are being caught systematically misleading the general population again and again while also declaring a propaganda war against ‘fake news’.”

Johnny Vedmore

10 Facts From the
UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance
that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2.


Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic
Babylon Bee

Did the end of the scamdemic dovetail perfectly with the start of the Ukraine war? Does that make lamestream media fear porn look pretty intentional?

The Great Reset

August 2021
A Sea of Lies
the HighWire

Extremely informative video about the experimental injections and how we can stay free from The Great Reset.

2030 UnMasked
Documentary connecting Covid19, Masks, “Vaccines”, The Banking System And The Great Reset.

More Evidence that the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact

“Are all public health officials bought off by bribes from Big Pharma, or is the suspicion that a reduction in world population is underway a fact instead of a conspiracy theory?”

Paul Craig Roberts

“They are lying to you. Why?”
Dr. Mike Yeadon
former vice president of Pfizer
16 years as an allergy and respiratory researcher
The Delingpod (podcast by James Delingpole)

Are the super rich freely flying about taking holidays all over the world… and NOT getting the “vaccine” ?

Music Video

Joseph Goebbels:
On the “Big Lie”
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

They Own the Media
Van Morrison
Official Music Video


Dr. Gary Sidley with Reiner Fuellmich
Corona Ausschuss

The psychology used on us to get us to go along with masks, lock down, and vaccines.

“Do not co-opt your common sense
to the experts.”

Dr. Brooke Miller
Truth in an insane world with Dr. Brooke Miller

Remarkable Parallels Between the AIDS and COVID Scares
State of the Nation

Dying ‘of’ Ignorance or Dying ‘with’ Ignorance?
James Delingpole

Related podcast conversation with Jon Rappoport. Topics include eugenics, brainwashing, predator class, Russia, the drug AZT, and does HIV cause AIDS.

July 2021
There is no variant… not novel… no pandemic.
Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

“The tragedy is …

We are now sitting in a world where we have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, what the medical profession, and what the FDA in its own clinical standards… would not suggest is a vaccine.

But, by using the term, we actually are now subjecting hundreds of millions of people to what was known to be by 2005, a biological weapon.

Dr. David Martin

The patents that Dr. Martin presents are extremely compelling evidence.
